
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · ファンタジー
45 Chs

Looking For Warmth

"Urghh, damn it, how long has it been since I've been this messed up" Randy grumbled as he failed to stand up after jumping off the man he had just bit to death.

With his back against the wall, Randy had decided to charge and bit off someone's throat, and though he had succeeded, his reckless charge had also left him open and in the end, he had received a slash to the back.

 "These guys aren't even that scary, it's just that they have more coordination than the zombies, were it the zombies, they would never leave me to go check on their comrades."

 Lying down on the ground, Randy was breathing heavily, very accepting of his defeat.

 Despite his incredible stamina, killing scores of people in the village and then facing the three annoyances had proved to be quite more than he could handle.

 Right now, Randy was just waiting for the skilled newbies who were busy checking on their dead teammate to remember that he was a bigger and still active threat and come finish him off.

 "Welp, it was a nice run, I'm definitely coming back here tomorrow," Randy said with a grin, watching the rather smoky sky.

 "Yeah that's a good plan, it's just unfortunate that you won't be alive to carry it out if you let them kill you." A voice which could only belong to Linda said out of nowhere, her image appearing a second later and floating above Randy

 "The hell, what are you talking about" Randy said his eyes narrowing on the woman looking down at him.

 "You should be more focused on dodging that attack first."

 Randy would have liked to still question Linda, but her first words and their implication already had his body pumping as much adrenaline as it could into him, and with strength he didn't know he had, he moved his right hand which was holding his staff over his body and in doing so was able to block the sword slash that had been coming for his neck.

 Believing that he was lying on the floor because he had received far too much injury and had given up, Randy's opponent had relaxed their wariness against him and decided to kill him by cutting off his head.

 Randy had no idea why they had done such a dumb thing but he was glad about it, as it was the reason his weak arms were able to hold his staff and block the attack, and then still push against the sword and send its owner stumbling backwards.

 "Welp, sloppy idiot" Randy thought as he performed a roll away from the enemy and though he let out a long cry and had his body bent forward, he stood to his feet, his staff held by both hands.

 "Linda what the hell is happening, what do u mean by I won't be alive? "Randy called out with strength, the mad fierceness in his eyes creating a scary image that had his opponents wary of attacking him.

 "If you die here to these people, you will die even in the real world, so if you want to see your mother again, then you better do as I say," Linda said her voice cherry as she floated beside Randy.

 To Randy, Linda just wasn't making sense as he had died enough in the dream world to know that his death wasn't permanent, but before he could speak, Linda spoke.

 "Look deep inside you, in the centre of your being, somewhere around your belly and pull onto a warm feeling."

 "Huh what are you talking about, what warm feeling" Randy spat out looking at his two opponents and then giving his body a quick survey when he noticed the weird look they were giving him.

 "Only you can see me, so for them, you look like a crazy person talking to himself."

 Now back to business, Randy if you want to survive, then you need to reach deep in yourself and grab onto a warm feeling, that warm feeling is a powerful energy which will help you to defeat the two of them.

 If you fall to find and bring this energy, then well, you'll die."

 After speaking Linda didn't give Randy time to think, she immediately disappeared.

 With mouth open in shock, Randy stood frozen looking at the area where Linda had been just moments ago.

 A million thoughts threatened to go through Randy's head at that moment, but his opponents were done hesitating against him and decided that now was the time to end him.

 With his left arm trembling from the injury on it, his entire body shaking from the blood he was losing there was no way Randy was going to win against the two men before him because as stupid and naive as they were, the one thing they had proven was their tenacity for battle.

 "Just who are these people, they lack the mettle and common sense of a fighter, but they have the strength and skills of trained soldiers."

 Assessing his strength, a grim expression came over Randy's face as he stared at the two men who were slowly and cautiously approaching him from both his sides and then he did as Linda had instructed.

 Though there was that voice in Randy's head that kept telling him that Linda had been joking and would not put him in such a perilous situation, when Randy thought about the risk of it being true and him losing his life, his will to survive took over and he did his best to reach for whatever warmth was within him.

 "Common you warmth or energy, come out and save me" Randy cried in his mind and he clawed within himself for some power that will save him from impending death.

 Unfortunately for Randy, his cries for help bore no fruit and with his bent body, he was soon desperately swinging his staff to stop the sword that was heading to cut him.