

"Thank you. I will go now!" I stated and I was about to turn and rush to where my dad was but something caught up in my eyes which made me freeze at the place.

I just prayed inward that my Blessing would reach safely because I didn't know what I would do if anything wrong happened to her not even by accident. But I was hundred percent sure that my friend Kabir, would be her shadow guard.

I came back from my wonderland and I was shocked again to my bones by the sight. Was that Jamilah? But the clothes looked like the ones I left her with earlier.

But what was she doing here all of a sudden? Should she be on the safe side because I could remember she was there when I was running to save the kid?

What happened to her?

Even though I hated her, at least I still knew her and the fact that they were good friends to my family before they started their madness hence I rushed to where she was laid on the ground.

Her face was not recognisable. 

She was burned on one side of her face that one couldn't believe that earlier, she was the one that was yelling like a maniac. 

It was not her face alone instead, also her left shoulders that the dress she was wearing mixed up with her skin fats that one couldn't look for long before vomiting.

Her appearance had changed completely in a twinkle of an eye.

It was a pitiful sight that I could feel my tears rolling down my eyes as I gazed at her closely.

"I will not forgive you! You are the cause of all this! Don't come closer to my daughter!" That voice made me wake up from my daydream.

It was his father but what I didn't understand was why he was blaming me for this.

What did I do this time? I did not remember pushing the girl to the fire. What was this old hag saying?

"What have I done? I am here because..."

"Slap!" "She was running after you but your heart and soul were on that girl! She is dead now! Wow!  We will now have peace. How do I wish to e  her deformed body now or is she already in ashes? I thank God that even though you caused this to my daughter, she will survive because I am ready to hire experts from all over the world to treat her and then about her face, she would do plastic surgery and she will remain to be the most beautiful girl ever but that stupid girl, she is dead by now Alex. She is dead. Let's see what you will do. I know you will come crawling under my feet and beg us to allow you to marry my daughter but I will never allow that after what you did today" He stated after the hard slap he gave me.

That asshole! Did he even think I would crawl for his crazy daughter?

This whole situation was driving me insane. I wanted to laugh at the old folk but I couldn't because he would think that I was prideful.

I wanted to ask about what he meant by her burning to ashes but of course, I was right from the beginning. They all came here to humiliate my Blessing but who is God? They humiliated themselves.

What would this old man do when he realized that my Blessing was safe and sound whenever she was? But I would never tell them! 

A malicious thought came to me and I smiled subconsciously.

Wow! That was the biggest achievement that I had made despite all the chaos and deaths. At least my Blessing would be safe now. I would not tell any living soul that she had survived even though I knew it was not right to lie that a person was dead and she was alive. But I knew I was doing all of this because of her and her safety. 

At least this cruel man would calm down before the huge bomb of his life. 

I smiled again. I was sure that after those four years, Blessing would not be the naive girl again that she was. She would be able to take care care of herself. 

I smiled again. I was really happy with myself. My Blessing would be a great doctor and no one would be able to bully her again. 

Now what I had to do, was to liaise with her parents so that we could keep this secret for a long time before she returned.

'My poor Blessing, You have to be dead for now angel. I am sorry but I am doing all this for your' I sighed with the thought inwardly.

"How dare you laugh in a place like this? So you are happy that my daughter is like this? Alex, you will pay for this!" With that, Mr Samir boarded the ambulance that his daughter had been played in and rushed away.

I didn't know what to say because I was still smiling so I couldn't lie that I wasn't.

"You stupid child!" His actions left me flabbergasted.

Dad ran and embraced me as he say those words. 

This was the first day he embraced me into a tight hug and a genuine one at that matter. 

"Are you sick dad? What happen to you?" I asked because he was crying and trembling which made me nervous.

"No! I-I am fine my dear. Is just that I am happy that you are alive. You know what? I was very scared when I saw you running towards the explosion earlier. I was very down. I thought I would lose you. I am sorry my boy!"

'Ooh my goodness! Was this my dad? After the fights that we always have with him, he sure loved me internally?' I asked inwardly as I was unable to believe this and hugged him tightly too.

"It's okay dad. I am fine now and happy that you care for me. It has been long since I heard you say those words to me!" I beamed with a smile as I broke the hug.

"I am sorry for your loss but don't worry, Jamilah will get better soon and she will be able to console you" That statement made me want to puke with shock but then I realized what my old man was trying to say and sighed in frustration.

All of them were sure that Blessing was dead. How stupid of them?