
Death, the Void, meeting the R.O.B. pt1

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Death, the Void, Meeting R.O.B. pt1

 World: Twilight The Beginning

 In the deep dark void that is the nothing, there were four shadowed figures that had gathered together around a fifth that was lying beneath them as if in deep stasis. That fifth figure had put himself in a deep sleep, to only awaken if his life was every in danger. "We need to do this. We need him to go there as soon as possible before the end comes for us all." A tall, shadowed figure said to the others around him. 


"You know he won't like it. If he ever figures that it was us, well... you remember the last time we betrayed him, he left us for four thousand years and he still wasn't happy when made him return. This time I know he will retaliate with murderous intent, and I for one will not be apart of that." Said the smaller figure of the group, worried that the others will still send her friend into the unknown. 


"I know he will, and that is why I will be doing it. I'll erase his memory of everything that has happened or will happen, so if ever he finds out, I'll be solely responsible." The taller of the group said facing the others. "What do you mean if, his memories don't erase, they come back always. I've tried that before and he always recovers them, and let me tell you, he almost killed me for what I did." 


Said the unknown dark figure standing by the shorter one. "If he ever recovers, again, it will be on me. I'll make sure if his memories recover, it will show as if I did everything. Okay?" They looked at the tall figure for a minute or two without saying anything, thinking if this was the right thing to do to their friend. And they all knew that it wasn't, but they had no other choice. 


This was the only way for them to save the countless worlds out there that have already fallen due to their negligence in the past. After a few minutes, one by one they agreed and then they all looked at their friend in deep sleep, one by one they said that they were sorry for what they are about to do to him. "So, let us begin..." 


The four gathered around the sleeping figure, arms to the center, and started chanting in an unknown language. Unknown script started to gather around the sleeping figure as his body started to glow, as the script entwined itself around the sleeping figure. In a bright flash of light the sleeping figure disappeared from the sight of the four, as they all were breathing heavily. 


"Let us hope what we did today will not come back and bite us in the ass. Because if he retaliate like I know he will, this whole multiverse will perish along with us." The small figure said as she disappeared into the nothing. "Let us hope it works." Said the tall figure as he disappeared like the first into the nothing. As did the rest a few seconds later.


As the void expands into space and stars, we start to zoom in from the Andromeda Galaxy to the Milky Way Galaxy. We continue to zoom in on a small blue pearl of a world that has been alive for only a few million years. And only has sprung intelligent life for the past 60 to 70 thousand years, with civilizations that spring to life then die after a few hundred years pass. 


The most notable thing about the last few thousand years is the Mesopotamian culture that had lasted for 2 thousand years, then after that came the Egyptian culture that preyed to the new gods the sprang after Mesopotamia died out. The Egyptian culture outlasted the last by two thousand years and it also went dead, and all these cultures died out for the same reasons, greed, arrogance, selfishness. 


It was always the same, the old Chinese culture, the Japanese culture, Mayan, Aztec, all have perished after the Egyptians, who's to say that time is circular, and things keep going in a circle of life and death. Now those cultures and times have long passed as time always does. Now we've come to the modern age of things and a few hopeful figures in the nothing send the only hope that they could this time, to try and change things for the better, 'let us hope.'


Let's start from the beginning with today's Date: December 12, 2023, it's the month, day, and year that my life changed for the better but ended on the worst note known to man, all this on the same day and the same time. Just before my life ended, which by the way was today, it was meant to be a day of celebration, a day of joy, but contrary to what I had planned it to be, it became a day of remorsefulness, sadness, a day of ending, and disclosures of truths. 


That was when a long dead memory resurfaced on my mind and distracted me from any form of deep thoughts. The memory of someone else but to me, that memory felt so familiar, so very close to the heart, but yet distant still. Of a man that was hurt and betrayed by the friends that he came to love and care for as if they were brothers and sisters to him. 


