
Crush to Lover to Virgin Breaker (C.T.L.T.VB)

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT ! A young girl entering the world of high school where she meets new people and friends. Learn different things in life and encounter dangers of the world of high school. This place is filled with all the desires that one would love to have. She is faced with temptations. She finds herself falling in love with the enemy an intruder to her on kind. Now he owns her heart.

DaoistKtuRIO · 若者
13 Chs

Pale girl, a villian?

Holiday is over back to reality, children are now going back to their daily lives. It is a new day and a lovely day, the weather is wonderful. People are walkimg down the road rushing going to work, children are getting ready to go to school. The look in their faces describes how angry they are to go back to school. At school there is this guy who would stare at Lashwentie and say nothing, he would be distracted whenever she appeared and just stare at her. He was inthe 11th grad, yes it is the same guy who starred at her when she was in the 8th grade.

He would send his friends to look for Lashwentie and talk to her, they would ask her out or ask her questions about how she wish her ideal man or perhaps her type to be like. How must he be should he be tall or short.

Lue Ye asked :"Hello ladies what are you doing?"

"Hi we are fine thanks?"

"You guys seem so cold but anyways my name is Lue Ye and this is Cheng Joo my friend. If I may ask Lashwentie what do you look for in a guy?"

"Someone who is loving and caring, yes I know sounds like a cliché but that is how I feel. He must be so pale and muscular. Someone who is romantic yeah (laughing)."

"Oeh okay interesting see you guys later bye."

They are so shocked by this and do not understand what has just happened. Moe is very smart with such things so she told her that these guys are the stalkers friends that keeps on starring at you. Lashwentie and Moesha are excited to back to school, they are excited to tell each other about how their holiday went. Winter holidays are always the best, they bring joy and love to everyone.

Moe appears from the gate of the school going towards the door as she enters the door, there sit Lashwentie at the chair waiting patiently for her friend so she can share the news with her. Screams immediately when their eyes locked they ran to each other and they exchange hugs. It was so wonderful and lovely.

"Moe how have you been you look so beautiful?"

"I have been good look at you Seoul must have been nice right."

"I had fun with my gran missed them so much and ofcourse the food was delicious, we did a lot of things and it was amazing. What did you do?"

"Wow I am so happy for you honey, well I was supposed to go to the States to my aunt but I could not make it, so I was here all the time..."

Lasgwentie and Moesha both said :"I have something to tell you."

They both looked at each other and giggled for saying the same sentence at the same time."

"Okay Moe you start what is the news that you wanted to say and tell me about?"

"Well actually I started dating the headboy over the holiday and to tell you I actually did not like him he was such a narcissist."

"No ways you are joking how is that possible, OMG tell mr more how did it happen when and where?"

"We were talking for sometime over the phone and he said he wanted to see me well we went for couple of dates, then later we decided to give it a try until, the other night he wanted me to sleep with him and I refused so yeah we are done now."

"What just that he is not meant to be yours, I mean if you are not ready to sleep with him he should not make you feel guilty or something he is not the one."

Ladies when a guy force you to sleep with him leave him immediately because when you want to break your virginity you need to do it with someone that you are comfortable around with. Always wait for that moment when you are physically and mentally ready for it and be sure you are also emotionally ready. Never let someone guilt trip you, and when you want to do it, you will feel the pleasure if you were really into it.

"Enough about me tell me what is it Lashwentie."

"Okay so when I was leaving for Seoul I saw Nash with a woman and a man when I looked closer it was the headmaster himself and his mother I guessed."

"No ways I knew it there was something off with that boy, where is he now?"

"He went back to the States he stays with his mother."

"That is sad, let us go to class."

They left off for class, inside the classroom more students were there. Even those who are repeating the grade and some who have passed. There was a girl who sat infront she was a transfer student. Her face was so pale, her eyes were green she was beautiful. Her skin was so smooth you could eat on it, she was also smart.

She was so neat and would always sit infront and do her work and not talk to nobody unless she is spoken to. Her smile was so rare you could only see it when she is being sarcastic with the teacher. She had no friends at all it has been over 8months amd still she has no friends how is that possible. During interval she sat next to the bin under the tree and ate her lunch, her luncbox always had fruit on specific days you would see her with 2 bars of chocolate and juicem Is she a model or a spy because clearly she doesn't fit in this category of students.

It was a rainy day when she could not sit under the tree anymore. Oeh my dear reader I got caught up in describing her and forgot to say her name. Her name is Sua Yau is is really a lovely name I am pretty sure her parents were lazy they just changed the Y from her surname to S how lazy is that. Sua sat at the cafeteria next to Moe and Lashwentie.

Moesha :"Dude look at her she does not speak, doesn't she get tired from not speaking, no ways I could never shame."

"Well Moe some people enjoy their space so let her be do not worry, or perhaps make a conversation with her of it so bothers you."

"Hello, how are you? My name is Moesha and this is my best friend Lashwentie."

"Hello I am Sua nice to mee you guys."

They spoke the whole interval and they laughed together while they shared their lunch together. It was such a nice time for them as this girl turned out to be very nice. She spoke a lot more than Moe who is the spokesperson in this friendship. They went to class they would share ideas and helped other children.

The bell rang for after school.

"Goodbye Sua see you tommorrow," screamed Moe and Lashwentie.

This was the beginning of their friendship each and everytime they would spend days together even after school they would all go for detour.

But one day Sua was jealous because of Moe and Lashwentie and wanted to break their friendship so she sabotaged Moesha's homework. Moesha was suspended for a week while the investigation was pending.

On Sunday when they went to church Moesha's mom got a call from the headmaster saying that her daughter can return to school on Monday for the exams as the case has been solved.

Lashwentie was so devasted by this and she would talk to Sua and tell her how she feels. All of this caused a strain in their friendship.


Moesha suspected Sua and told Lashwentie to not tell her everything because she is jealous and might cause something. Since Lashwentie listens to Moe she did the excatly what she said. After the exams Moe and Lashwentie went to the States for holiday to Moe's aunt. They left for the airport everything was perfect.