
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · ファンタジー
79 Chs

Demon Hunter Zeke.

Zeke awoke in his dormitory bed, to the tantalizing and intoxicating aroma of food. Turning his head to the side. Moon sat beside him with a tray of bacon, butter and maple syrup wearing nothing but a lacy apron. "You're awake." She smiled. "What's...what's happening?" He stammered. "Shhhh." She placed a finger on his lips, leaning in, her cleavage staring at him. "Eat your pancakes." She whispered into his ear, licking it. He stared at her confused with eyes nearly coming out of their sockets. "But there isn't any..." She giggled. "Silly me. Let me feed it to you." Moon crawled on top of him. "What is happening!?" He yelled looking around frantically. "Say ah." She said pulling up her apron and sitting on his face. "AH!" Zeke shot up in a hospital bed, gasping for air, hurling Red across the room. She screeched before landing against the wall with a splat. "Ah damn it Red! What have I said about sleeping on my face!" He snapped, taking deep breaths.

Red pawed at her nose, frowning at him before leaping onto the bed. She made a few screeches at him, tapping on a notepad. "Asleep, for three days. Not waking up...I've been asleep for three days!?" He exclaimed. "How? What happened!?" His mind raced back seeing Moon crying out. "I have to find Moon." Zeke leapt out of bed, wearing a hospital gown, checking the giant private hospital room. "Where the hell am I?" He shook his head, sliding the door open. Moon stood outside, about to open the door with a plastic bag full drinks and snacks. "Ze-" He pulled her in hugging her tightly, resting his head on her shoulder. Her eyes bulged, she went bright red as her heart nearly exploded. He took a sigh of relief. "You're okay..." he pulled away, looking at her up and down, in a baggy shirt and sweat pants. "You are okay right?" She nodded blinking rapidly. Zeke slumped back into the room, feeling a weight lifted and took a seat. Moon stiffly took a seat away from him. He massaged his temples, wincing. "Sorry that we lost." "Huh?" "I didn't think they figure me out so fast, but I guess I should have given them more credit, being who they are."

Moon and Red looked at each other concerned. "Does he not remember?" She whispered. Red shrugged. "Zeke, do you not remember?" "Remember, getting my ass kicked." He chuckled shaking his head. She looked at him concerned. The door slid open. "Hey I got some cards-" Raven froze in place seeing Zeke awake. "YOU'RE AWAKE!" She squealed in delight rushing over to hug him. He looked over at Moon puzzled. "I'm alright, guess the oxygen deprivation did some things to me." "Oxygen deprivation? What are you on about?" "What are you on about?" Zeke asked. "Do you not remember?" "Remember what? We got our asses kicked." "You're finally awake. I was getting a little worried for you." Adrianna said appearing in the door way. "YAH!" The four of them jumped. "How are you feeling?" "A have a bit of a headache, but guess that happens when you get choked out." She looked at him puzzled. "Does he not remember?" Moon, Raven and Red shook their heads. "Remember what!? What did I forget?" He snapped.

Adrianna switched the TV on in the room, broadcasting her phone to it. "Do you not remember this?" She asked, showing the activation of his Demon's Blood. He reeled back stunned, confused and in disbelief. "Is that me?" He asked panning around the room. They all nodded. "What the fuck is that around me!? Did I summon a ghost or something?" "An apparition or Spectre of some kind. Seems like rather than transforming yourself, like every other Demon Hunter. You create that." Adrianna said. "Are you telling me, that even my Demon's Blood is different from the rest?" "Looks like you're a special case." "I just can't fit in anywhere can I?" "It looks like a Susanoo from Naruto." "That's...that's pretty cool I guess." Zeke begrudgingly admitted. "I think this is the aspect you should be commending." Adrianna said fast forwarding the footage. Zeke's jaw hit the ground, seeing the Spectre battle with Alistair, and hold him off. "Alistair, said that thing packs a punch behind it." "Why the fuck did I fight him!? Am I trying to die!" Zeke yelled.