The events that happened that day, I will narrate to you would be known as a chance for great change to come, a chance to become something more than what I was before. A chance many others would kill for, but in the end it's still what it is, the end of my old life and the beginning of a new one. When the darkness unfolded before me, it felt welcomed, like it has been here before, in the past or future... whatever. 


A new beginning that was thrust upon me by a powerful being known to a few lucky mortals, known only as R.O.B. (Random Omnipotent Being), a being known to judged, predetermined deaths that mostly happen to Otakus, Nerds, Game player, shut ins, that usually read made up stories, fantasies, you know as fan fiction stories. 


Well, let me tell you at least the bare minimum, the basics as to how I died, and then given the chance to a new life by this being, which by the way, he felt so familiar to me when he stood in front of me. Now don't get me wrong, the being did give me the chance to go to Heaven and have a happy ending, but I chose the otherwise. For me to start a new life, new adventure, and deep down in my soul and heart I felt that I needed it. 


I don't like staying still, I get bored very easily, and going to Heaven would be way too boring for one such as I, who sauté adventure. Even before I died, I liked to be kept busy doing something, most of my time, unless I'm either asleep, or being under meditation that I would perform at the end of each day. Anyways, back to my introduction. Where was I... ahh yes, I remember now, my old life to this new one. 


A new beginning was offered, with the ending of the old one, but in all this, I was not given the chance to choose my deaths end or given the opportunity to return to my old world to be reborn in. I was plucked out from my own world and universe then was thrown into a new one I knew nothing about, or so I thought. But at least I was given assistance with a few powers I had won, spinning the wheel of power, of sorts. 


After being given these abilities, I was thrust into a newborn being, reborn as they say. And inserted into a baby, that meant that I would restart from my scratch... and yes, a baby... again. But where I landed would be the beginning of the greatest adventure I would have ever asked for. As you read or listen to my story, well... let's have you be the judge what I went through, and began with...


(First person POV...)

With this, let us start my story from where I was about to die. Let's begin with my name; "In my old life my old name was Alexandro Antonio Levuno, a half Italian and half Caucasian male. I was 5' 11", had light brownish blond hair, hazel green eyes, body built like an all-star athlete swimmer, born too two wonderful set individuals, my parents of course, which gave me a great upbringing. 


Later in life as it went by, I made many friends, treated everyone respectfully and I studied to be a doctor to help people in pain. It was a great career choice, and my parents were ever so proud of me. That was until I happen to fall in one of those fanfic traps that those old gods like to do, you know the one where you get hit by a truck then you meet a ROB and get wishes of him or her.


Anyway... let's continue, in my new life, my name is, 'Christiano Leonardo Armandeo', (...don't ask why I chose that name...) still half Italian but now half French in the mix too. And when I mean half... you guessed it, my dad was both Italian and French, and my mother was a full French citizen. I'm getting off topic here... Let's get back to the before I died. 


I had spent almost all my adult school time deep into my studies, so I could give them a great retirement present for when they decide to retire to some home somewhere. They both had sacrificed so much of their youth for me as their oldest son. Well... In short, that was me before I died... now how I died, well here's the cliché part of this story. 


By trying to be a noble idiot... I mean hero... no... a full-blown idiot, I died trying to save what looked like a young 6-year-old girl that was chasing after a ball going into the streets. And here comes me, like an idiot, I throw myself into what ended my existence in that universe. And like in every cliche fanfic, it all started with my death, then rebirth and/or insertion... whatever. 


I don't remember much of the days before the accident, other than that one day, I remember it vividly. How I felt before the truck hit me, and what was going through my head as it hit me, and of course the way I died and how much it hurt as I rolled on the streets after it hit me. Anyways... I remember feeling very proud that day I graduated from school and the happiest before it all went to shit. 


I had finally managed to become what I've always wanted to be most in life, a certified doctor at the age of 27. After graduating from high school and entering college at the age of 16, it took me 11 years of hard work and late nights at college. I had finally accomplished my goal, not deviating from my task of being the youngest doctor, no dating, no partying, nothing dealing in distractions for this one goal. 


