
Crazy adventures

作者: Flappywingz
連載中 · 8.4K ビュー
  • 3 章
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What is Crazy adventures

WebNovel で公開されている、Flappywingz の作者が書いた Crazy adventures の小説を読んでください。A magician, a troll, and a college student walk into a bar. What could go wrong? Well the college student wants to be a troll hunter, the troll is scared of magic, and the magician despises weak human...


A magician, a troll, and a college student walk into a bar. What could go wrong? Well the college student wants to be a troll hunter, the troll is scared of magic, and the magician despises weak humans. Chaos ensues

3 タグ

I'm Actually Not Overpowered!

Getting caught up in another world, especially the same kind as your favorite Novel, sounds all fun and sweet... … Until it's not! As an avid Weeb, this wasn't how Samuel expected his Transmigrated life to turn out. Completely removed from the comfortable life he once knew, this ‘modern guy' finds himself in a fantasy world that is in polar contrast with what he had imagined. His mission? Kill the Demon God and bring the world to peace! It sounds so easy, right? Too bad his new life isn't as grand as he expected. 'Now that it has come to this, there's only one thing left to do...' Gather as many allies as he can on his grand quest. "I'm not Overpowered, but... no one has to know that, right?" Watch as Samuel Peterson, a seemingly ordinary guy, overcomes his tribulation in a place where everyone relies on him and actually believes he is their only hope. An epic Kingdombuilding Misunderstanding Story awaits you! ______________________________ {A/N: Please check Auxiliary Chapters for information on Characters. Original Character Artworks will be made available on the Discord Server, so please do well to join.} https://discord.gg/yMPNRURZJh ~Thanks!~ _______________________________ As the Theme dictates, this is a Kingdom Building Novel, and one that has character progression. Even though the MC is as weak as possible (initially), it does not affect the story negatively. In fact, it's actually the opposite. Just read a few chapters and you'll be convinced. This is a fun book. I certainly hope you enjoy it and support the Novel. Since I'm in a contest, please help me to win. Thanks!

Magecrafter · ファンタジー
234 Chs

Sombras de la gran guerra

En medio del caos y la devastación de la Primera Guerra Mundial, una oscura trama se teje en las sombras, alimentada por antiguos secretos y misterios ancestrales que despiertan en las penumbras del conflicto global. En "La Sombra de la Guerra", nos sumergimos en un mundo donde la brutalidad de la guerra se entrelaza con el misticismo y la magia olvidada. La historia sigue los pasos de Alexander, un joven austrohúngaro cuyos ojos verdes oliváceos brillan con determinación mientras se aventura en un territorio desconocido, desafiando no solo a los enemigos humanos en el frente, sino también a fuerzas más allá de la comprensión humana. A medida que la guerra desgarra naciones enteras y deja cicatrices en el continente europeo, Alexander se ve envuelto en una búsqueda de respuestas que lo lleva a descubrir un universo de secretos antiguos y poderes arcanos. Antiguos pergaminos y objetos perdidos hablan de un poder antiguo oculto bajo el manto de la realidad, mientras que leyendas olvidadas cobran vida, revelando un orbe de magia y misterio que se entrelaza con la brutalidad de la guerra moderna. Pero la delgada línea entre la realidad y el ensueño se vuelve cada vez más borrosa para Alexander, quien se encuentra enredado en una maraña de sucesos que trascienden su entendimiento. En este mundo convulso, donde la guerra y el misticismo convergen en una danza mortal, Alexander se enfrenta a desafíos que pondrán a prueba su coraje y su voluntad. Sin embargo, incluso en los momentos más oscuros, la luz de la esperanza brilla con intensidad, guiándolo hacia un destino incierto pero lleno de promesas. En "La Sombra de la Guerra", la búsqueda de la verdad se convierte en una carrera contra el tiempo, mientras Alexander lucha por desentrañar los secretos que amenazan con desatar una oscuridad inescrutable sobre el mundo.

AurelianoM · アクション
21 Chs


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Hello, my future readers! I thank you for supporting me as a new author. I hope you will enjoy my stories despite the very slow updates! Apologies and I really am trying 😔😔 Thank you all again ❤️



General Audiencesmature rating