
Episode 18- Ghost Face

Logan places Skylar's body in a dirt hole. "I'm so sorry.." He cries as he stands.

Zora holds onto Logan. "It's okay.." She pats his back.

*Next Scene*

Kat drinks some wine as she stares down at her dinner. Her long table was empty. Memories of her children laughing at her husbands jokes made her smile.

"Queen Kat?" A guard walks into the room. He stops an looks at her. "I have news from the king."

She looks at him happily. "Is he and my brother safe?"

He nods. "They have reported that they may be close to track down Princess Skylar."

She nods. "Thank you." She waves him away. Looking down she sighs.

*Next Scene*

Logan lays in his bed. Staring up at the ceiling. He couldn't tell his mother about Skylar. "Damn...why did you go?..." He removes his necklace and stares at it. He opens it. Looking at his mother. "Everyone important in my life goes..." He sits up still looking at the necklace. "I will avenge every one of you.." His eyes start to glow but stop when the ground shakes. He hears yelling coming from outside. "What in the gods?" He quickly runs to the window. When he does he sees a fire ball floating in the air. He stares at it in confusion. He soon realizes its a person. But not just a person. It was a fire Princess. Specifically one of Hell's Princess. Zora's sister. "Aurora?.."

"STOP THIS!" Zora flew up next to her sister. She was a purple fire than her sisters red one.

"Crap!" Logan grabbed his things an runs out the door.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY SISTER! THESE HUMANS DESERVE TO DIE!" Aurora screams at her. She goes to throw fire at nearby villagers but gets stopped by Zora. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Zora holds onto her hand. Struggling to keep her still. "THESE HUMANS DID NOTHING! MOTHER HAS TRICKED YOU!"

"MOTHER DID NO SUCH THING!" She manages to get free. "I will make these people pay for displeasing the gods.." She goes to throw another fire ball at the villages but instead Zora runs in front of it. Getting hit hard she falls to the ground.

Logan runs out of the castle. He tells the villagers to go inside the castle. After he sees Zora getting up. "ZORA!" He runs to her. "You okay?"

She nods. "Yeah." As she stands she rubs her back.

"I'm guessing this has to do with your mother?" He looks up at Aurora.

She nods. "Who else?" She groans. "Aurora means no harm. Shes' just been brain washed by our mother."

"What's the plan?" He looks at her ready to fight.

She shakes her head. "I have to do this alone. You need to make sure the villagers are safe." She goes to fly away but gets grabbed by him. "Logan-"

"You don't have to do this alone." He stares at her seriously. "I know you think you have to but you aren't alone anymore."

She smiles. "Thank you."

He nods letting go.

She flies to her sister. "Aurora! You need to stop this!"

Aurora laughs. "You think you can save everyone here huh?" She smiles. "Dear sister, I may be younger but I know evil when I see it."

"What are you talking about?" Zora looks at her confused.

In a flash Aurora is in her face. "I know you aren't here to save some petty humans.." She rolls her eyes. "As if you would even dare touch them." She laughs. She looks back at her sister. "I know what you really want..."

Zora stares at her. "I don't know what mother-" She stops when her sister grabs her by the neck. "Aurora.." She tries to speak. Tried to move but she couldn't. It was as if somehow Aurora had made her whole body stiff.

"Mother didn't have to tell me anything." Aurora's eye's glowed. "I know about your dear sweet father." She grins. Seeing Zora's face drop. "I know how much he means to you." She laughs. "And I know that what your up to isn't going to work dear sister."

Logan helps hold up a part of a small roof to allow a family to escape their home. After doing so he lets the roof go. He spots Ben. "BEN!" He yells at him.

Ben ran towards him. Out of breath. "I swear! I've never ran this fast before." He bent over. Catching his breath.

"Ben, we run all the time during training?" Logan looks at him confused.

Ben finally catches his breath. He stands straight. "Well, have you ever saw me in the lines when running?"

Logan thinks back. He is surprised. "Wait!"

