
Cracked God

The path to realizing one's destiny is often littered with tragedy. In this light novel, we follow the immortal yet not invincible Tifon, as he comes to terms with a world governed by indifferent Gods, who only favor a small portion of humans while abandoning the rest. On his path to Godhood, only one thing is certain, he won't make it through unscathed.

Alstash · ファンタジー
24 Chs


Aurora: "You must be crazy."

Everyone, except a single brave soul, slumped over instantly at Palae's proposal.

Arian: "I understand regular training with each other, but sparring? I'm not one to boast but the difference in capabilities is…"

Aurora: "… I'm going to have to agree with Arian, I mean what's even the point if we just keep losing against him for our entire training session."

Mitsuno: "Awe… I was looking forward to it Palae…"

Mitsuno abruptly embraced her, although she was attempting to comfort her, she was obviously more upset than anyone.

Palae: "Okay, hold up then. What if it were all of us against Arian."

Aurora: "I'll just speak for myself in this matter, I'm definitely more of a hindrance in a fight than an advantage."

Arian: "I'm afraid even that wouldn't change much…"

Palae: "Hey! What're you two on about, if we can't even hold Arian off how are we supposed to beat Tifon?!"

"And besides Aurora do you intend to sit out the actual fight too?"

Mitsuno: "Exactly!"

(She does make a valid point… I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try.)

Aurora: "Alright, fine. I'm not particularly happy about this, but trying it won't kill us."

Arian: "I would like to add that death is definitely a risk."

Mitsuno: "Well, what're we waitin' for then! Let's get this matchup started!"

After unanimously deciding to pretend they didn't hear Arian, the grueling training came to a start.

Palae: "Now! First, we'll need some sort of strategy when we go in, I was thin-"

Arian: "I probably shouldn't be around to hear this, right?"

Aurora: "Yea, sorry about this Ari but could you wait over there until we finish."

After a humble nod, Arian walked away from the ambushing crew.

Palae: "Okay now that he's gone… My ultimate plan was for us to rush him all at once! How can he defend 3 sides at the same time, huh?"

Aurora almost split her face in half from the ensued facepalm.

Aurora: "We might as well have let him stay if that's what our plan is going to amount to."

Aurora paused for a moment after examining all of their strengths and weaknesses… Some had more of one than others.

(When it comes down to it, Mitsu and I are complete liabilities in a tactical sense. Me especially, unless dawn breaks magically in the middle of the evening …hmm.)

Aurora: "Guys, I think I have a plan."

Arian: "Uh… Since you've all started to approach me menacingly I'm going to assume we're starting!"

Aurora: "What?! Why'd you go so far away from us?"

After at last getting into shouting distance, the mock battle would finally begin.

(I know I'm not supposed to hold back much against them, but the likelihood of at least one of them getting a serious case of necrosis is more likely than they imagine.)

The match began with only Palae engaging, although she wasn't using her Boon, she was still swiftly approaching him.

(I'll just try and freeze the area under her feet, that way I can minimize the damage.)

The very second Arian channeled his Boon and aimed at Palae, she activated her own. Now with a completely different movement pattern, Arian would have to line up a shot all over again.

(Not a bad idea...)

Palae closed the distance before he could get another shot lined up.

(I can take him! He may be a powerful X grade, but up close he's not a problem.)

Arian tried to guard, but he was too slow. After a quick swirl, Palae landed a concrete hit to his side. A little too concrete even.

(Haha! Got'em! Wait a minute… I can't pull my arm off!)

Arian grabbed her arm that was stuck to him through her knuckles, and after pulling her in closer, executed a makeshift headlock. Although terrible in form, it was enough that her hand was stuck to him to make slipping out impossible.

Arian: "Is that the end of it?"

Suddenly looking back on the two girls, Arian almost declared his victory.

(Wait two girls…! Where's Mitsuno?!)

Suddenly an arrow was heard whizzing through the air. It came from behind him, and just as he turned to protect himself with a sheet of ice, it struck him in the shoulder.

Arian had only anticipated fighting Palae, at least in the first mock fight. But just as he was busy with her, Mitsuno took up an elevated position in the nearby trees.

(I can't see where she is.)

Arian: "A-Augh-!?"

Palae started to push her frozen wrist against his abdomen. Arian tried to tighten the headlock, but to no avail, she managed to push him to the ground, herself in tow.

