

a girl from a completely different universe with special and unique abilities is sent to earth with her best friend for reasons she does not know. Little does she know, that a great evil from within the shadows arises to capture her and take the powers she has yet to understand or even master. Now she is stuck on planet earth with no understanding of her powers or who she thrives to be.

DJKCMurph · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Crash Landing

I punch the monsters with full force as they go flying into the air as Ashley shoots them with her arrows. I kick one monster that attempted to sneak up behind me. I grab one of them by their neck only to throw them high in the air. I jump high in the air practically walking on top of them. I push off one of their heads as it flies flat on the dirt road. I flip in the air as I am ready to punch the ground below them. When my fist came in contact with the ground below, the ground cracked with such a powerful force that some parts of the ground would launch up into the air instead of cracking the ground below. A harsh gust of dusty rocky wind blows the monsters away and off to the sides. I stood up as Ashley had her hands full with a herd of monsters coming towards her. She pulls the string back on her bow as a arrow with sparks of lightning appeared within the string and bow. She aims it towards the ground letting go of her arrow. A bright light of electricity starts to electrocute the monsters around her as she ducks from the shocking sparks of lightning surround her for a couple of seconds before disappearing leaving a herd of cooked monsters all around her. They let off a lot of steam from the strike as she runs towards me with another bright looking arrow ready as she pulls back the string. I was confused at first before slowly turning my head to see that a crowd of monsters were just about to jump me. I ducked as Ashley shouts as she launches her arrow.

"Multi Strike!" The arrows launch towards the monsters as it splits into multiple different arrows. All those monsters were taken out by one multi arrow like spell from Ashely's excessively powerful bow. Ashley and I start to sprint up the mountain as the monsters follow us as we run. I run over to a tree as I jump into the air kicking the tree trunk with such force that it came crashing down towards the monsters behind us. leaves fly in my face as I had kicked the tree. The birds in that tree flew away before I had gave that tree a good smack down. I'm starting to think that maybe the birds were smarter than what I gave them credit for. Ashley and I continue to run as we come closer to an opening. When we came close to the opening, around a hundred or so monsters were sitting there just waiting for us to come to that spot. Ashely and I stand there back to back as these monsters quickly surrounded us. Just as these monsters were about to make there move, Ashley had a bright looking arrow all set and ready as she launches it towards the sky.

"Light Arrow!" She shouts as an intense light blinds the creatures and myself a bit. Ashley turns toward me with one arm covering her eyes.

"Now's your chance! Go!" I nodded running towards the light as it stings my eyes. I jump into the air, making the ground beneath me crack as I sored into the air. I twisted in the air so that I was facing the hundreds of monsters below. My hands start to steam up as the bright purple flames appear in my hands. I feel the rising of power within me once again reveal itself as the flames turn into a darker light of flame appear in my hands. I scream as I launch a full wave of intense power and flame at the monsters below.

"Elemental Wave!!" The attack blows me away as I start to fall farther away from where the impact was. a huge light of the explosions around that area fill that whole spot as I can feel the rumble of the attack in the air. the wind blows hard at me as I use my arms to shield myself from the intense wind pressure. I land hard on my feet as the ground below me cracks as gravity ways down on it for about a minute. When the pressure fades, I stand up a bit wobbly. I run over to the spot where all the destruction and smoke was coming from. When I come across the area, I see that Ashely had hid just as the explosion occurred behind one of the trees that had nearly came down from my blast. My hand begins to shake as I still feel the power within trying to escape from the palm of my hand. I hold onto that hand with my other as I begin to calm down. The power inside dies down as my hand stops shaking. I look around to see not bodies of the monsters but only black smudges smeared in the dirt. Steam and smoke came off from it as I looked around. I may have overdid it again. I thought to myself as I look down at my hand. I need to be more careful. Ashley walks over to me slightly shocked at how destructive that attack was. I look at her as she smiles at me. I smile back pushing away my feelings of fear. We high five each other as we laugh at the event that just took place.

"Looks like someone has been getting a whole lot stronger from yesterday huh." Ashley says jokingly.

"Says the one who was clearly slacking off." I teased her. She gives me an irritated look. She ignores my comment by rolling her eyes at me.

"That was a lot of fun though. I never knew how powerful this bow was until today." I didn't believe what I was hearing. She had no clue of how powerful that bow is?! Now I'm really curious to know where she got her hands on a bow like that. I quickly push my thoughts about Ashely's new bow as I look into the bright blue sky. I looked back at Ashley with a giant grin on my face.

