
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · ファンタジー
79 Chs

Operation Dirge of Surge.

Sunny woke up to Zeke preparing breakfast for them. "Do you not sleep?" "Oh, um...I've just been having trouble sleeping lately. Figured I make the most of it and cook you breakfast. Do you like bacon and pancakes?" "I'm offended you even asked me that." Zeke chuckled handing her a stack of pancakes, with a giant plate of crispy bacon. "You ever thought of becoming a chef?" "Was...was that a compliment?" "Yes, I'm capable of doing that." "I know you're capable of it, I just thought it would set you on fire to compliment a Demon." "It's starting to feel like it." She said shoving a mouthful in. "Now do you remember the plan?" "They're finding Hunters through blood drives. So I go to a random one each day, and say I'm looking for a Kalcifer rush." "Good, you remember the plan." "I've been meaning to tell you something about that plan by the way." "What is it?" She asked annoyed. "I can't really turn my powers off...what happens when they can't get the needle in?" "Any blood donor will say don't come back, any of Kalcifer's will offer to take you to place for deeper extraction. So just play along and-seriously, what are you doing that makes this all taste so good?" Zeke shrugged. "Iunno."

He took out a large brown paper bag with Sunny written on it. "What's that?" "I packed you lunch." She snatched it from him. "People are gonna know this is from you." "Have you never brought in your own lunch before?" "Never. Now I can't take this....what is it?" "Well I know you like burgers, so I went to the butcher and got some pastrami, with this smoked ham, covered it with-" "Alright I'll take it. Just because you put a lot of work into it. Not because it smells amazing or anything." He smiled taking a seat across from her. "Sure. Well have a great day at work honey." He said sticking out his cheek for a kiss. "Don't push your luck." Sunny growled walking to the shower. Sunny arrived at work, trying to quickly and discretely find a place to store her lunch. She opted to tuck under her desk. Jones and Stevens wheeled themselves over. "So what's in the bag?" Stevens asked. "Yeah it smells amazing." Jones said sniffing the air. "Easy fatty."

"It's just my lunch." The two shared a glance, before a sly grin stretched across their faces. "It's from him isn't it?" Jones asked nudging her gently with his elbow. "Believe it or not. I am capable of packing my own lunch." "No one said you aren't. We're saying you don't, but that loveable kid does." "It's not from him alright? I'll prove it." She said taking out the paper bag. The three peered inside, seeing neatly stacked sandwiches, wrapped tightly and a note on top. 'Have a great day at work and be safe.' Sunny felt her heart flutter. "So you uh...always write yourselves notes with your packed lunch?" Stevens asked. "Yy-yes!" She exclaimed tucking the bag away. "Now shoo. You're taking all the scent away." "What's in the bag?" Captain Carter asked. "Zeke packed her lunch, and a note. She totally loves it." Stevens said. "I do not! Shut up!" She pouted, angrily loading her computer. Captain Carter rubbed his hands together with an evil grin. "I'll take your billion dollars only in crisp Benjis." "Not gonna happen. Now can we please get to work, and stop obsessing over my non-existent love life?" "Wouldn't be non-existent if you said yes to him." She let out a long exasperated sigh pinching between her brow. "What would it take for you three to drop this? Other than large amounts of money I don't have." "Well it seems like we've reach impasse Sunny." Carter said. She face planted on her desk.

Zeke entered his first blood drive, being greeted a by a sultry and sexy nurse, with her cleavage out. He shied away, trying with all might to not stare. 'Do all women dress like this in New York.' "First time?" She asked with a breathy voice. "Oh, I've had sex before." She cocked an eyebrow at him. "I meant giving blood..." Zeke chuckled. "Yes, that line of questioning makes more sense. Yeah it's my first time. Just looking for that Kalcifer rush." "Ah huh..." She placed the needle onto his vein. "This rush, what are you willing to do get it?" 'Holy crap, did I find them on my first go?' "Anything to make my shitty life better." He whispered. "In that case, let me do this..." She whispered into his ear. The nurse locked the door, and applied half a bottle of lotion onto her rubber glove. "Drop your pants and bend over. I'll give you a rush like never before." She winked at him. "OKAY! WRONG BLOOD DRIVE VAN!" Zeke shouted, quickly scurrying out.

