
Could be Me-an ?

作者: Emaanaly
連載中 · 10K ビュー
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What is Could be Me-an ?

WebNovel で公開されている、Emaanaly の作者が書いた Could be Me-an ? の小説を読んでください。Everyone meets a “mean girl” once in their lifetime ; could be at school or someone who you know deeply. In my case it was me due to a toxic BFF who left me lonely.Read to find out the crisis I faced ...


Everyone meets a “mean girl” once in their lifetime ; could be at school or someone who you know deeply. In my case it was me due to a toxic BFF who left me lonely. Read to find out the crisis I faced .

1 タグ

Sword Of the Celestial Heirs

Alex, is an ordinary modern-day teenager who meets a tragic end. However, destiny has other plans for him as he finds himself reincarnated into a renowned swordsman family known as the Silverwind Clan. The Silverwind Clan is renowned for their exceptional swordsmanship and their sworn duty to protect the realm from the forces of darkness. But unbeknownst to the world, they are also the descendants of ancient Celestial Heirs, individuals chosen by the gods to wield the legendary "Sword of Celestia" – a weapon of immense power capable of defeating even the mightiest of dragons. As Alex grows up in this new world, he discovers his hidden heritage and the powerful abilities he inherited as the Celestial Heir. Alongside his loyal dragon companion, Aurelia, he embarks on a quest to fulfill his family's duty and vanquish the dark forces threatening to plunge the world into chaos. Throughout his journey, Alex encounters mythical creatures, formidable enemies, and learns about the secrets of magic and gods that shape the realm. Along the way, he forms bonds with diverse characters, including fellow swordsmen, magical beings, and even gods who recognize his potential. As Alex's power grows, he faces moral dilemmas, tests of character, and the burden of wielding the ancient sword. Will he be able to maintain his humanity while fulfilling his destiny as the Celestial Heir? And can he unite the different factions of the realm to face a common, greater threat that looms on the horizon? "Sword of the Celestial Heir" is an epic tale of self-discovery, courage, and the pursuit of justice in a magical world filled with wonders and dangers, where the fate of the entire realm lies in the hands of one reincarnated soul.

Sleepy_cat123 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Universe Dementia

One Faithful day Above the sky's the Gods were seated together,Evil and good Gods all there looking at the earth. They found the world devoid of any meaning, as humans Grow make money, family and die, An endless cycle. The lord god looked at it feeling disappointed as the world was not what he expected. All of them were feeling disappointed at the world,but then one of the Evil Gods known as Satan made a suggestion. "The world is to bland Because its to repetitive, what if we alter the world to be a world full of powers". The Gods pondered on what he said, seriously in thought the lord god spoke. "i don't see how that will make this different," the gods nodded at his idea , but Satan shook his head and said. "i meant we put the humans in an fiction world where we will give them any power we feel like, it is going to be great because they will only have the power we choose" "that way they will have to adapt to it and since we will create this world for fun we can alter it anyway we want" another God said, The gods all liked the idea and were about to go forward but the lord stopped them saying. "if we do that it will be a world of chaos as it will be altered every time the gods felt cold water drench them as he rejected it, he then continued saying "so we will leave this earth and create a separate universe and each send our most favoured human. They will live for more than money and wealth there shall be no order. A world of madness devoid of order a world of Dementia !!" As he said that they all agreed, creating a world unique as it was a world of Anime,Comics a fiction containing multiple fiction. Yoichi who is a normal high school boy is shocked as he is born as the blindfold character in a world that contained Goku,Anos,Rimuru and many more. How will he survive in a world where almost every transmigrator is over powered. This is my first fan fic book everyone please read and comment, sorry if the synopsis is to long for you i had to make sure you would understand. If some don't understand its a world created by Gods containing multiple anime's and Comics where selected humans will be sent to in the body of an anime character or a comic character

truth_2838 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Marked by a Vampire

