
chapter 1:Unexpected savior

I sit alone under a tree in the playground escaping the scorching heat of the sun as I normally do, waiting for the summer days to pass by so that I can finally go to school, when I hear someone shout "hey freak you look a bit more disgusting today" as i turn around to the direction where the insult came from, a stout young boy with blue eyes and blonde hair named dylan accompanied by his lackeys enter my vision.

I sighed hoping that today they would see my obvious lack of enthusiasm and decide to leave me alone but just like ever single time my hopes were for naught. "aw our little lily is ignoring us, I think this little monster needs to be taught a lesson on how to treat normal people like us" he and his (I would say friends but they were children he also bullied who are forced to laugh at his jokes and help bully other children) lackeys snicker in unison.

dylan ordered two of his servants to pick me up by my armpits as he grabs a fist full of dirt smudging it all over me. My once white and my clean blue sun dress now stained with dirt and grass. I will every atom in my body to hold myself back from tearing up as to not give dylan and his group who were already dying of laughter anymore satisfaction than they already have. Dylan readied the next round of muck they were going to rub on me when a suddenly there was a loud thump as a book hit Dylan at the back of his head followed by a Loud "HEY-"

Before the boy could finish his sentence though he tripped and fell face first on the ground. The pitiful sight of the boy caused an uproar of laughter in the group. The boy after struggling to get up now with a nosebleed and a face red of embarrassment walked to the whale stuffed in a body of a boy that was Dylan and confronted him.

"W-what do you think you're doing, let her go" Dylan shocked that someone dared not only to throw a book at him, but also disturb his little play time. Dylan grabbed the boy and threw him at the trunk of the tree.

"Has the orphan boy decided to rescue his freak girlfriend" Dylan exclaims followed by laughter among the group.

The boy trying to recover; obviously hurt by the impact manages to throw dirt at Dylans eyes. Due to the commotion the grip of the one's holding me loosened, the boy used this opportunity to grab me as we ran away.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, CHASE THEM" Dylan teary-eyed shouted furiously as he watched us get away. We already had a huge lead however so we were easily able to escape inside the community church.

"Are you ok?" the boy asked with exhausted breaths between words.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking that" I say pointing at his face smudged with both blood and dirt.

Even with all that dirt It failed to cover his features deep black eyes that matched his medium length hair a well defined nose a pale complexion and an expression that made him look like a lost puppy.

"I'm fine it doesn't really hurt" I doubt it.

"Anyways why were they bullying you anyways?" he asked me with the curiosity of a child as if the answer isn't in front of him already.

"Its because of this" I gesture at myself. He looks at me confused

"Ugh, I have albinism couldn't you tell by the red eyes and my hair color" i point at my eyes and straight white hair

"I think you look cool and pretty" he mutters. Taken aback by his comment I blush and turn away from him.

"I'm Oliver by the way, Just Oliver" he smiles at me.

"I'm Lilia Feyrer, just call me lily" i smile back.
