

"Don't worry Blessing. Calm down. You will get used to it eventually"

That statement shuttered the remaining tingle of hope in me. I was now empty as a walking dead. From a heavy burning fire to a hole of blazing fire. 

It was over, my life had been shattered. My hopes went down the drain. 

"What do you mean to say that I will get used to these sinful deeds?" I exclaimed in anger that Anita who uttered those words flinched.

"I meant that...w-we were also shocked to find out that this will be our fate but we finally embraced it and now, at least we are happy with it" 

"What? Do you mean you are happy to be a prostitute? Just like that?" I got up from the floor and faced the girls.

"There is always a way where there is hope. Even prophet Joseph finds a way out of jail after he was accused of sleeping with his master's wife" I stated in anger.

"So, you also know the bible? Poor Blessing, an angel like you should not be in this state" One of the other girls who had been quiet from the beginning, finally muttered sarcastically that I felt stupid even to say those words here.

"Stop it, Vivian, Blessing it's okay, we know how you feel and..." "No! You don't know how I feel. No one can understand my pain! Not even..." " Sshh!! Don't finish what you want to say. I know God is faithful and he will help you out of here okay? Don't give up Blessing. It is still early. We are used to this kind of life but we will help you if you may need our help out of here and no one will say anything to that woman" Anita said.

I felt a tingle of pain and hugged her suddenly. I never knew that despite all they were going through, they would care for me who was new here instead of letting me get used too.

"Thank you all. I promise that, when I find a chance out of here, I will help you all out" I said with a lot of confidence the girls looked at me as if I was dreaming.

"Blessing, don't be so confident that you will get out of here because it is not easy. Please just pray and maybe just maybe, you will get out of here one day" The girl whispered I could hear the pain inside her voice. 

That alone made me know how painful it was to be used for money that would not even be yours. 'Just how many times do they have to suffer?' I asked myself internally.

These beautiful little angels must have been in great pain that they were going through and it killed them slowly but they couldn't let it out because no one could stand for them.

'Ooh my! Why do I have to encounter people who are suffering like I and I can't even help as I am one of them now?'

I felt empty in my heart by all of these. 

I took a step back after breaking the hug and took the initiative of hugging all of them each at a time.

They were all good people but because of hunger and no people to guide them, they had to end up as prostitutes.

I knew how they felt.

"It's okay girls, I understand what you mean. But don't worry. We must pray with passion and one day we will be out of here"

"Didn't you hear it, Agnes? What ma'am said yesterday?" One of the girls said while looking in the direction of where Agnes was.

"What do you mean by that?" Agnes asked as she tried to absorb the information.

"Oooh! About Blessing?" Anita exclaimed that making me jump out of my wits again.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked as I walked step by step towards her.

"Ma'am said that you will be joining us this night. So it is better if you prepare yourself physically and psychologically"

"What do you mean?" I asked anxiously.

"Yeah. It is true. We will be going together at the roadside, hahaha! Don't look at me that way Blessing. I mean, you will start working tonight" Agnes said making me step back till I landed on the wall.

"But she came today and she is still not in good shape. Look at her hand. At least she should wait till she feels better" One of the girls who were at the far end said.

"Okay, I will talk to her," Agnes said.

I still couldn't believe that that woman who acted all cute and beautiful in front of me had such malicious ideas about me.

 "To whose hands will I be safe?"  I voiced out my thoughts of unknown will and all of them looked at me sadly.