
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · ファンタジー
45 Chs

Soft Rest

Bright green eyes, an oval face that was still trying to get rid of all the baby fats, long black hair that went down to her waist, and most importantly a huge bust that was strenuously being held covered by the tight white blouse the female had beneath, her white robe doing a poor job of hiding her cleavage especially when she was kneeling in front of Randy.

While in the real World, which was Earth, Randy was a 19-year-old teen with the body to match it, here in the dream world or whatever world he was in, he possessed the body of a just 16-year-old, his height and baby face not being something he could brag about.

Out of the carriage, a woman with the face of a lady in her twenties and the body of a sexy mother in her early thirties came down and knelt in front of Randy and through all several gibberish she was saying to him, all Randy could hear, see and breath was breast.

Big large milky breasts that looked like they had never known hardship their whole life.

There and then, a powerful and suddenly hormonal Randy was going to reach for them, but before he could even put the plan in motion, a heavy voice filled with power spoke.

"Melisa don't be so careless, you don't even know who he is and you already rushing up to him." A blond man carrying a low cut hair, white shirt and trousers with golden engravings and white shoes spoke

"Well he was covered in blood, I thought he had Been injured.

Thankfully it's just someone else's blood, but can you imagine the trauma he must be in after having someone be cut up in front of him. 

Braz We have to get to Ruyol village quickly, how can a just a level 1 mage and warrior be expected to deal with something so serious."

Speaking with Braz who was the man in white, the young lady reached out and grabbed Randy by the hand, pulling him along with her, and then as she finished her words she once more boarded the carriage, Randy's hand held in hers.

"Welp, I didn't even get a say in whether I wanted to join them or not." Randy thought as he was pulled along like some little kid, but soon enough, he forgot about being manhandled and was lost in the new scenery he had been brought to.

"Are you a princess"

Randy didn't know when he asked that question, but he didn't regret it as Melissa being a princess was the only thing that would explain why the girl was riding in a carriage decorated with diamonds laid into gold.

By Randy's estimation, Melissa's carriage had enough wealth to fund the running of a city back on earth for a month and that was just the value of the interior decorations who knew what the carriage itself cost?

"Hehehe, sorry I can't say" Melissa spoke as she pulled Randy who had been standing all this while to the seat beside her, leaving both him and her sitting opposite a staunch-faced Braz.

Randy was taken in by Braz's intimidating expression for a few seconds but then Melissa pulled his chin so that he was looking at her.

"Forget him, he's just grumpy. I'm Melissa, what's your name." The beautiful lady said her voice melodious.

"You're a princess aren't you" Randy said ignoring Melissa's words and instead narrowing his eyes at her.

"That isn't something she is allowed to speak about." Braz who was by the side said in a calm voice, but to Randy who was hearing it, it sounded like someone had detonated a loud voice in his head and a pair of giant arms were pressing on his shoulders.

Feeling the pressure on himself Randy became unhappy and he was just about to reach for the energy within him when a delicate hand fell on his head and soon his body was resting on a rather soft.

"Braz stop it, the kid has already been through a lot, pity him and save your bullying for the madman who has decided to torture his village."

At the moment, whatever was happening between Mellisa and Baz was flying over Randy's head because not only was his body being rejuvenated by some incredible soothing energy, but Melissa had placed his head on her chest and was now stroking his head.

"Whatever reason Melissa did this went right over Randy's head and he would have reached to grab for her boobs if it wasn't for Braz's gaze which he could feel boring into him.

Not wanting to end the moment and fastward the impending battle between him and Baz, Randy decided to allocate a good portion of his brain to answering Melissa's questions as best as he could.

"So what is your name."

"Arnold Randy."

"Hmm Randy, it sounds like a fun name, you must be a fun person."

"Yep, I am, I'm the most fun person you'll ever meet."

"Hmm, you sound happy Randy I'm glad you're not letting the tragedy of your village affect you," Melissa said her voice sober and expression wary of how Randy would take her words.

"With your big soft breasts, how can I dare be unhappy" was what Randy wanted to say, but to keep the moment lasting he quickly came up with something else.

"You said you'll go to my village and properly deal with the issue, I believe in you," Randy said raising his head and giving Melissa a smile before resting it back on her jugs.

"That's nice Randy and don't worry I'll save your village okay."


"Man that white guy looks and feels scary strong, but how come he hasn't figured me out yet, could my strength be hidden or has he done so but is just waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike me.

Oh well, I'll just deal with things as they come, I'll kill him when the time, comes, but for now, Melissa's boobies come first."