Inside a small labratory, a female voice can be heard. ´Now back off and see my miracle.´ The female voice said. An earthquake suddenly occurs, ´Is this your miracle´ said A ROBOT. No Storm what is happening.... She close her eye in fear, the earthquake stop and when she open her eye again she is no longer inside her lab. ´Why am I suddenly surrounded by a forest´ said Lillth They look around and the forest was kind of dark because of it thick and big trees. The sun barely shine throught the trees. ´We seems to be inside a thick forest´ said STORM. ´That is a very great founding.....´ A naive Storm ´Thank you´ ´I was being sarcastic´....´ Find the nearest river, we should start building a small tree house or we wouldnot be able to do anything when the sun set, we do not know what stanger ceature are in this place.´ Lillith is a bit unease A loud thump can be heard and it is clear that the lound thump is going near the two. ´What is going on, Storm go check what it is.´
After a while storm hurriedly FLY back to FL side