
The Plan

"Lesley!" A female voice called and her voice echoed among the walls of the Vance Household.

"LESLEY!" She shouted once more.

"Mother, coming!"

Lesley hurriedly went down the long staircase and met her mother.

"What's the matter?"

"A letter from the magic academy was sent to the king. He went there a while ago. And your father was summoned to the castle to meet with the king after the meeting."

Lesley's face was painted with worry.

"I wonder why?"



"This is not fair!"

"The twilight orb is precious enough just to be made a prize?!"

The invited leaders quarelled as they sat around the circular table.

"LISTEN!" The King of the Magic Academy stressed.

"This tournament is not just about who we will win, its about how we can unite the kingdoms!"

The Meeting Hall was drowned in silence.

"So, if the winner shall take the twilight orb, what will happen next?" Khufra, a popularly feared king of the city of Arnak asked. Voice full of greed and menace.

"The receipient shall be given privilege to harness the energy from the orb, by any means." The king replied with a bit of smirk in his face.

"Nost Gal from the Northern Lands deny." Aurora, queen of Nost Gal disagrees as she attracts the gazes of her fellow leaders.

Then suddenly, the skies darkened slightly with a bit of red tint.

Shadows swirled at the corner of the meeting hall and there emerged, Alice.

"Why didn't I receive any invitation?" Alice asked as she looked at her fingernails, sharp and long.

"You may settle abd join us, queen of the apocalypse." Aurora said.

"Very well." And Alice sat among them, joining the quarrel.

A few minutes later...

"It's time to vote for a decision, if the majority agrees to launch the Tournament, those who deny shall be forced to join still." The king asked.

Whispers and murmurs echoed the room.

"Who agrees to the Plan?"

8 raised their hands.

Hayabusa from Iga

Minsitthar from Mahar Pura

Khufra from Arnak

Vale from the valley of the winds

Moskov from Hietala

Saber from Lab 1718

Vexana from the Fortress of Despair

Alice of the Dark Abyss

"Who denies?"

7 raised hands.

Aurora from Nost Gal

Hylos from the Misty Mountains

Zilong from the sanctuary

Kaja from the celestial palace

Lolita from Eruditio City of Scholars

Bruno from Antoinerei

Tigreal from the Moniyan Empire

"It has been decided, the Tournament starts tomorrow. This meeting has finally adjourned. We are expecting the arrival of representatives at the Magic Academy's Coloseum tomorrow morning."

Everybody stood and disappeared wuth their respective magic and abilities.

Those left were the King, Gord, and the Twilight orb.

"Gord, the Paxley Family is to hand us a great warrior. Send them my request."

Gord bows and exits the room.


"Father!" Lesley called as she rushes towards her father who just appeared at the middle of the garden.

"Lesley, I want you and Harley to be prepared."

"Why?" Lesley asked with worry.

"The king wants us to lead our heroes for the tournament to be held tomorrow. I am expecting for your great performance."

"Why are you in a hurry?"

"News spread that the lord of the abyss has awaken. We must win the tournament to get hold of the twilight orb and stay safe when the time comes that the lord of the Abyss attacks."

Lesley's father hurriedly spoke these words and disappeared right away among the brown leaves that drop from the trees.

"Twilight orb? Sounds familiar...I've heard this somewhere, or from someone. Hmmm?.." Lesley thought.
