
Phase 01_ The end or just the beginning'

Jeff está se preparando para o trabalho, ele está organizando sua pasta e pegando suas gravações, mas ele olha para o relógio e vê que faltam dez minutos para o trabalho, então ele coloca os óculos e diz que tenho muito tempo. chegou na agência dois minutos antes então ele caminha até a entrada e ela para e o segurança diz:

- identificação, por favor? - e Jeff o entrega e ele diz - parabéns do primeiro dia - e devolve e ele fala com o segurança - tenha um bom dia - e o segurança retorna com um sorriso, Jeff diz para si mesmo "bom rapaz, eu posso deduzir que é um cara que confia mais na arma do que nos punhos "Jeff pede o elevador e olha para o vidro ele tem altura mediana e usa colete e gravata e óculos Jeff entra no elevador e fecha os olhos para se concentrar quando alguém no parte inferior do elevador diz:

- Eu também estava ansioso no meu primeiro dia - no exato momento em que as portas do elevador se abrem e o homem misterioso sai sem deixar rastros, mas ele não teve tempo de encontrar o homem

The meeting room was large, had a round table with some chairs wrapped around it and had a 42 inch TV on the wall, in that room there were already some people and a girl greeted him and said:

- hi, my name is Loise - she had dark hair she was of medium height, someone else introduced herself - hi is Megam - she is a very tall tall ivy she was black and told that she and Loise's half sister and a third woman say - hi i am Abby, what is your friend? - Abby was a redhead and had green eyes, when he was going to speak his name someone else says:- this is Jeff the best WR in college - Jeff turns around and sees Mike his great friend and college rival Mike was black and an athletic body, the two greet each other and then comes a shorter white guy and introduces himself - I'm Billy - and everyone introduces themselves.

Five minutes pass and they are agitated and when agent Rossi arrives they don't believe that and he then Rossi says: - I wanted to have good news but we don't have a case in Alabama - and Jeff and Miki look at each other, and Rossi continues - Three youngsters and three four-year-olds disappeared and found dead wearing peculiar clothes ... - they open the file and come and Billy speaks - period clothes - Megam speaks - but precisely the 80s or 90s or even later ... - Rossi entertains her and speaks - we will discuss the case in the jet, you have ten minutes to pack your suitcase then go! !!