

"Pri.." " Not today dad. You are the course of all of this. Today, I have come to realise that you never cared for me!" She exclaimed in an angry tone without recourse.

"Not like.." "Am tired of being your daughter! How could you take anyone that you see out there to pick a maid for your daughter? You don't care about me! I don't want to see that filthy thing near me! Do you want me to die like your.." 

"Enough of this! Holly shit! What are you saying?" The man blurted out trying hard not to sound irritated by his daughter's words. 

The girl just wiped her threatening tears and walked out of her father's sight.

"I hate you!" She screamed as she slumped the door and walked out of the living room and out of the big mansion.

The man just slumped on the seat while messaging his forehead. 

He took his expensive phone from the nearby drawer and dialled a number.

"Make sure that nothing happens to my daughter or else you know what will happen to you!" He warned the person and without even listening to the reply, he hunged up. Then he gave a deep sigh while looking at the ceiling. The events of the day were too much to take for one day.

He knew that her daughter is stubborn but didn't want to admit that.

"She will always be my little princess" He murmured while smiling to himself.

"Diana? " He called suddenly to get a reply to a dark beautiful middle-aged woman who came running like her colleague who has fainted recently.

Diana,(Good-hearted, gentle, loving clumsy and had a slow understanding of things)

"How is that girl!" The woman looked confused.

"Please master! Which girl is..." "Get out of my sight, you dimwit! There is nothing that you understand!" He yelled at her as the woman bowed but looked hurt by his words. It was like she was not used to his insults.

She bowed and disappeared.

"I wonder why I even hired fools!" He growled.

Suddenly, his phone rang and he stretched his hand to pick it up.

"Master! Young madam is with sir Alex" The person in the other end said quickly without even greeting.

"Where are they?" He asked again.

"In Lavender grand restaurant" He answered in a soft voice.

"Okay, all of you just be her shadow guards. If you see anybody who looked suspicious, report to me immediately!" He yelled again as he tapped hard on the table.

"Okay sir" 

"Remember my daughter is my priority, do you hear me?"

"Yes sir" The man on the other end replied making his boss hang up immediately.


My eyes were heavy, my vision bluwas dry and dry whole body was in. I felt like I was in hellfire as I realized where I was.

I remembered what happen and felt a surge of pain.

"Blessing, you have to continue moving no matter what" I whispered to myself as tears threatened to come out.

I was tired of all of this. I wanted to die.

"Why di....don't I d-die due...ing the tragedy? Sigh" I asked myself as all the pain and sorrow attacked me and I cried like a baby.

"Mum, please come take me, my mum, cry, m-mum" I cried my heart out as if my life depended on it.

I wiped my eyes. My left hand was more painful so I used the right hand. The reason was that I am a left-handed person. I did all my work in left except eating because my dad couldn't allow me to use my left hand for eating claiming that it was not suitable for eating as it was cursed.

So eventually, I got used to eating with my right while my left hand was for all the other things.

Finally, I was able to see the environment well. I was on a bed covered by a heavy blanket. The bed was comfortable not like at home but east-west, home is always the best. All of these gave me more pain because I never knew what would happen to my weak soul and body.

When I surveyed myself, I w went limp. I could not believe what I saw. Tears started cascading my sticky cheeks because of the many times I had been crying.

My left hand which was everything to me was broken and I could feel it by the pain. When I tried to raise it, I felt like all its borns are broken. I had to use my right hand to support it which was hard because I was not used to using it.

"You are finally awake?" I heard a voice out of nowhere. I was still in chaos with my body which made it hard for me to see who it was, well. But this person looked better than all the people that I have seen in this mansion.

I shook my head to suppress the stupid idea. 

'How come a house like this have good people? All of them hear are animals' I thought inwardly as I tried to raise my head so that I could see the person.

Surprisingly, she came and helped me raise my head by placing the pillow well under my neck.

I looked at her for a while because I was still scared and I had already decided not to trust any person in this mansion because of the many pains they have caused me.

"So, how are you feeling now?" The woman asked. She looked younger than the other one.

"I feel better. Who brought me in this room?" I asked instead. 

I have been crying since I woke up that I didn't realise that I fainted before and that was in front of those huge merciless men.

"Assistant butler is the one who brought you here and told me to check on you but sorry I was a bit busy that is why I just came in.

Your condition that time was pitiful that is why I did not change your clothes and put you in bed directly" She stated in a soft voice while smiling which made me not be sure of my assumptions of all of them.

'Maybe not all that is bad' I said inwardly while mustering a smile.

"Oooh" I just muttered the word.

"By the way little girl, what is your name?" She asked sitting on my left side making me growl in pain.

"Aaaaah" I screamed.

"What is it dear?" She asked as if nothing has happened.

I did not say anything instead I raised my left hand to her hand by using my right one.

"Oooh my! Am sorry! Please forgive me!" She exclaimed while getting up from where she was making me scream even more.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you so clumsy" I yelled at her without giving a damn event if I was scared of these people in the mansion.

The reason was that instead of sitting well on my right side, she sat on my weak legs! Hahaha! This woman was very funny.

I was even surprised by myself that suddenly my eyes widen in fear.