Panting and gasping around the corner. Zeke clutched his chest. "Christ! Phew....okay, let's try the next one, hopefully the nurse isn't batshit insane." Entering into the second blood drive van at midday, Zeke calmly sat down with the male nurse. 'Okay...it's a dude. Nothing to worry about.' "First time sir?" 'Do they all ask this?' "Yeah, it's my first time giving blood." "Oh that's good, what motivated you to give some blood?" "Well, not sure how good my Demon's Blood is, but I hope it can help someone." "Well, that's very rare of your kind to give blood, but not to worry it won't affect Civilians." He prepared the needle, disinfecting Zeke's arm. "Now I hope you didn't have any plans after this, because you might feel a little dizzy after." "Oh not much planned. Just hoping to get some of that Kalcifer rush afterwards." "That so huh?" He placed the needled down locking the door. 'This is starting to feel eerily familiar.' The nurse gave Zeke a rubber glove, and a bottle of lotion. He dropped his pants, fully erect and winked at Zeke. "Ready, when you are big boy." "OKAY! DEFINITELY THE WRONG FUCKING VAN! CHRIST!" Zeke shouted storming out, confusing the others in line. "DID NOT NEED TO SEE THAT TODAY!"

Sunny sat comfortable behind her desk, eating Zeke's sandwiches, humming and head bopping. The others watched from afar. "Is she...humming?" Stevens asked. "And bopping her head? There's no music. What's she jamming to?" Jones asked. "That's definitely the joys of love." Carter said. "Maybe she just solved a lot of cases and is in a good mood?" Stevens said. "No...if she does that, she always hands me the fuck-ton of paperwork, and she hasn't-" They watched as she diligently and skilfully finalized and filled out her paperwork. "Oh she's in love." Jones said. "Ehhhh, there's still some wiggle room, I mean I'm all in for the teasing, but I doubt. That the sergeant is falling in love-" Stevens froze, as they watched her smile and read the note left by Zeke. "Okay, yeah. She's falling in love." "How do we help this along?" Jones asked. "We keep the course, and hope Sunny realizes that she's falling in love with..." Carter trailed off. "On second thought, let's just help Zeke." The other two nodded.

Zeke entered his fifth blood donation van. He was greeted by a tiny female nurse, her scrubs hung over her gaunt body. Heavy and dark bags rested under her eyes, that trembled at a full dilation. Zeke spotted her hands trembling and quivering as she prepared the injection. "Are you okay with blood loss?" She asked with an irritated voice. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just looking for that Kalcifer rush." She placed the needle down locking the door. 'I swear to every living god, if she takes out glove. I am going to murder-" She sat down in front of him, grabbing his arm tightly, and checked her surroundings. "Are you a cop?" She whispered. Zeke shook his head. "Okay, you're telling the truth." She pulled her glove off, revealing her Hunter mark. 'A Truth seeker, as their first point of contact.' "How much are you looking for?" "I'm not looking to buy. I'm hoping to donate." "That right? What makes you think your blood is anything special huh?" Zeke took out his phone, showing footage of him against Alistair. Her eyes bulged. "How many Demon Hunters, you know capable of taking hits from him?" She slipped him a card. "Go to this address, at midnight, and say you're here to make an offering. And don't be followed inside, unless you want to die." "Thanks. I'll be going now." She stopped him placing a hand on his crotch.

