
A Message from the Author

Hi everyone! Thank you for choosing to read my story.

~A few things to note~

-It is a fast-paced story, and you will see many different sides of the characters.

-There is violence and gore, so if you have a problem with that, don't read the book.

-I am STILL RELEASING IT, and please don't pester me about timing and releasing a new chapter.

-My writing schedule will be a bit off, since I have a weird schedule in general.

-Please comment and leave a review, this story is my first that I am writing for this many people and I would enjoy getting feedback on how well it's going, also comments showing you are following the story encourage me to write more.

-I have no idea why it assumes having a female lead with fantasy means you want 'Fantasy Romance' as that is not what I was going for.

~About the book~

This story is set in a fictional world split into several parts. Light, Dark, and Twilight are three you will encounter. The characters come in a variety, some with wings, some with claws, some with both, and if you comment a name and personality, I may incorporate that character into the story, since it is still in early stages of development. The main character starts off at about ten years of age, though we will never be sure, as she has a strange past which most don't understand. She lost the ability to speak before she could learn, however she will discover another way to communicate. Pieces of her past will be revealed as we continue on through the story, and her future is not bright, it's dark.

~Final note~

Anyways, I won't keep you here any longer, now just sit back, relax (for the most part), and enjoy the story! ~ButterflyWolf

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Hope everyone likes it!

ButterflyWolfcreators' thoughts