Marked by a Vampire. Marked by a Vampire is a thrilling and interesting novel. Meet the Aristocratic Lord, Austin Boddy. He was born as an Aristocratic Vampire. Austin was granted the ability and grace to be an Aristocratic Vampire. Aristocratic Vampires are usually the powerful, Romantic, Charming, Flamboyant and fabulously wealthy Vampires. Austin has enough wealth in order to maintain his Vamprical lifestyle. He throws parties alot, and the main aim of an Aristocratic Vampire that throw parties is to prey and blood-suck humans. One day, Austin was summoned by their head of Vampires, LORD LUCIFER, when he came, he was told that, he had gone against one of their rules. LORD LUCIFER told him that, he has sinned against the Vampires. Austin kept on wondering what was his son. Until he was told that, he marked a witch in one of his numerous parties. Austin kept on wondering how and when, until he was told that he was drunk, that night of the party. LORD LUCIFER said that, the only reason he can be saved is when he brings the witch before the next moonlight. But, as Fate would have it. The bond of the mark kept on bringing the two hearts together, and later on, Austin and the Witch eventually became friends, and fell in love. He later found out that, she was the witch he had been looking for so long. What would be their fate afterthen. Would he surrender the love of his life to LORD LUCIFER Or???? He will rescue her Let's find out

Egbo_Marvellous_5527 · ファンタジー
9 Chs


“Shut up!” He roared, as he tore my slave garment from my body in less than a second, leaving my body bare, except for my bra and panties. “Oh my…” He muttered devilishly with lust filled eyes, as he roughly grabbed the right cup of my bra, manhandling it as if to get a pre-feel of how the main softness will feel like. I had given up already, tired of writhing on the floor, tired of trying to wiggle out of his hold, and tired of pleading. What was the use? My legs were already held hostage in the confines of his own limbs, my throat was now sore, and all my plea fell on deaf ears. I shut my eyes tightly, already welcoming my cursed fate, when suddenly the door burst ajar. Who could that be? A savior or another foe? I opened up my eyes, already glazy with tears, and peered at the visitor. He was a man. A beautiful man. A beautiful, angry man. I couldn’t tell distinctively his facial features because of my tear clothed eyes, but even as I laid as dead underneath my assailant, I could feel his rage rolling over him like waves. “Who dares to interrupt my pleasure time? My assailant asked, about to turn his head way back to see who had been standing by the door, when suddenly, in a twinkle of an eye, his head went off flying from his neck, to the ground idly. And so, I screamed; especially as I felt his blood splatter all over my chest and face. But in my screaming and shocked state, I was still able to hear the first words of the man since he had stepped into the room. “How dare you to touch my mate?” He roared. ***** Olivera, the only wolfless girl in the Red Moon’s Pack was captured alongside her best friend by the deadliest pack in the entire region. While performing her slave duties for the new pack, she was almost raped by her taskmaster, but for the intervention of Raul, the Alpha of the pack, who is reckoned for his infamous curse, ruthlessness and womanizing traits. Journey along with Olivera, and see how a shy, seizure plagued wolfless girl tamed the big bad alpha, especially when it was discovered that she was a hybrid, the chosen world who would restore peace between the two supernatural realms at war.

nuvvy10 · ファンタジー
370 Chs

ใครว่าข้าเป็นปรมาจารย์...นะ? (Who is master of Destiny?)