"Woah-hoho-kay..." "I would like to get a sample from you, before I go." "I am going to do a pass." "What's wrong? Got a girlfriend?" She whispered, licking her lips at him. "Nope, just not interested." "I have strap-on, if that's more your flavour." "AND I AM LEAVING! Goodbye!" He said leaving with his voice cracking. Zeke met up with Sunny at the end of her shift. She noticed his frazzled and tired face. "You alright?" Zeke shook his head at her, placing a card down on her table. "Oh my god, you found it in one day?" She whispered. "I did. I also found out if you ask for a good time in a blood donation van. It means you're either asking for a prostate exam or wanting to give one." Sunny burst out laughing covering her mouth. Everyone in the precinct froze for second seeing Sunny laugh. Zeke panned around, making everyone return to normal. "Are you serious? Is that why you're not sitting?" He pursed his lips "I didn't take them on the offer." "Sureee."

He sat down across from her. "See." "No need to put on a brave face." "Ha-ha. Girl said be at that location, at midnight." "She say anything else?" "The usual shady stuff you hear in movies. Come alone, blah blah. Then she offered to have sex with me. Not exactly sure what crack she was on, but it's gotta a crazy high." "You know that you're not bad looking right?" Zeke scoffed. "You might need an eye check. Anyway, you feel like anything for dinner?" "We need to talk about how you're gonna approach." "I go in alone, and I come out with everything I remember. I'll make a scene if I need you to come help me. Unless...you care for me and are worried about my safety?" "You should go in wearing short-shorts. It will eccentuate you like it up the ass." Zeke chuckled. The three watched from Captain Carter's office, through the slits of his blinders. "They're bantering without fighting. Captain, you're a fucking genius." Stevens said. "I know I am. Now remember Jones, sell this place." "You got it captain." Jones said cracking his neck.

"Hey Zeke! Where you been?" "Oh, just doing things. Can I help you with anything?" "Oh no, I just couldn't help, but overheard that you guys don't know where you want to go and eat tonight." Sunny spotted Stevens and Carter watching her. The quickly scurried away. "Lieutenant, that won't be necessary, I already know where I want to eat." "Where's that?" Zeke asked. "Home. I'll make you something." "Oh. Cool. Coolcoolcool. I'll leave you guys to it." Jones said awkwardly walking back inside captain Carter's office. "You really gonna make me something?" "You think I can't cook?" "Well, you only had a six pack of beer in the fridge, and a tray of brownies." Sunny pouted at him. "Well...get ready for a great meal then." The two walked out together, with Sunny holding the paper bag. "The sandwiches were delicious by the way..." "That's good. I hoped you liked them. You have any preferences for tomorrow?" "Surprise me."

"Did she fall for the bait?" Captain Carter asked. "Exactly like you planned sir." "I gotta ask how you knew sir?" Stevens asked. "Because she would never make the mistake of letting Zeke take charge again. In her attempt to correct her mistake, she'll auto correct and end up taking him on a date without even knowing it." "That's brilliant sir." Stevens said. "What now?" Jones asked. "You two get back to work." The two groaned walking out grumbling. Captain Carter clasped his hands together with a sly smile. "Everything is falling into place." Sunny brought Zeke to the supermarket. The two walked together, without noticing those gossiping about them. "So, do I get to know what I'm eating?" "Are you somehow allergic to things while being invulnerable?" "No, just curious to know what I'm eating." "Well it's a surprise." She threw a dozen eggs into the trolley, with several cans of spam, and packets of sliced cheese. She flicked his head. "What was that for?" "You were trying to analyse, what I'm making you. Stop that." "I can't really help it." "Try focusing on anything else." "Like what?" She shrugged. "Think about that book of yours." "I'd rather not." "Iunno you're a kid, think about boobs or something." Zeke shifted his eyes. "Not on mine." She growled. "You didn't specify."

Zeke sat in the apartment watching as Sunny prepared an entire pot of instant noodles. She struggled to prepare the amount of spam with her knife. "God! How do you cut all this food for me so perfectly?" "Well I don't use that thing." "You don't?" She asked looking at her blunt chef's knife. "Then what do you use?" Zeke summoned Shadow, making Sunny stumble back. "Christ! Have you always had that thing?" "Yes?" "And you use that thing to prepare food?" "Well yeah, it's super sharp, and light. I mean other than its size, it's kinda feel right to use. Did you want to borrow it." "I'm...I'm good." "Why not use your feather? That thing was razor sharp." "Uhh, because that's a part of me, and it would be super unhygienic to prepare food like that." "I saw you burn the thing, the moment you were done using it. I'm sure you have a better time use that." "...Fine, but I don't want any complaints or jokes related to chickens." Zeke threw his hands up. "Wasn't going to."