When I had managed my goal, I had informed my parents and gran parents of my achievements, and man were they so very proud of me. I had finally had a career that made excellent amounts of money to help my family out financially and medically if needed. I had just finished picking up my diploma upon graduation and was rushing home after the event just to show my family the many certificates that I acquired. 


I wanted to surprise both my parents and gran parents, as I ran home through the crowded streets, I got distracted suddenly. I had neared the crosswalk of second and Mayberry intersection that I was about to cross. And here's where the cliché hit; I saw a little girl run out from the safety of her mother reach and onto the middle of the cross-section and into the street chasing after a ball that had gotten away from her.


I am assuming that it got away from her or so I thought; 'R.O.B.' (Random Omnipotent Being) out there just happen to knock it away from her to get my attention. I reacted without thinking and rushed toward the little girl, but that was a problem for me. I had never reacted like a hero before, why now. 'And here's the cliché,' a large overbearing truck (yes it might have been the Mighty Truck-Kun... maybe...) was headed toward her. 


I don't know why I did what I did, again, I never acted like this before. I had managed to grab her while twisting my body around in the air throwing her to the nearest person that was in my sites. She landed onto the other side of the street away from the truck (Truck-Kun). And that's when it happened, 'cliché' I know, one instance I was running and the next, I felt myself being slammed into against something metallic. 


Then being thrown through the air to 'what I guessed' my death as I hit the hard streets by that peculiarly large vehicle. 'You know, now that I think about it... that truck didn't stop as I saw it kept going. I didn't even see its brake lights, wherever it was going it was going to be late, I assume.' I thought to myself as I saw the lights go out. 


Anyways... I didn't even see what type of truck I got hit by. 'Truck-Kun I hate you to the bone, if it was you, dammit...' I said in my mind loudly as my life faded away. I saw nothing but darkness at first, you never know if your dead or alive before light comes back to let you know you not dead yet. As I waited nothing happened, but I could feel my consciousness was still there. 


And here I thought the boon of all transmigrators out there was an early death with wishes... and this is where my story begins anew. As I awoke from whatever just happened, as if I closed my eyes to blink, I sat there... maybe sat... stood... walked... I don't know. As time passed there, (no clue how much time...) I start to contemplate my old life and how it ended so quickly. 


Murders get second chances as its illegal to kill in the mortal realm, child abusers, wife beaters, shit just beating on someone when they pissed you off gets you jailed. And here I am dead... it's just not fair, why did I die so soon. I had just accomplished my lifelong dream, what I've always wanted to be, and then... then... this fucken happens!!! I DIED!!! I yelled out in my mind. 


"I FUCKEN REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS!!! DO YOU HEAR ME!!! I REFUSE!! FUCK..." I yelled out to wherever, whoever was listening, as I hyperventilated standing there. I started to go quiet after my long rant, and for what was a few seconds... minutes... hours... days... years. Whatever... a song suddenly popped into my head as if I started a long memory, and it fit right at this moment... by Five Finger Death Punch. 


I don't wanna die alone,

I don't wanna live forsaken,

I refuse to let this go,

Because my soul is breaking,

I don't wanna let you know,

That my heart is just so jaded,

I refuse to let it show,

I refuse to let it go...


Wake me up when this is over,

I'm tired of living life like it's a dream,

Please wake me up when it's all over,

I'm tired of living right here in between,

I refuse...


As it kept playing, I was starting to calm myself. My thoughts and memories started to play from the day I was born and played through all the way to the day that I died. It was wonderful and painful at the same time because it showed me the shortcomings that I had kept myself in. And it was great due to all the great memories that I had spent with my friends and family throughout my old life.


[Verse 2]

I've always walked alone,

I chose the path less taken,

I refuse to let you win,

Life's a bitch and I've been shaken,

It's not a joke at all,

Inside, my spirit's fading,

I refuse to take the fall,

'cause no one cares at all...


Wake me up when this is over,

I'm tired of living life like it's a dream,

Please wake me up when it's all over,

I'm tired of living right here in between,

I refuse.