เรื่องนี้ข้าไม่ยอม! ทำอย่างไรก็ไม่ยอม! ไม่อาจตัดใจยอมได้เด็ดขาด! เรื่องอะไรทำไมข้าต้องมาเป็นปรมาจารย์เจ้าวิทยายุทธ์ในยุคที่ไร้ซึ่งอินเตอร์เน็ตเเละไวไฟ 6 G เช่นนี้ด้วย เรื่องนั้นเอาไว้ก่อน แต่เรื่องที่มันทำให้ข้ารับไม่ได้จริงๆก็คือ แฟนที่คบกันมา 3 ปี กำลังขอข้าแต่งงานแท้ๆ แต่ไอ้สายไฟเจ้ากรรมดันมาอยู่ผิดที่ดันมาเกี่ยวขาข้าจนตกเรือสำราญ ท่ามกลางบรรยากาศที่สวยงามมีมนต์ขลังของเทศกาล ข้ากลับต้องมาตกเรือตาย ทั้งยังโดนไฟช็อต ยังไม่พูดถึงเรื่องที่ข้าว่ายน้ำไม่เป็นอีก ใครดูก็รู้ว่าตายชัวร์ แต่แล้ว ข้ากลับลืมตาขึ้นมาบนเตียงทองอย่างมึนงง ทุกอย่างดูงดงามวิจิตรจนนึกว่าข้าขึ้นสวรรค์ไปแล้ว จนกระทั่งได้ยินเสียงหญิงชายนับร้อยสะอื้นไห้ ตระโกนอย่างพร้อมเพียงกันว่า “ขอท่านอาจารย์ว่านฝู่อย่าทอดทิ้งพวกเรา ศิษย์ยินดีรับใช้ท่านไปหมื่นปี หมื่นๆปี” ข้ากระอักเลือดออกมาคำนึงก่อนจะถามพวกเขากลับ "ใครคืออาจารย์ของพวกเจ้ากันมิทราบ?"

Rungun_Anan · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Legends of Avalon: Labyrinth of Daedalus

While the other nations were at war with the Shadow Wraith, the small nation of Lyonesse was run down and occupied by the Demon Empire led by the Demon Shamaness ‘Livni the Cursed’ of the fifth Demon clan. Princess ‘Elle’ Elizabeth Marion de Lyon, a princess of Lyonesse has escaped the capital city, accompanied by her royal guards the Golden Wings Knights. Their mission is to get to Atlantis Academy and warn them of the Demon presence in Lyonesse. The girls’ mission however was not easy as their escape was discovered and Shadow Assassins, the most feared assassins of the Demon Empire were sent after them. Many of their comrades fell to their demonic assassination magic. In order to escape certain death for herself and her friends, Princess Elle made the decision to enter the Labyrinth of Daedalus, an ancient dungeon that is as deadly as the Demons that are after them. After endless days of labouring in the punishing maze, the girls are ready to give up when they are lead to the heart of the maze and discover the horror that was hidden there by the ancient race that built the labyrinth. Can Princess Elle and her Golden Wings Knights, already at the edge of their endurance, face the terror at the centre of the labyrinth and escape? Will Ray be able to make it in time to help them and will their combined powers be enough against the horrors of the ancient labyrinth and the might of a group of demonic assassins that are feared even in Tartarus?

estarosaevans · ファンタジー
6 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

I had the same experience in my life that's why i love this book and i am going to support this book more further........keep going with your hard work![img=update][img=recommend]


I was amazed by the title I said this is the book I must read it was the first few lines which grasped me towards it I never liked reading books but I’m waiting desperately for the second chapter


The book name fascinated me to read this book! Your vocabulary is perfect and character building is great and it impressed me alot!☆ Great Work![img=recommend]


Awesome waiting for next part when next part will upload it contains a very soothing language and material it can be made better by several ways


Be sure to give my book a five star rating . lIke it and review on it . thx for youre feed back . chp 2 is coming soon. Love you guys the hint for the other chapter is that we’ ll know the truth about vanessa.


It’s very good. I was amazed by the story telling skills in this passage. It was a good read and I enjoyed it. You should try new topics now and write about more stuff etc. Just keep it simple and plain and fun for the reader. Keep it up


Up till now the story is going great the plot of the story is building slowly and I just want to find out what happens in math period can’t wait for the 4th chapter Waiting anxiously


Wow such a splendid and grandeur book. The story development leaves me curious on what would happen next. Keep the hard work up. I am waiting for the next chapter desperately. Make it have amazing diction and better story development.


wow i love it this book .great effort emaan. Everyone like amd give her 5 stars[img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins]


