
It started with a rumour

It started with a rumour. I don't remember who found out first but like a plague it spread in the confined town. One after another, eyes followed Kestrel and her every move. We were her friends but we couldn't protect her by the time we realised what had been happening it was too late.

It started with the fear in her eyes and the hollowed cheeks, she never spoke much but one day she called us to the woods. We were under our secret oak tree, there wasn't much grass just a few stones we had gathered for seats. We weren't young but we still treated that spot like our secret hide out, separated from the world. Kestrel looked worn out but she still tried to smile and I think that made us most nervous.

"My parents died." It wasn't a secret, but it seemed like she had told us one. She didn't elaborate on the rumours and only continued to whisper, "I am cursed, I never thought that by creating a circle with the five of you I've marked us all."

'Kess you're not making any sense.' Anne, the closest to Kess looked as though she were barely holding together. It was so odd because there was no way that Kestrel was speaking the truth. She was telling us what she felt but I felt like it made sense in the oddest way. As though if it were really true it would explain Emma...

I apologise for changing the story however I felt like my chapters were very vague. You may guess how Kestrels parents died but it won't be revealed for now ^^ you can also guess what happened to Emma DX

Knight001creators' thoughts