Summoning her wings for a second, she plucked a feather out. Zeke noticed her wincing, but chose to say nothing. With precision and expert handling, she diced the spam in an instant preparing the vegetables in clean chunks. "How long you practice with that?" "You're basically a detective, care to take a guess?" "Do I get anything for being right?" "Hmmm, if you get close enough, I'll give something." She sat down in front of him playing and twirling with her feather like a knife. Zeke lurched forward clasping his hand in front of him. "Mmm ten years, spread across three different weapons, that are similar to your feather." Sunny's eyes perked up. "Guess the three, and I'll give you, your reward." Zeke sat back in his chair. "Hmmmm...you're Japanese and use it more like a short sword. So I'm guessing kendo, baton, and knife training?" Sunny sucked on her teeth. "I got it right didn't I?" "No one likes a smart ass. Alright close your eyes." Zeke shrugged and did what he was told. He felt her hair fall onto his ear, feeling her hot breath on his cheek. 'Is she going to kiss me!?'

Sunny ran her fingers up his nape, sending a shiver down his spine. Zeke leapt out of his chair with a girlish scream, swiping his back. Sunny reeled bellowing out a laugh. He frowned and pouted at her. "Not cool!" "You really can't handle spiders can you?" "No I can't, now don't do that again." He shuddered. "No promises." The two sat down with a pot filled with instant noodles, spam, fried eggs and vegetables. "Alright, I know this isn't technically cooking, but it taste good." Zeke chuckled. "Moon says this is cooking, because it taste good." "This Moon girl...are you two?" "Dating? Oh no. She would never go for someone like me." Sunny felt a wave of relief. She had seen the photos of her online. "So you two have never?" "Uh recently we did, but it was a casual thing. She'll probably comeback with a boyfriend or boy toy, from her job." Sunny felt a wave of anger fill her. 'Why am I getting angry about him having sex? Snap out of it.' "Anyway, never had this flavour before. It looks great."

The two sat together sharing a pleasant meal, before a thought came across Sunny's mind. Her mind filled with clues. She looked across to Zeke smiling at her, looking back at her puzzled. "What? Is there something on my face?" 'Oh my god. We're on a date.' Her eyes darted around the room frantically. 'I declined an offer to make him pay for my dinner, and then made him dinner. What the fuck am I doing!?' "Hey, Sunny? You alright?" Zeke waved, looking at her concerned. 'I almost kissed his cheek as well. I've been playing with him as well!' "YO! Sunny!? Are you okay?"

Sunny shook her head. "You were saying?" "Saying what? You just zoned out staring at me. It was really creepy." 'NOW I'M GETTING LOST IN HIS EYES!? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!?' "Sorry, just thinking about work. Speaking of that, we should get going." "It's 8:30. We still got like-" "No time like the present! Alright see you at the car!" She raced out flustered, feeling her heart race. Zeke sat there dumbfounded cocking his head to the side. He scratched his head. "Women are confusing..." The two sat in silence, with Sunny staring straight ahead, not looking over to him at all. 'Focus Sunny. He's a Demon. A sweet, caring and loving Demon, with a-" Zeke jumped as Sunny slapped herself. "Sorry, just had to keep myself awake." He looked at her concerned, leaning away from her. "Did you want a coffee or something?" "Nope! Alright I'll drop you off here. If anything happens make some noise, and call the 911." "Okay...hey are you good? You're acting really weird." Zeke said exiting the car. "Hey, maybe you should keep my-" Sunny peeled off. "Man, I cannot get a handle on women."

