

"Slap! How dare you spit your nonsense in front of everyone here? Aren't you ashamed of what you are saying?" She slapped the girl who was caught off guard until she collapsed on the floor like a sack of fresh tomatoes.

The policemen came to their senses finally after a long daze.

All of these were new to them it was beyond their imagination for these people to behave like this and that in front of the public. The people who are respected and whose reputations matter because of their name.

They must be crazy and out of their minds to cause a drama in the station but they couldn't care because these people were rich and they could buy the law itself what about lowly workers in the country? They would never try to mess with them. It was better for them to just stand and watch the free drama in front of them. It was not every day that they could witness such a drama anyway. 

'If you can not compete with them, follow them' That was exactly what they were doing at the moment.

One of them acted quick and tried to help the girl who was on the floor but not Raina, she pushed the policeman who landed on the desk behind him.

The girl was too stubborn than a kitten itself.

Mrs Walter without thinking pulled the girl from the policeman and ran away like a madwoman out of the police station with Blessing on her shoulder.

She rushed to her car which was at the far end of the parking lot and put the girl in the backseat and tightened the seat belt quickly and drove away immediately without caring about her niece who was following behind after standing up from the floor.

"Aunty! Aunty! I hate you! I can't believe this. I know you want me to go back to Italy but I am not going anywhere!" Raina shouted at the car but in vain.

She ran outside the station towards the stage and took a taxi, "Take me to the city hospital, now!" She yelled at the taxi driver who took off at a high speed following the car.

"Increase the speed you fool" Raina shouted at the driver.

"You are so arrogant, madam!" The man chuckled while slowing the taxi down.

"What the fuck are you trying to do? I told you to speed up not to slow down!" Raina shouted in irritation.

"Get out!" The man bellowed in anger.


"I said get out of my taxi you arrogant woman!" The man exclaimed while halting the car at a speed that the girl shook until she landed out of the car because the back door opened by itself because of the force installed by the owner.

"How dare you do this to me? Do you know who I am?" The girl shouted in anger as she stood up from the floor.

She was in pain because of the bruises she got from the tarmacked road.

"I don't care who you are!" And the man drove away.