After the song in my head played out for however long it was plating, who knows how long, I came back to myself in a calmer state of being. I tried saying something out loud, but nothing came out of my mouth. That I hear anyway, all that... whatever I spoke was only heard in my head, as if in only thoughts. 


After what seemed like an eternity, I started remembering the events of my past life, what lead me too now? Trying to figure out what happened, I had many great friends that treated me as a younger brother to them, great parents that supported me in everything, always attentive to my needs. Always available to give advice or when I needed someone to talk too. 


I suddenly became sad right then and there, I cried for who knows how long missing them all as I rolled up and cried. I wanted my parents to come cheer me up, I felt so lost and alone at the moment. I wished them here so badly so they could help me. My mother was always the one that would bring me back from the sadness I always wrapped myself with when I was depressed.


It forever for me to realize that my death wasn't natural, as I was going through my life and my life choices. My life felt like it was being direct to a certain point that led to this, thinking through the past, I had realized that my life has never been normal. Certain events or choices seemed blocked and could only follow an opened path. 


It felt like my choices were limited and were leading me to this point, but why? Well, now I know that dying leads somewhere, at least I didn't disappear into nothingness as I thought I would... okay... more or less, I'm still in the nothingness, I think. At least its' not a dark abyss that was waiting for me like the bible has said there would be, well none that I can see so far. 


After whom knows how long, I started to see some bright lights flashing around me. I just hoped this place isn't a rest stop to my final destination and I end up in some hell or something. At least I know it ain't heaven, no heavenly glowing gates that I could see, so... yeah, not heaven. No large courtroom to stand on to be judge into the afterlife or no burning hell fire, so no judge system, yay me. 


Whoooa... That was a rush. "SWOOSH" I just appeared in a poorly decorated room with super flashy bright lights that resembles a hospital's waiting room, with a bit too much bright white colors than I would like. As I breath in, 'Hey, I could breathe again...' I took a long breath in, 'yup... smelled like one too...' I thought to myself in surprise taking another breath. 


I began to think wildly about what just happened, scrunching up my nose a little for breathing in too much of the cleansing chemicals in the air. 'Wait... chemicals? Is this really a hospital and I have been in a coma or something right?' I was thinking that the previous darkness was me being unconscious and now that I'm awake, everything will be fine.' I started to hope frantically that is was all a dream.


Then after calming myself, I started to inspect the room closer, 'I know this is not a hospital room, but I can't help it, looks like one and I remember my teaching courses closely, as I used to walk the hallways of the hospital before, and going through many medical careers, I can't help but remember this specific smell.' I thought of the hospitals I used to work in, while looking around the room. 


The silence that was with me for so long was a bit stifling, only then was the silence interrupted by a sound I knew well, a constant 'click' 'clacking' of keys on a certain laptop, that was being used by what looked like a faceless 'something or other, a humanoid form of sorts' was sitting behind a huge wooden desk. I could barely see an outline of the whatever it was, and it looked humanoid.


Whatever he or she is, it was wearing what looked like a shimmering suit, that that was too bright for my eyes and taste, it made me squint when I looked at her/his direction. After he or she saw what the suit was doing to me, it phased into different colors, constantly changed from black to white. 'Not wanting to stay one color I guess, like that one robe Dumble... something or other had one time. 


In that movie I saw once way back when... what was it... Popper something. Anyways looked funny to me as it changed colors, calmed me.' I thought to myself as I tried to look at the figures face. I couldn't make out what gender the figure was... whatever it was, as far as I could see... okay, maybe not seeing it's face actually, he, she, it... maybe I didn't have high enough clearance to see it/him/her. 


There... I saw a slight smirk, I saw it flashed quickly before it disappeared back into a 'blur of facelessness', made me think I was correct in my assumptions that it was a him. I got startled out of my thinking when a loud sound of fingers snapping together coming from the figure sitting at the desk. 'Wait... how am I facing the desk, before I faced the walls adjacent to the desk.' 


