
Wise Men don’t Fall in Love

"Matsuoka, would you please go out with me!"

A love letter suddenly stabbed in front of Kazuya Matsuoka, and if he hadn't leaned back his head, he would have been almost stabbed to death. He looked at the girl who took the letter with some annoyance. After a while, he said, "Himuro, I'm sorry, but I don't have any plans for dating, so..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the girl raised her head in surprise and interrupted him, "Wait, Matsuoka, I'm Makoto Takasaki."

Kazuya Matsuoka felt a little embarrassed and fell silent for a moment—no matter what he did, it was disrespectful to call someone by the wrong name. But he couldn't entirely blame himself: this girl seemed a bit familiar, probably one of his classmates, but all the girls in his class were the same age, usually wearing the same school uniform and speaking with similar tones. Without carefully looking at their faces, it was really hard to distinguish.

After silently apologizing, he checked his watch, indicating that he was running out of time, and softly said, "Takasaki, if there's nothing else, I'm going to have lunch."

Although he got the name wrong, he felt that the meaning was already clear enough, and there was no need to repeat it. After saying that, he intended to bypass Makoto Takasaki, but she quickly sidestepped to block him, somewhat anxiously saying, "Please wait, Matsuoka, I haven't finished what I wanted to say!"

She was a bit embarrassed but still bravely continued, "Matsuoka, I know this ask suddenly might trouble you, but please believe that I'm not a frivolous person!" She explained a bit more shyly, then turned her face slightly, using her slender fingers to twist her dark hair hanging down from her ear. "The day before yesterday, at noon, I saw you in the library..."

As she spoke, she recalled that day—the handsome young man sitting by the window, reading attentively in the gentle sunlight, with deep and focused eyes. That serious posture was really attractive, touching her heart and giving a sense of security.

"Maybe it's love at first sight! Please don't laugh at me! These past few days, I've been thinking... thinking that it would be great if I could be with you, Matsuoka. Even though we've only known each other for a short time, I want to get to know you better. But I'm worried about that you might like someone else, so I..." She was genuinely earnest, hoping to try dating Kazuya. But after stumbling through her words for a while, she couldn't continue, blushing with shyness. So, she directly asked with anticipation, "Or, can we start by being friends?"

From friends to lovers, three years is enough time, at least not to let the confession end with rejection!

You can do it, Makoto!

Kazuya remained expressionless, patiently listening while carefully seeing Makoto Takasaki's facial expressions. He found her quite sincere, but he didn't want to engage in any romance right now. So he straightforwardly said, "Takasaki, I'm sorry, but honestly, you're not my type!"

"Err!?" Makoto Takasaki did not expect Kazuya to be so unresponsive. Faced with a sincere and heartfelt confession, he didn't even give a chance to be friends. She asked, "Then, Matsuoka, what type do you like?"

She was quite confident in herself. Although her grades were not as good as his, they were both above average. She excelled in sports, and in the field of arts, she had achieved good results in the municipal junior high school classical music competition, receiving a group award and an individual second prize. More importantly, she was so beautiful with a well-toned body. If Kazuya had any innterest like black long hair, hair below the waist, an elegant figure, or a charming personality, she was confident that she could meet them.

Unfortunately, Kazuya's response was a direct blow to her expectations. "Takasaki, I like the 'Lolita'—girls aged eight to fourteen, with eight being the best!"

Makoto Takasaki was stunned. She never expected that he would like this type. She was dumbfounded for a while before asking in disbelief, "Are you joking? This... this is perverse, isn't it?"

Who would say they like 'Lolita' when faced with a confession? What kind of reason was this? This was her sincere approach! Was this how he treated it?

"I'm not joking. I'm just a pervert!" Kazuya checked the time, feeling that he had wasted too much time. He planned to go to the library during lunch break, so he emphasized, "I'm not interested in girls over fourteen. So... Takasaki, can I go now?"


Kazuya quickly made his way to the school cafeteria. There weren't many students going to the cafeteria: most of them brought lunch from home. As a student studying away from home, he didn't have that luxury. The school cafeteria had subsidies, and although the food was average, it was cheap and filling enough.

He didn't think about how Makoto Takasaki felt or whether she would spread rumors in frustration. Although he wasn't a 'Lolita' enthusiast or a pervert, he hoped Makoto Takasaki would spread rumors and make all the girls dislike him so that no one would bother him anymore.

Dating during high school was such a foolish thing. Wasting time on a relationship that was destined to have no outcome. Life was short, with only about twenty thousand days. There was no time for extravagant waste! However, the current situation... dealing with these young girls was not so easy. He couldn't insult them, and he couldn't curse them. The only option was to tarnish his own image for self-preservation. The behavior of these young girls was simply inexplicable! What was the point of all this?

In the early afternoon of April, the sunlight was bright and gentle. His figure was reflected in the glass windows of the corridor. Glancing at himself, he saw a somewhat unfamiliar face. Even though he felt a bit pale, he couldn't help but admire the handsome young man in the window—a standard protagonist in a TV drama. Besides being a bit pale, his appearance was perfect. He had sharp eyebrows, starry eyes, a perfect high nose bridge, and slightly naturally curled hair, giving him a mixed-race feel. He looked like the kind of protagonist viewers would recognize at first glance. In less than ten days since the start of school, he had already found four love letters in his shoe locker, and today someone had directly confessed to him. Was it because of this face that he was in trouble, or was it because his 'charm points' were too high?

High school was like locking a group of horny rabbits together, making it extremely annoying! What to do with these inexplicable troubles? He couldn't just wash his face with sulfuric acid, could he? Or redistribute some points to lower his 'charm points' to below 10? But how to get hold of the item to reset the points was also a problem...

Yes, he actually was not Makoto Takasaki. His original name was Lin Yuan, a Chinese whose parents passed away early. He had to grow up through the difficulties by relying on the meager inheritance left by his parents, the social welfare system, and secretly working part-time. He realized that given his circumstances, studying was the only path to change his life. Rather than relying on luck in the society, he chose the path of education. Although he didn't attend a prestigious university, it was already enough considering his situation of balancing work and study.

After enduring the hardships of high school, life improved during his university years. He no longer needed to work in secret, and unscrupulous bosses couldn't arbitrarily deduct his wages. He firmly believed that with sincere efforts, there would be rewards. So he wouldn't be much behind ordinary people in ten years, and he was confident in making his future children part of the privileged class in thirty years.

Unfortunately, the plan turned into a bubble. In his sophomore year, one day, while playing a mobile game and charging his phone before sleep, the charger exploded, killing him in his dorm. Then, he inexplicably transmigrated into the body of a Japanese high school student named Kazuya Matsuoka, carrying with him a cheat - the life simulation game he played before his death. This game allowed him to increase points and get some related skills through relevant activities, so he managed to learn the [Japanese] skill by reading Japanese books in just one day and also gained a passive skill called [Neat Handwriting].

He could say a simple phrase in Japanese like "Arigatou" before, but now, he could fluently speak Japanese like native after activating the[Japanese]skill.