A fire ball gets thrown near them. Both boys duck from getting hit. When Logan looks up he sees Aurora holding onto Zora's throat. "CRAP!" he stands quickly. Helping Ben up, he runs to climb some houses. Trying to get closer to Zora and Aurora.

Ben stands there confused but looks up at the two women. "Ahh. I see." He nods. Running towards the castle.

*Next Scene*

Kat had her armor on. Her weapon ready for a fight. But..the only thing was that she wasn't allowed to fight. Instead...

"Hey! Don't touch that!" She yelled at a villager who was picking up some swords that were made from hell. She looks over her shoulder to see some people whispering at her. She groans.

"Queen Kat-" A guard walks up behind her.

Her face lit up. "Finally!" She turns to her. "Please tell me that you have something I can do other than this!" She puts her hands on either side of the guard shoulder.

"Sorry.." The guard shakes her head.

Kat groans. "Okay.." She stands up straight. "What is it than?"

"Well, mam...we have an issue with...um well.." As the guard was trying to describe what the issue was Kat couldn't help but spot something in-between the villagers.

A familiar face moving past the crowd. "Skylar?..." She ignored the guard and pushed past the villagers. Trying to keep up with the figure. 'What is she doing?! We have been looking everywhere for her and she shows her face now!?' She comes to a clearing in the crowd. Looking around she tries to find her. Anything that somewhat looks like her. But..nothing. She sighs. "Maybe my mind isn't as it once was." She rubs her forehead.

"Mom.." A whisper runs past Kat's ears.

Kat's eyes widen. She quickly looks around her. "Skylar?.." She questions as she looks at all the faces near her.

"Momma..." Another whisper is heard behind her.

Kat quickly turns but is surprised to see nothing but black. She holds onto her sword. "What in the gods?..." She looks at her surroundings. Everything was black. No light anywhere. Though she could see herself clearly. She tries to wrap her brain around to whatever was happening. Something about this darkness was confusing but yet familiar with her.

As she was lost in thought she freezes. Her eyes widen. Tears filling them. Her whole body still. There right in front of her stood her daughter. Skylar. But blood covering her clothes. Her skin paler than usually. Kat's feet moved fast. She ran towards her. Embracing her. Tightly she cried. "I thought I lost you!" She cried as she was happy to have her daughter back. She let go and looked at her face. She moved the hair from her eyes. She saw them. Her once blue eyes like her fathers were now nothing but empty an black. "Sky..." She sobbed. "I'm so sorry." She just stared at her daughters face. "W-what happen to you?" She tried to swallow the whines. But her daughter did not speak. Nor did she look like she was paying any attention to her. Kat shakes her head. She sits on her knees. Looking at the ground. "I have failed my own daughter...." Tears fall off her chin an to the ground. "I have failed another of my children..." Thoughts of Connor flood her mind. She bends down. Sobbing into her hands. "I have failed!"

"Mom?..." A voice speaks.

Kat's eye's widen. This voice was not Skylar's. She knew this voice. Though its been very long since she heard it. Her head slowly moves up. She is excited to see him. "Leon..." She stood up. The person before her was Leon. Though he looked just like he did when she saw him that day she was at the castle. The day before they ran away from her sister, Anna. She looked at him. Smiling big. "I-is that really you?" She asked nervous.

He nodded. "Yes." He touched her cheek. His voice was firm and warm.

She ran into his arms. Hugging him tight. "I missed you." She sobbed into his chest.

"I have as well." He runs his fingers through her hair as he holds her.

She looks up at him. "I'm so sorry I failed you." She pulls away. You were another person I failed.."

He tilts his head. "What are you saying?"

"I failed my parents and my brother. Then, I failed you. And now my children." She stops, remembering that Connor is their son. She cries. "I failed your son...our son...Connor.."

He gentle grabs her chin. Pulling it up to face him. "You failed no one." He waves his hand beside him.

She slowly moves her eyes to the area he waved. Her eyes widen. "Connor.."