Zeke approached a steel door with sliding eyehole on it, and welcome mat at the front. "Oh this is so cool. It's like the movies." He cleared his throat knocking on the door. The eyehole slid across, revealing a pair of crimson eyes staring at him. "What the fuck do you want?" He said with a slow deep voice#. "I'm here to make an offering." "Show me." "I can't really do that standing on top of runes now can I?" The door slid open with a violent clang. Zeke came face to face with a giant sitting on a stool. Even hunched over he could peer out the door, and down on Zeke. "Holy crap, you're fucking huge. You must really hit the gym." "Thanks for noticing, I've been going extra hard recently. Take the lift at the end of the hallway, down to the lowest level." Zeke nodded following his instructions. The lift travelled for a few stories, taking him down a basement lit with neon white lights.

Exiting out two men rammed cattle prods into Zeke's side, shoving him to the ground, and placing a bag over his head. They dragged him down a long winding set of corridors, before throwing him onto a chair. They bound his wrists and legs. "Leave us." A man said. Zeke heard the door shut behind him, and the man sipping on his drink. He stood in front of Zeke, and struck him across the face with a back hand. He felt his neck barely move. 'Alright this guy clearly isn't a Hunter.' Zeke faked a groan, and his hood was ripped off. "Not so tough now are we?" Lazarus Kalcifer asked. Unlike his brother, Lazarus was completely bald, his only defining trait that differentiated him from King. Zeke gave him a puzzled look, before panning around the pristine and clean office. "You must be Lazarus. I'm here to make a donation-" He cupped Zeke's mouth. "I know who you are. You little shit. You're the one who put my brother in prison." "Well if you know, who I am. Can we skip this talk and get to the point? I've always wanted to say that." "I can't believe my brother lost to a stupid kid like you." "So is this the part where you torture me? Or...?"

Lazarus let out a maniacal chuckle, slugging back his whiskey. "Oh, this is definitely, where I start to torture you." He took out an ornate serrated dagger. It's blade constantly dripped a viscous green fluid. "Do you know what this is?" "Um...some legendary poison dagger, you bought off the black market?" "Precisely. It belongs to-" "I gotta ask. How do you guys find these black markets? Do you guys have like your own Facebook market place or something?" Lazarus shook his head confused. "Of course not! We go through contacts to set up meetings." "Ah, so it's not really a market. It's more of a black trade. Ehhhh although I can see why you wouldn't call it that. It would cause some confusion." "SHUT UP!" He scolded. "This dagger belongs to-" "Maybe you guys rebrand it to, Dark Dealings, because you always do it at night." "That wouldn't work, because we sometimes make trades during the day." Lazarus shook his head frustrated, pressing the dagger against Zeke's face.

"Alright you shut up now!" Zeke watched as the poison burnt through coat and shirt. Touching his skin, it sizzled and stung, like boiling water touching his skin. He jumped letting out a grunt. "It's over for you now kid. There's no anti-venom capable of curing this. You would need to go visit a S grade Healer, to cure you now." Lazarus chuckled. "See this dagger once belong to the Pestilence Queen. Ivy Mandrake." "The world number three Hunter?" Zeke gave him a doubtful gaze. "Yes! What? You don't believe me?" He shrugged. "It's not that I don't believe you, but that weapon kinda loses its value, don't you think?" "Wh...what do you mean?" "Well, either it was stolen and that makes it very valuable, but don't you think she would have enough to money to hunt that item down?" Lazarus's eyes darted side to side. "I hid it very well!" "Ehhh, that part I don't believe at all. See I think she sold that, because well it wasn't of any value to her. Seems a little redundant for the PESITILENCE QUEEN, to use a poison dagger, don't you think?" "...SHUT UP!" He yelled placing the dagger under Zeke's throat. "I'm gonna gut you, and watch you slowly die, as your blood congeals into a blob.

