
Crimson Sand

In the heart of the vast Zahara Desert lies the Kingdom of Azura, a realm where the harsh beauty of the desert shapes the lives of its people and the pulse of ancient magic flows as freely as the shifting sands. At the center of this mystical land stands Al-Qamar, a city of architectural marvels and deep-rooted traditions, ruled by a dynasty as old as the desert itself. Crimson Sand follows the story of Zayd Al-Azraq, a young prince born into the luxury and intrigue of the Royal Palace. With his piercing yellow eyes and a mind as sharp as a scimitar, Zayd is the epitome of a royal heir. Despite his privileged upbringing, his spirit is as wild as the desert winds, and a sense of entitlement shadows his every step. Spoiled yet charismatic, Zayd navigates the complex labyrinth of palace life, where every whisper could be a secret and every glance a challenge.

sus_doa · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Tensions at the Festival Grounds

Within the opulent walls of the Royal Palace, a different tempo was set, one that danced to the tune of preparation and anticipation. Today marked a significant day in the lead-up to the grand festival, a day where Prince Zayd's ambitions would be intricately woven into the fabric of the event's planning.

Dressed in his regal best, Zayd descended the grand staircase, his presence commanding the attention of all in the vicinity. Servants and courtiers bowed respectfully, acknowledging his royal status. He made his way to the grand hall, where a meeting with the festival's planning committee was about to take place. The hall buzzed with the chatter of nobles and advisors, each contributing their part to the grandeur of the court.

Upon entering, Zayd was met with respectful nods and murmurs of greeting. He took his seat, not at the head of the table, which was reserved for King Farid, but in a position of prominence befitting the crown prince. His gaze swept across the room, a silent assertion of his influence.

As the meeting commenced, with the master of ceremonies outlining the day's agenda, Zayd listened intently, waiting for the opportune moment to voice his suggestions. His opinions carried weight, and he intended to use his influence to shape the festival according to his vision.

When Laila, invited for her insight into Azura's cultural heritage, proposed a focus on traditional arts, Zayd saw an opportunity. "Laila's suggestion holds merit," he began, his tone measured yet confident. "While showcasing our military might and wealth is crucial, integrating Azura's rich cultural arts will present a more rounded image of our kingdom."

King Farid, sitting at the head of the table, nodded in agreement. "Prince Zayd has a point. We must strike a balance between displaying our strength and celebrating our heritage."

Zayd's lips curled into a satisfied smile. His influence was subtle but effective, a dance of words and wills.

The rest of the meeting passed in a flurry of discussions and decisions.

In the afternoon, Zayd visited the training grounds, where his brother Amir oversaw the soldiers' drills. "Brother, your input was valuable today," Amir remarked, a hint of admiration in his tone.

Zayd shrugged nonchalantly. "I merely speak my mind. It's for the good of Azura."

Their conversation was brief, with Zayd offering suggestions on the military display, his words echoing his earlier assertion for a balanced representation of Azura's might and culture.

As the day waned, Zayd found himself in the gardens, where he encountered Jabir. "The festival will be a sight to behold, Your Highness," the gardener said, his voice laced with a mix of respect and exhaustion.

Zayd looked around the meticulously maintained gardens. "It will reflect the glory of Azura, Jabir. Ensure the gardens are at their best."

In the quiet of the night the crown prince of Azura, drifted into sleep, his mind alight with the promise of tomorrow and the unyielding pursuit of greatness.

The dawn of a new day in Al-Qamar brought with it a frenzied pace of activity. The entire city, especially the Royal Palace, was abuzz with preparations for the grand festival. Tapestries in hues of gold and crimson were being hung along the palace walls, and the air was filled with the sound of hammers and chisels as artisans put finishing touches on their sculptures.

Prince Zayd, eager to oversee the preparations, walked briskly through the festival grounds, his eyes scrutinizing every detail. Accompanied by his brother Amir and the royal trainer Khalid, he moved among the workers and planners, issuing instructions and corrections. His presence was commanding, his desire for perfection apparent in every word and gesture.

As they approached the main pavilion, Zayd's attention was drawn to Jabir, the master gardener, who was arranging a display of exotic desert flowers. "Jabir, make sure these blooms are the centerpiece of the banquet hall. They represent the heart of Azura," Zayd instructed, his tone leaving no room for dispute.

Jabir bowed respectfully. "As you wish, Your Highness. They shall be the crowning glory of the hall."

Satisfied, Zayd continued his inspection. Amir, watching his brother's interactions, admired Zayd's dedication but worried about his unyielding approach. He whispered to Khalid, "I hope the festival brings joy, not just awe."

Khalid nodded in agreement, his eyes following the prince. "Joy is a rare commodity in the pursuit of grandeur," he murmured.

The day progressed with an air of controlled chaos, with everyone striving to meet the high standards set by the prince. Amidst the hustle, a young commoner boy, tasked with carrying a tray of delicate glassware, stumbled near Zayd, sending the glasses crashing to the ground.

The noise caught Zayd's immediate attention. His eyes blazed with anger as he turned towards the boy, who was now trembling with fear. In a swift motion, Zayd's hand struck the boy's cheek, the sound echoing through the grounds. "Clumsy fool! Your carelessness has consequences! Do you have any idea of the cost of these?" he shouted, his voice dripping with scorn.

The boy, barely in his teens, recoiled from the prince, his eyes brimming with tears. "I-I'm sorry, Your Highness," he stammered, his voice barely audible.

Amir rushed to the boy's side, his expression a mix of concern and dismay. "Zayd, he's just a child. And it was an accident," Amir said, trying to reason with his brother.

Zayd turned to Amir, his anger unabated. "This festival is a reflection of our kingdom. We cannot afford such foolish mistakes!"

Khalid intervened, placing a calming hand on Zayd's shoulder. "Your Highness, perhaps we should focus on rectifying the situation rather than punishing the boy."

Realizing that his outburst had attracted attention, Zayd composed himself, though his eyes still burned with frustration. He gave a curt nod and walked away, leaving the boy in Amir's compassionate care.

The incident cast a shadow over the festival preparations, leaving the workers and courtiers in a state of unease. Zayd, aware of the ripple effect of his actions, retreated to the palace gardens to gather his thoughts.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and purple, Zayd remained in the gardens, lost in contemplation. The festival, a symbol of his ambitions, was also becoming a mirror, reflecting parts of himself he had yet to fully understand.