
Mia Got Rejected?

Apart from Mia and Lucas only Rachel knew what happened between them.

Although they came across each other everyday at school Mia & Lucas pretended like the other person doesn't even exist.

Though they never had a fight after, everyone at school realized soon that something's off between them. Some of the nosy students started gossiping about them and used their imagination to find out the reason.

The most absurd rumor Mia got to know through Rachel was that Mia tried to pursue Lucas but got rejected.

"Seriously? How can anybody think that I like him?"

"Well almost every girl at Adler High fantasize about him even senior girls too. You have to admit he's got the looks."

Lucas was 6'2. With deep black eyes, dark short hair & perfectly toned body unlike any other guy in school he was indeed attractive. Not to forget he was really good at basketball and also in studies hence he was quite popular.

"Yeah he has looks along with a great temper." Both laughed together.

The outcome of the rumor was Mia became a thorn in the eyes of a good few girls who had a crush on Lucas. Some even started calling her names & mocking her.

Even now after 3 years they behave just the same. Maybe its just their bimbo brains that hasn't developed over the years.

At Cafeteria :

"How was your day so far?" Rachel asked.

"Just like any other day."

"By 'like any other day' you mean minus the classes You & Lucas hate-stared each other and Sharon passed comments on you. What was it today? Anything new?"

Sharon has a crush on Lucas for a few years now & everyone knows, maybe Lucas too but she never had the guts to confess her feelings to him. She goes around telling everyone that Lucas belongs to her but infront of him she can't even say a few words!

"You think her bimbo-brain will produce anything new? Hell no.

She asked me to find a boyfriend soon because she feels "really bad" seeing me still stuck in love with Lucas." Mia laughed.

"This one again! If she's that scared of you why doesn't she goes ahead & confesses to Lucas. Why bother suggesting you to get a boyfriend. Pfft."

But seeing Mia smiling, Rachel said,

"But I'd thank her. Because of her I finally saw your smile today."

"I smiled at your comment not because of her."

"Are you going to Lily's after school?"


"You sure?"

"Why not! I had to find a part-time job anyways & Lily asked me to babysit. It's perfect 'cause Lily is like a sister to me plus Annie is a really cute kid. I'm familiar with her so I think she'll be easy to handle."

"I think you're forgetting that Lucas also lives there. So you'd have to put up with him in school & in home."

"It's no big deal we ignore each other anyway."

"If you'll be okay then I won't worry. I'll drive you there later.


After school Rachel dropped Mia off at Lily's place.

"Hey Mia! Glad you're here." Raphael opened the door. Raphael is Lily's husband and Annie is their almost 3 years old daughter.

"Hi! Where's Lily & Annie?"

"They're in kitchen, come."

"Thank God Mia you're here." Lily exclaimed.

"What's wrong?"

"I have to rush to the office something urgent came up & Raphael is also busy. Lucas isn't here yet although he won't come of any help because Annie doesn't like to play with him."

"She doesn't?"

"She starts crying hysterically as soon as he touches her. So, you literally saved us right now."

"You can do your own work while watching Annie there's nothing much to worry about. I've already noted down every little thing that might come of help and if you don't understand anything or if anything happens then you can call either of us. OK?"


"Then I'll leave for office. See you later."

"Have a nice day. Bye!"

After Lily & Raphael left, Mia started playing with Annie. After an hour, Annie fell asleep in Mia's arms so she carefully placed her in her bed & relaxed in the living room couch.

Only a few minutes later she heard the front door opening so she turned around.

Lucas was standing behind her a few footsteps away!

Glaring at her!
