
Creatures in the night

The main character is Luna luna has a sister named Sophia and a brother named Kyle They do not have a great relationship with each other Then there are Lynx and Lucas they are twin brothers and they are werewolves Their personalities are total opposites but their looks are a bit similar.

Stargaming_561 · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1

"I'll be right back. I promise I'll just need to see if I can find a signal so I can call for Mum and Dad."

Set Sofia while running in the other direction

We were at the camping site that Sofia had chosen for the both of us it was not too bad it was a beautiful opening in the woods but I did not know where we were at all. Or maybe we are just lost and that is why she went to call Mum and Dad. I think it's been 2 hours already and she is not returned, I should have never listened to that girl in the first place.

4 hours later, it was now dark and you could barely see 2 miles in front of you.

"That is the last time I listen to her. "It will be fun, she said." "it will be ok, she said" and look at where I am. Stuck in the middle of a forest. And I don't even know where I am."

The rain started pouring and Luna was getting drenched.

"Cashew Sophia, I'm alone in the forest and I am drenched. It was going to be a fun hangout between sisters, but no, I'm all alone and drenched. It can't get any worse."

Bang, lightning struck from the sky. And Luna was pissed at this point.

"It is always me our parents are forgetting. They are forgetting my birthday, then they are forgetting my graduation. And they always forget that I am their daughter when they are doing something fun. But when it goes wrong I am always, at short. It is unfair. and now it is raining and thundering."

But what lunar didn't know, was that someone was watching her, from deeper in the woods. only when the creature began moving did she hear it.

"Is someone there… I know you're there, come out."

the creature came out of its hiding

You could hear a sinister giggle from the thing that came out of the woods just a few seconds ago.

"I see you're clever but let's see if you are fast"

And the creature began to run after her, but to be honest, it looked more like a human, than an animal, but it had weird ears on top of its head and a tail? But no less needed to be set to Luna, before she began running, she was running so fast her legs could run until she bumped into someone. The person looked quite similar to the one that was hunting her and then everything went black.

"Why didn't you kill her?"

One of the men set.

"What's fun In just killing and we need a new maid at the mansion."

The other guy set.

"But why? we could have hired any of the other females in the pack to do it."

"it's more fun to see how a human reacts. And it is boring just having a female around that is Only going to praise you and your status."

"But Lucas, it could be dangerous to have a human around the mansion."

The other guys said in frustration and anger.

"She is going to be my personal maid not like she will serve you or any of the others in the mansion."

Set the guy named Lucas

Lucas point of view

I was walking around the place where me and my brother sometimes Hunt I mean it was not your job but we do it for fun. When suddenly a beautiful looking girl bumped into me she looked terrified and then she fainted. I stood there for a while just looking at her when I heard my brother say.

"Is she dead?."

Asked Lynx.


No, I answered him. I mean she wasn't I think. He got a bit mad and yelled

"Why didn't you kill her?!"

I was still looking down at the beautiful girl in front of me

"What's fun, In just killing and we need a new maid at the mansion."

I said with a little smile on my face.

"But why? we could have hired any of the other females in the pack to do it."

Lynx was mad or angry I am not sure.

"It's more fun to see how a human reacts. And it is boring just having a female around that is Only going to praise you and your status."

"But Lucas, it could be dangerous to have a human around the mansion."

"Yeah yeah, you don't have to worry she is going to be fine she won't get hurt or hurt anyone I promise you."

I lifted up the girl from the ground in a bridal style and began walking towards our mansion. Some people would say it looked more like a castle but I don't care if it's our home at the end of the day and hopefully this beautiful girl too.

Luna's point of view

My head was hurting. I didn't know where I was. All I know is that I was in a big room that had different objects around that had nothing in common. The door suddenly opened and a guy walked in and said.

"Oh, you're awake my name is Lucas."

I didn't know what came over me. At that moment, I just screamed.

I hope you all like this first chapter of the novel I am writing.

But do be patient with me, English is not my first language and I have a hard time reading and writing, but I will be trying my best to make this a very good story and interesting one for you to read. there will possibly go some time, from this upload to the next upload. I'm also just a school student so I hope you can be patient with me. I hope you would like to read my next chapter and see you then.

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