I thought in surprise which is now showing on my face and looking at the blurry figure. 'Wait... Now there's two desks, why didn't I notice that there was another desk beside the one in front of me.' I was getting very irritated by the constant change of the room. As no talking commenced, I blankly staring at the ceiling with nothing running through my mind for quite a while, when I appeared in this room. 


Suddenly, a noise that had sounded like firecrackers going off rang in my ears making me jump away from my thoughts. I got surprised by the loud noise and almost fell off the chair I was on. I turned to the noise and saw the figure inspecting me, as it sat across the desk from me, the figure had presumably snapped his fingers to get my attention.


I had idly noted now that he had refocused itself as an image, that I could finally see, and he looked a lot like that actor Morgan Freeman. "Hello, there young soul. How have you been?" The Morgan look-a-like greeted me from his seat nicely and that surprised me. I didn't know why, but he felt that are familiar to me somehow. 


"Hey Yo… I mean hello there Mr. GOD/ROB/Entity or is it something else? I mean... you are a higher being, right?" I replied politely unsure of its origin and definitely making me nervous. "No, you would be correct in that assumption young soul... something or other, if you would like. But you didn't answer my question. Are you alright?" The being said as I nodded to him, "I'm good, I guess, you know being dead and all."


As he indicated what he was the chair I was sitting on suddenly shifted itself into a recliner as I was sitting on it. And with incredible speed I might add, it moved on its own as it recline me off my feet and took a lying position. Then it dragged itself to the front of the desk where Mr. Freemon was seated as he stared at me. "Holy shit! What was that?" 


I squeaked as I started to panic, maybe it was an overreaction, but I still tried to jump off the chair. "Wow, I've been called quite a lot of different names, but it is the first time someone refers to me as a 'Holy Shit'. 'Holy' I can understand but where does the 'Shit' come from. Have I somehow given you a bad life, or done something bad to you? Other than killing you I mean. Please don't answer that it was a rhetorical question." 


Morgan asked with clear amusement in his tone. "I'm sorry mister R.O.B. I didn't mean what I just said. I was just surprised. It is R.O.B., right? I mean I don't want to disrespect the one true 'Lord' or 'R.O.B.'" I quickly apologized before God or ROB or Deity or whatever it was before he decides to vaporize me for disrespecting him. 


"It's okay Chris, I'm what you people might refer to as a Random Omnipotent Being in some cases, so R.O.B. if you will. I mean, I'll take Mr. Freeman as well. I like that guy; he portrays us pretty nicely. That guy will go places I tell you." The ROB answered my question, making me understand he could probably… scratch that, definitely read my mind. 


"You're right, I can and have been for a while now, quite amusing as you squirm your thoughts around. Now, let's get down to the reason why you were killed by my messenger of death. I don't like wasting time, and I don't like getting bored, and when I do, it happens pretty easily, then I get irritated and then boom... I disintegrate those that caused the irritation." The ROB said while looking at me making me more nervous. 


'Don't waste your time, check. Don't irritate you, check. And get to the point, finish quickly, got it.' I thought to myself, mentally checking off his dislikes. "So, I was killed? Is that what happened? I KNEW IT!!! I felt that I was being lead somewhere that day. It was that fellow, Truck-Kun, wasn't it/ M****F*****." I said to the ROB as I started cussing up a storm. 


"Indeed, it was him, and I'm well aware of your attitude towards the afterlife, surprised of this is it not? But this is more like an example of you having purchased yourself a lottery ticket and you won the last ticket. Rather than a trip to what you believe to be heaven or hell, rather than being charged hidden fees while being fooled by a prize, you get a chance of a new life. Nothing I am, is part of those fools that hand out wishes." 


The Morgan Freemen look-a-like said that he was in charge of my afterlife placement. I raised my left eyebrow to that, 'Why was he in charge of my placement. What's so special about me?' I thought that phrase practically inviting more questions. I was lost in what he said to me. I'm sort of terrified right now that the R.O.B. was able to know so easily what I was thinking and preempting my questions. 


