
Crossroads of Destiny

As troubling visions assail the oracle prince of Carendlus, something stirs in the vast lands of wilderness that lay bordering the kingdom. Amrunela and Jaekel decide to investigate as ignoring visions is something that no one in their right mind would do. Joining in their adventure is one rather eccentric fellow and a much more sane half-dragon.

RainStorm · ファンタジー
57 Chs


The people of the village were all so friendly. Open and welcoming.

Jaekel loved it.

Rune had finished asking her questions, having her curiosity sated for now. They were resting underneath a tree as they watched the villagers.

Rune yawned and leaned against his shoulder, a happy smile on her face. Jaekel wrapped an arm around her shoulder and grinned at her, "Tired?"

"A little. Probably not as much as you though." She looked up into his eyes with a smile on her lips.

"I'm used to it though. And I'm actually feeling better than sometimes." He tapped her nose with his finger. "You can rest on my shoulder though."

"Of course I can. You're my best friend." The innocent smile on her face made him want to laugh loudly.

"Yeah, yeah." He settled for a light chuckle and shook his head, "Totally your right as my best friend."

"Until you get married. Then your shoulder belongs to your wife." She giggled as she made an attempt to tease him.

He grinned back at her, "Oh, I doubt she would mind you borrowing it… you being my best friend and all."

He had to look away in order not to burst into laughter. Mirth bubbled up inside. Rune frowned, "Hey. Even if she allowed it that doesn't mean she wouldn't mind. I would mind if my husband got too close to another woman – even if the two were best friends from birth."

"Are you saying that after I get married, you're going to keep distance from me?" He feigned shock, pressing his hand over his chest and widening his eyes.

She rolled her eyes at him, "Or if I got married."

"Maybe I'll just have to refrain from getting married. I can't have my best friend pulling away from me."

"…" She rolled her eyes again. Then sighed, "Its still a while away, isn't it? Wait, when are you going to get married?"

"Hmm? Oh, wouldn't you like to know?"

"That is why I asked, Jaek. Why else would I bother asking?" The last sentence was grumbled.

He chuckled to himself, then grinned, "Before I turn twenty-one. No later than three years. Not until your relationship is going smoothly though."

"Oh! Does my future husband attend your wedding?"

Biting his lip, Jaekel managed to say, "As a matter of fact, he does. I distinctly remember him having his arm wrapped around you in that vision."

She blushed, her eyes twinkling with girlish dreams, "So, does he get along with you?"

"…I like him well enough I suppose?"

Okay, this conversation was getting stranger and stranger. Jaekel wanted to change the topic. Before he did break out into uncontrolled laughter at the absurdity of this situation.

"Anyhow. Putting aside all that, this is actually kind of nice. Just sitting with you and resting. We haven't really gotten an utterly peaceful moment since we left home."

"Yeah. I know." She snuggled into his arms. Her eyes closed as she smiled, "As much as I love adventuring, I do kinda miss those lazy days."

"Well, after we finish up seeing about dealing with all of this, we can go right back to lazing around."

She giggled. Then looked up again. "I know. I want to enjoy being able to travel for a bit. I doubt I would ever get another chance."

"So that's why you really wanted to come with me." Jaekel teased her.

"Oh, come on." Rune sighed, "You know I also wanted to make sure you didn't get yourself killed. You're okay with a sword, but you aren't exactly good enough to make it on your own in the wilderness."

"Ouch." He laughed again, "True, but ouch. Right in the pride, Rune."

"What? I wasn't attacking you. Your skills lie elsewhere." She grinned at him, "You're amazing with telling the future. Just you need someone who can have your back and that's me. I think that is why you've always been attached to me. I'm supposed to protect you."

"I guess that might be part of it. But you're more than that, Rune." He bopped her nose again before pinching her cheek. "You're my best friend. Not just some servant or guard. You're my wonderful best friend and…" He paused and bit off what he was about to say before changing it, "Very important to me. You help keep the worst of it at bay you know."

She smiled at him and turned away, "I know. But I still think I am supposed to protect you. You know I've always been proud of that. That I can protect my best friend."

"Thanks." He managed. He suddenly felt very emotional as he looked at the girl leaning into his embrace. What had he ever done to deserve such a wonderful best friend? He would never do anything to hurt her.

Falling into silence, they sat there for a while before one of the villagers called them to go eat something.

Sylv's Corner:

"Heya, ya'll. Honestly, I don't have much to comment in this chapter. Most of this conversation goes over my head. Though I must agree, questions are asked in the hopes of an answer."

RainStormcreators' thoughts