Arian: "S-Stop resisting already, I beat you!"

Aurora: "Not so fast, superhero." Aurora pointed out the arrowhead that shined in the tree as the sun's rays hit it.

Aurora: "Headshot, the first victory is ours."

Arian: "G-Ah…" Releasing his Boon, he let go of Palae.

"I hope you know that I was going easy."

Aurora: "I do, but what good did that do you?"

After a little chuckle, she went back to her starting position. Arian disliked the look in her eyes, he saw a glimpse of who she really was. Unmerciful to the bone.

Arian: "You two should go as well, this time we fight for real."

Mitsuno: "About time!"

Exclaiming as she leaped down from the tree, Mitsuno started striding back to her original spot off to the left.

Palae only grinned as she nodded to him, they all knew then that Aurora would make them go through the same battle for the rest of the day.


(Where am I?)


(Who am I?)

I was finally able to open my eyes, they felt as if they'd been glued shut. I looked around me briefly, there was no one around. I tried to pull myself up but I felt some resistance.

(What is that…? A collar?)

Phrosyne: "Oh, you've woken it seems."

???: "…Do you know who I am? Why am I chained to this bed?"

Phrosyne: "I'm sorry about that, it was a necessary precaution, especially considering your history of aggression."

???: "I'm… Aggressive?"

Phrosyne: "Very. Sometimes I wonder who really built you, since we've turned out so differently."

Her voice was clear, like a single water drop falling into a still pond. Its serenity calmed me, but everything she said went over my head. Suddenly she stepped closer to me, I was just astonished. Her face was near immaculate, its symmetry seemed designed.

Phrosyne: "You'll have to forgive me, I need to reset you now for just a few moments longer. The Lord is not yet ready to see to you."

???: "The… Lord?"

I felt her hand on the nape of my neck, she was fumbling for something. Her hands were so cold, was she taking care of herself? My last thoughts went on of trivial things before everything hushed itself. I felt my eyes gluing shut once more, my mind being emptied of all thought.

†††: "Your face just now, there was a hint of sorrow in it. And here I thought you were incapable of emotion."

Phrosyne did not panic at the sight of the intruder, but only slightly moving her head to the side, addressed them.

Phrosyne: "He is suspicious of you enough already, why put yourself in positions like this?"

Commandant Calli: "What a stupid question."

"But I expected nothing more from you, anyway. If the Lord decides to turn on me, they'll just become yet another obstacle for me to overcome. I have complete faith in my own capacities no matter the situation, something a sycophant like you wouldn't understand. But I don't blame you for it…"

"That's just how you were built."

The commandant let out a brief scoff, almost as if admitting to herself she'd wasted her time. She exited Alcaeus's chamber.

Phrosyne: "…"

(I wonder what the difference really is.)

(Aren't we all made by something or someone? I was made by humans, and humans are made by the Gods.)

(Some people are made by their instincts, others their compulsions. But it is a rare sight to see someone make themselves. It only happens when their goal is so much greater than anything they could obtain as they are now, and that is why they forge themselves into something capable of attaining it.)

(Perhaps…That is why… I feel this way.)

Lord Xuth: "Phrosyne? What've you been doing in here for so long?"

Phrosyne: "!!!"

The Lord saw as a cold shiver climbed up over her.

Lord Xuth: "Oh, I'm sorry did I frighten you?"

Phrosyne: "No! I mean, not at all. I was just finishing up actually."

Lord Xuth: "Well uh-"

The Lord didn't even get an opportunity to speak before Phrosyne ran out of the room.

Lord Xuth: "Huh, well, I suppose we can always recalibrate him later."

The Lord moved closer to Alcaeus. He looked into the boy's closed eyes, he felt a deep searing compassion for him.

Lord Xuth: "You will be the key to everything, Alcaeus. I am eternally in your gratitude."

He waved away the boy's mist white hair.

"Your sacrifice will entail the defamation of the Heavens themselves, but I won't care if even Zeus smites us down at that moment."

"I will achieve it, no matter what."

There we go, more fight scenes what'd I tell ya?

Gonna be a lot more of those mark my words, we're going to get a lot more familiar with our entire cast.

I hope you're enjoying our story so far, and don't forget to add it to your library to be notified of future updates!

Alstashcreators' thoughts