I got the impression that the R.O.B. was only waiting for me to take this time to adjust, he's just being polite, I guess. And just what does someone like him, some powerful being in charge of the afterlife affairs, need to be polite to a regular guy like me? As I looked up to the ROB, he suddenly stood up from his chair and moved over to where I was sitting at. 


With a simple gesture, a wave of his hand, the wooden desks that were in the room disappeared, and a white plane table took their spot. Without walking, he appeared between the table and I, a large TV screen displaying a video feed replaying my death on the far wall. As we both watched how I was being crushed by what could only be called a huge-looking semi-truck. (Damn you Truck-Kun...) I cursed in my mind. 


"As you can see, the reason for your death was pretty stupid, funny, but stupid. You were not meant to be at that place at that specific time, but somehow you were. That girl you threw yourself at would have been just fine, it's just after you threw her with so much force, that the momentum threw you back into my messenger's path." The R.O.B. said with a small smirk on his face. 


"How the fuck does that even happen, Mr. ROB?" I asked incredulously as the video feed kept replaying on the screen with different angles showing my death scene. "It's pretty simple really, when you spun around to throw the girl, you stepped on a banana peel. Which buy the way it was funny as shit, and the result is pretty obvious. Too much force equals funny as shit outcomes." 


The ROB showing a clear amusement on his face at my situation. "Fucking great! Well... what happens now?" I asked feeling a little irritated, realizing the ROB was clearly mocking me. Nothing I could do really. "Now I reincarnate you and send you on your merry way." The ROB simply stated simply, surprising the shit out of me of what he just said. "REALLY!! Just like that!!"


"So, reincarnation's a thing... huuh? So, how many have passed through before me?" I tried to confirm for more information... but then decided not to ask further, remembering the bamm, I'm vaporized if I irritate him. "Why yes it does, and it does happen quite often I might add. I would say, about 13 so far in the past 20 million years, I guess. Not many pass through my desk, again, I get irritated easily." 


The ROB said simply as I gulped when at his answer. "Fuuuuck... Okay, let's get on with it then. I'd rather forget all about this... (wanted to say something really vulgar but decided to keep my mouth shut...) stuff, let's forget that past life of mine as soon as possible. Especially, how my death happened, yeah. Can I keep the information... you know the knowledge I gained, about movies, music, school stuff, games, and such?" 


I asked dejectedly to the ROB with my small request hoping that he would agree. I like being a doctor and the medical stuff, would come in handy someday. I didn't want to spend another 11 years learning all that medical stuff if I could help it. I wonder if the new world will have any new medical knowledge to learn from. I thought as the ROB cleared his throat getting my attention again. 


"It doesn't work like that, I'm sorry youngster. Generally, individuals never come to this specific place like you did not long ago, but you made me laugh. So, I took your case and that just never happens too often... like almost never, one in a few thousand years maybe." As he chuckled remembering how I tripped over a fucken banana peel. 


"Souls who die simply enter the main reincarnation cycle on their own and that process immediately wipes that souls' memories and sins. Sending them off to the next great... well you know the rest, like some old guy in a book sometimes says. But you're a special case, as I said before, one in a few tens of millions of years special." The ROB explained, while playing with his facial mustache. 


'Wait... he has a mustache? I'm sure that wasn't there before.' My inner voice said as I watched him twirl the ends. "I'm I really that special? Come on... there are plenty out there that are better than me. I mean, making a ROB laugh that's awesome and all, but how am I more special, than them?" I asked with interest to what he would say.


"Well, like I said before you made me laugh and that doesn't happen very often. Your death was the most entertaining thing I've seen in the last million or so years. And in this one's eternal life, that's rare, almost impossible to be exact. So, yeah, I decided to handle your soul case and add a little something extra as a reward for making your death, amusing." The ROB chuckled as he said that. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up! If this story need more just reply, hey I'm flexible.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Roberto_0461creators' thoughts