
Spirits part 3

 Uncle Tom remarked, "They can also fight alongside you, and if you want, your spirits can also turn into weapons."

"What kind of weapons?" Jake asked eagerly.

"Spirit Armaments is the name. Each spirit also has the capability to morph into a weapon, and that's the main reason why they are sought after the most," Tom explained.

"Cool! Say, Uncle Tom, when can our spirits turn into Armaan-arman.. Weapons?" Jimmy asked, momentarily forgetting the term Armament.

"Hahaha, it's Armament, and they..." Tom was about to explain when Reynolds' voice interrupted from outside.

"is it over? Tom," Reynolds called to Tom.

"It's over. You can take the kids," Tom replied to Reynolds, then turned to the kids and said, "I will tell you later about it. Now go on and train with Reynolds."

Jake and the others nodded and left Tom's house. Outside, they saw Reynolds standing with four glasses of milk.

"Finally, you brats are out. Now drink up and run around the park, and then do a set of Elite's Drill," Reynolds instructed while passing the glasses.

"Yes ×4," Jake and the others shouted and started running.

As the kids ran, Reynolds asked Tom, "How did it go?"

Tom, coming near him, replied, "Everyone got a spirit."

"All of them got it on the first try?" Reynolds asked again.

"Yes, I know it's shocking, but it's true," Tom smiled and said.

"When does forming bonds with spirits become this easier?" Reynolds muttered, looking at the kids' backs.

"I know, right? Even I got the attention of one on the 3rd try and finally formed a bond on the 5th try," Tom warily smiled and commented.

"Well, I got one on the 4th try," Reynolds said.

Forming bonds with spirits is very difficult, and there are only five chances for each person. If anyone wasn't able to find a bond after all five tries, they would never be able to form a bond with one ever in their life.

"What spirits did they get?" Reynolds asked as they walked back to the park.

"Emily got a wind spirit, Jimmy got Melody, Mark got Frost Fire, a dual element, and lastly, Jake... I am not sure, but it's probably a space type spirit or void type," Tom replied.

"Good spirits, all of them got. But why are you not sure about Jake's?" Reynolds nodded and then asked.

Tom then explained to Reynolds what happened after Jake tried to form a bond.

"Hmm, it's really something new. Even I have never heard of it," Reynolds said.

"What's your spirit's opinion about it?" Reynolds then asked.

"Even I don't know about it," before Tom could reply, a lightning spirit came out of Tom's shadow and responded.

"Mane, how about you?" Reynolds nodded and then said.

"I have also never heard about it," a rough voice sounded and replied to Reynolds' inquiry.

"Is that your spirit?" Tom asked, looking at the small lion cub on Reynolds' shoulder.

The small lion cub raised its paw as if greeting him.

"Yes, his name is Mane," Reynolds nodded.

"Does Jake know?" Tom asked after a moment.

"About what?" Reynolds asked.

"About you or everything," Tom shrugged and said.

"No, in his eyes, we are normal Gate Explorers," Reynolds shook his head and said.

"You should tell him about everything; it will be better that way," Tom sighed and said.

"Maybe, but not right now," Reynolds nodded but then shook his head.

"Suit yourself," Tom said.

After that, they didn't talk and just sat there watching and correcting Jake and others as they did Elite's Drill.

After some time:

"Guys, don't forget to come to my home at 3:00 o'clock. Mom's class starts at that time," Jake said as they finished training.

"We will come ×3," others replied while limping back home.

Jake, reaching home, went to sleep.

Reynold told Sera everything that happened while Jake formed a bond with a spirit.

"I don't think there is anything to worry about. It might be a characteristic of space spirits," Sera replied.

"Maybe," Reynold nodded, but he still felt something was wrong.

"Come on, don't make that face. You know some special spirits have their own characteristic influence on surroundings during bond formation," Sera said to Reynold, who still had a pondering look.

Reynold considered Sera's explanation but couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling lingering within him. "I get it, but this feels different," he muttered.

"Don't worry. It might be because of Jake's affinity," Sera said.

"Hmm, should we tell Jake about us?" Reynold said, catching Sera off guard.