"Before you kill me. Could you tell me, who you're other suppliers are?" "Why would I tell you that?" "What do you have to lose?" "I'm not telling you shit!" He ran the blade across Zeke's throat in one motion turning around with a relieved smile. Zeke cocked an eyebrow behind him, simply feeling an annoying sting dribble down his throat. He sighed breaking himself free of the restraints. Lazarus spun around terrified and shocked. "How the fu-" Zeke clocked him in the face with a jab, cracking his nose and splitting his lip open. He took the dagger. "Hmm, I am gonna keep this though." "Ho-how-" Zeke looked around seeing the runes etched into every wall. "You really didn't learn from your brother's ass whooping did you? These runes don't work on me. I'm surprised you didn't notice, when I shook off being tazed in 3 seconds." Zeke took Lazarus by the collar dragging him out. "Guarh...GUARDS!" He spat.

Several large burly men came barging in holding large rifles. "Guys, before you shoot me-" Zeke was bombarded by a hail of gun fire, being sent flying into the wall. Lazarus crawled behind them being signed by bullets dropping on him. Their rifles ran empty after a few seconds, and the dust cloud settled down. Zeke was embedded into the wall. "HA! HOW YOU LIKE THAT ASSHOLE!? 50. Cal rounds armed with explosive tips!" Zeke coughed and chuckled. "That explains why they pack such a punch." The men quickly begun reloading. Lazarus slapped one of the men on the shoulder, hurrying him to reload his weapon. Zeke summoned his Spectre, having it rip the guns away from the men. "I'm walking out of here, with that dipshit in custody. If any of you want to stop me, I suggest you don't." Zeke growled summoning Shadow in his and his Spectre's hand. The men bowed and stood aside. "YOU TRAITOROUS FUCKERS! WHAT DO I PAY YOU ALL FOR!?" "Hey, this dagger come in a case? Or do you just kinda stick in a jar or something?" Zeke asked, holding the dripping dagger in the air. Lazarus entered into a sprint. "First person to stop him, gets this stack of chips in here." The men quickly sprinted and pounced onto him. They dragged him violently back to Zeke.

"Ah there's the case." Zeke sheathed the dagger in a dark verdant sheathe. He distributed the stack of chips equally amongst the men. Each one awkwardly nodding at him. "Hey, stop worrying guys. No hard feelings. Just doing what you're paid for. Now I only need him. So uh...take all the money you can find, but leave the drugs I guess." "Thanks boss." One of the men said. "Not your boss. Now go." "What's the meaning of this?" The front door security guard asked. Everyone froze, with Lazarus brimming with joy and hope. "TITAN! KILL THIS KID!" Zeke locked eyes with Titan. "You a cop?" "Uh, working with them." "You think you could get me through the police exam?" "YOU MOTHER F-" Zeke slapped him across the face, knocking out more teeth and his consciousness with it. "I'll ask my friend, and see if they can get you in." Titan's eyes lit up with joy. "REALLY!?" He squealed clapping his hands together. "Oh no." Zeke groaned watching Titan lumber over and give him a bear hug. He spun and swung Zeke around.

"Okay, when we get outside, I want you to say that you turned and brought him in, saving my life." "But..." "It's fine. I'll just keep this. Should sell for a hefty price." Zeke called Sunny over. She pulled up shocked and stunned at the sight. Titan stood beside him, with Lazarus unconscious on his shoulder. "Wh...wh..what am I looking at right now?" "This is Titan. Do you have a real name?" "Theodore Ainsworth." "Let's stick with Titan." Zeke said. He nodded at Zeke. "He saved my life in there, and helped catch Lazarus. He just wants to be a cop. Right?" Titan nodded. "You think you could help him do that, since he captured Lazarus?" "I...I..." She took a deep breath. "Okay, go to the fiftieth precinct, we'll discuss with the captain tomorrow about getting you through testing." "YAY!" "No wait!" Zeke exclaimed being bear hugged again. Sunny chuckled at the sight. "I think she's feeling left out Titan, she is the one getting you in." "HEY NO!" Sunny exclaimed watching Titan lumber towards her.