"Crystal? What's with the goofy grin on your face?" she asks confused. I start to giggle a bit. I point over to a large cave over the hill nearby. Ashley looks at me as if I was insane.

"Hehehe. The fun is far from over yet." I grab ahold of Ashley's hand as I sprint over to the cave just up a small hill that was near the destruction that I had caused. I dragged Ashley into a bush as the dark cave in front of us practically dared me to go find a pterodactyl to ride. Ashley looked at me with a nervous expression on her face. She knew what I was planning. She could practically see it in my eyes. I looked at her with stary eyes. She facepalmed at my sudden expression.

"This isn't going to go well is it." She grumbles as I turn my attention back towards the pterodactyl cave.

"Lighten up Ash. This is going to be fun." I say to her before rushing into the dark cave. The cave is dark but I could see a little bit of the sleeping pterodactyl surrounding and filling the ground beneath me. I quietly tip toed around to find which one would be the most fun to ride. As I approached the end of the cave, I spotted what I thought was a certain familiar pterodactyl. I smiled an evil grin as I have chosen my ride. I hop on its back as I shout,

Hey! Herald! get up and have fun with me why don't ya!" That instantly woke him up startling the others as well. The other pterodactyls zoomed out of the cave from becoming startled by me shouting. The one I was one moved around violently, trying its best to shake me off so he could escape. He became frustrated as I laughed away as I stay on its back. Once he started to take off, I noticed that he had instantly caught Ashley with his talons. Suddenly, we were flying high into the air. I could see the remarkable view of Isla from up here. I just loved the wind blowing in my face. It would be amazing if I could stay up here for as long as I wanted to. I adored being up in the sky like this. Which is why I pick on pterodactyls so much. They are extremely lucky to be able to fly in the sky like this. My once lovely sight of Isla and my deep thoughts were interrupted by Ashley's scream.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Ashely screams as she holds on for dear life by the pterodactyls talons. Shit! I completely forgot about Ashley. I needed to get her on the pterodactyl ASAP! It only took me about a moment to think before I thought of an idea.

"Hey Wingy! Ya that's right! Can you get my friend up here Please?!" I yelled as the pterodactyl flings Ashley high in the air. As she falls, I catch her right in time before wingy would try to pull a nasty trick on me.

"Thank you!" I say as it growls at me with anger and frustration. Ashley was shaking as I turned my attention towards her. Maybe I went too far. She had the look of shock in her eyes as small tear drops appeared in her eyes.

"Are you ok?" I ask as if I did nothing wrong. She then looks at me with the look of irritation in her eyes. Before she could say anything else, I pointed out towards the beauty that was the view of Isla. She instantly turned her anger into amazement as she looks at the world below as if she had never seen it before. She smiles softly before punching me in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"That was for almost getting me killed." I was about to say something but stopped.

"Touché. I deserved that." She giggled a bit at my response. Both Ashley and I sat on that pterodactyl as it flew through the skies of Isla. Mesmerized by its beautiful view. It wasn't until moments later where I caught a glimpse of the castle up ahead that I realized where wingy was doing.

"So Crystal. How do you stop this thing?" I was struck dumb by her sudden question when I realized what was going on.

"I have no idea." Ashely looked at me with a blank stare as we come closer to the castle. Oh Shit! This guy knows what he's doing. I thought to myself as the castle comes closer and closer into view.

"WHAT??!!" Ashley screams in my ear as she starts to panic.

"What do we do?! How are we going to get down?!" She asks me as we begin to fly faster as the castle looks to be coming closer at high speed.

"Uuhh. Brace for impact??" As I say those words Ashley hugs me as we are darting towards the wall of what looked to be the throne room. Ashley and I close our eyes as we feel the impact of the wall hitting us at full force. I Feel like I hit my head excessively hard on the ground as the area filled with debris from the crash. My hands shake as I slowly lift myself up off the once glass like floor of the throne room. As I look up, I find that father was having a very important meeting with some other king as I see them flee from the throne room. I look around as Ashley stands up from the rubble with her hand on her head. My mom looked at me with a worried and nervous look on her face as I direct my attention towards my father. The Pterodactyl roared before it left the huge hole in the throne room. That son of a bitch! He knew what he was doing. Clever dino. I turn my attention over to my father who looked as if he was about to explode. Oh no. I thought in my head as Ashely speed walked to my side with a nervous look on her face.

"CRYSTAL!!!!" He shouts as it echoed in what was still standing in the throne room. My mom face palmed as she sighs.

"We're dead aren't we."

"Yep. We're so dead."