"No, I want Jake to grow up away from those bastards," Sera frowned and said.

"Hmm," Reynold nodded and closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Sera returned to cooking.

At noon, Jake woke up and made his way to the dining table.

"Here, sleepyhead, your meal," his mom instantly came to him with warm meals.

Jake ate his meal and then went back to his room and started meditating while operating the ??? Foundation art.

At 3:00 o'clock, his mom called him.

Reaching the lobby, he saw his friends already waiting there.

Sera prompted Jake to sit with his friends and said, "You all might have heard from Jake, but I will say it one more time. This class is about Runecraft, a branch of magic that can be applied in all other branches of magic."

Jake's friends gathered, attentive to Sera's words. "Runecraft is versatile, with applications across various magical disciplines," she reiterated, emphasizing the importance of this intriguing branch of magic.

Sera delved into the realms of magic, elaborating on various branches. "There's Elemental Magic, manipulating natural forces; Illusion Magic, creating illusions; Healing Magic, focused on restoring health; and many more, each with its unique principles and applications," she explained, unveiling the diversity of magical disciplines.

"Sorcery encompasses Necromancy, delving into the realm of the deceased; Golemancy involves crafting sentient beings from inanimate materials," Sera continued, painting a comprehensive picture. "From Divination to Enchantment, each branch offers a distinct path for those who seek to harness the mystical forces of the universe."

"While Runecraft is the only branch that can be applied in all other branches, like in Golemancy, one can add various elemental runes to give a golem access to different elements or resistance to various elements," Sera explained.

"And it's just one of the many applications of Runes," Sera continued.

Sera then distributed the books she had created to all of Jake's friends.

"This book contains all basic runes," Sera said as others grabbed the book.

"Um," Emily raised her hand, and Sera asked her what her question was.

"This creates Rune...." Emily asked her question, and then others also asked while Sera patiently explained everything to them, and at 6:00 o'clock, the class ended.

"Don't forget to revise what you learned today," Sera said as Jake's friends left the house.

"Yes, ma'am," others said.

Jake also returned to his room and started finding out about his spirit.

"Nexux, tell me about Astralium," Jake asked.


Title: Celestial Guide

Attribute: Void

Description: Astralium is a spirit that helps explorers lost in the void; he helps them come out of the void.

Special Ability: Void Travel, Void Magic

-Void Travel: Void Travel involves manipulating the energies of the void, allowing a practitioner to traverse the spaces between realms. It demands a profound connection with the mysterious void and a keen mastery of its forces to navigate safely through the cosmic emptiness, bridging the gaps between distant dimensions.]

"So it's Void elemental," Jake nodded and understood.

Jake then closed his eyes, focusing on his connection with Astralium, and soon he got connected with him, reaching his soul space.

"Do you need anything?" Focusing on the voice in the ethereal glow, Jake discerned a spectral figure draped in an enigmatic robe that seemed to meld seamlessly with the shadows. Suspended in midair, the hood obscured any glimpse of a face, leaving only the haunting glow of two piercing purple orbs. Limbs veiled beneath the mystical shroud, the figure exuded an aura of otherworldly secrecy, casting an eerie presence in the dimly lit space.

"You are Astralium?" Jake asked, looking at the black specter.

"Yes, it's me," Astralium replied, his voice sounding like a young man's.

"I don't need anything, just wanted to see how you look," Jake nodded and replied.

"Have you seen now? Then get out," Astralium said in the same emotionless voice.

"So cold. Don't you want to talk with me?" Jake said.

"No," Astralium replied instantly.

Jake: "...."

"Ahem, how about you tell me about spirit armament," Jake coughed and said.

"You are weak," Astralium replied and waved his hand, or what seemed to be, and Jake found himself back in his room.

"I got kicked out of my own soul space?" Jake muttered, looking at the ceiling.

[Yep, you got kicked out.] Nexus nodded.

"I wasn't asking you," Jake grumbled.

[Don't worry; he might be a shy type... ]

"Or a straightforward type," Jake interrupted and said.

[... Might be. Don't worry; some spirits only talk when necessary, like your friend Emily.]

"Hmm," Jake nodded and started using refinement art.