"Well, you wanted to protect your lover so much, you only became focused on trying to torture my son." Zeke gulped, pulling on his collar. "After you crushed both of Constantine's legs into a fine powder." "I did what now?" "I thought for sure Alistair would have done the same to you. Guess he was enthralled at your new found power." Zeke blinked rapidly. "Then after you tore my son's arms off, I didn't know what to do." He shook his head in disbelief, unsure if he heard her correctly. "Come again?" Adrianna snickered. "Then you made Sakura wet herself. Luckily we got her out in time." Zeke took a small breath of relief. "Kenji was absolutely livid though." Zeke held his breath, feeling his heart about to explode. "He's very, very, very eager to fight you." He let out a confused wheeze, at a loss of what to say. "Why are you torturing the boy, who saved you from having to ride that asshole's meat rod?" Eliza said entering in. "That's what the bet was for!?" Moon exclaimed. "Yes, it was. Now that he's awake, can we get them their rewards, and kick that asshole off this island already?" "Just a little teasing. Alright, follow."

"Shouldn't we let him rest a little bit?" Moon asked. "He just woke up, and got bombarded with news." "Awww, you're so thoughtful!" Eliza said with a warm smile. "Hard to believe, it's coming from your empty brain." She said glowering at Moon. She bowed her head sulking. "No need to be mean about it..." She pouted. "Get up!" She ordered. "Sick of dealing with this idiot." "Why do you hate Mr Nyx, so much, Sword Master Pendragon?" Raven asked. "Because I do!" She snapped. "She's just bitter that none of them find her attractive." Adrianna said with a smirk. Eliza glared at her. "Should I tell these kids, what you find attractive in a man?" "Let's go see Alistair and Kenji off!"Adrianna said with a nervous chuckle. "No need to go nuclear, Liz." She whispered, walking past. "I could tell them about how Alexander conceived." "Hurry along children!" She said with her voice going up several pitches. Zeke, Moon and Raven looked at each other puzzled following Adrianna out.

The five of them reached the dock of the island, with a super Yacht docked. "Oh look, a dock. Do the boats have C-4 on them as well?" Moon asked snidely. "Are you still on about that?" Adrianna sighed. "I could have died!" "Yes, but you didn't." Moon raised her fist. Zeke stopped her. Alistair stood on the dock wearing shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, with a pair of thongs and sunglasses. He approached them with a grin stretched across his face, before staring intensely at Zeke. He gulped breaking into a sweat, and quickly bowed. "I am very sorry sir! I promise, I won't ever do it again." "Why would I want that? You were a fun fight. I hope we get to fight again soon." Zeke gave a wry smile. "I don't know if I could that sir." "Well, when you're ready, I hope one of you two will send us a challenge." Moon pointed at herself. "Me? You'd want to fight me?" "I saw a girl crazy enough to throw away her weapon, and take on three Demon Hunters, with her bare hands." "That's because she's an idiot with the sword." "Or you're just a bad sword instructor." Adrianna took a big step away from Eliza, everyone feeling her murderous aura.

"Alistair, just give them their rewards." Adrianna said. "Well, I don't have them on me, and getting them shipped by customs is a nightmare. So instead, I'll do this." He said snapping his fingers. A demure looking super model walked off the boat topless, holding a black tablet. Zeke looked away going red, with Moon and Raven marvelling at her body. "Here's a catalogued inventory of my personal collection. You may pick which ever armour you want, and I'll get it resized for you." He said handing the tablet to Moon. She looked at him stunned, taking the tablet speechless. "And Shadow?" Adrianna asked. "Yes, yes. I have it. Let me go and get it."

"Are you shy little boy?" The model asked, caressing his face. "I-uhh-ummm!" He stammered going red, averting her gaze. Moon snatched her wrist. "Hands to yourself." She growled. The model winced pulling her hand back. "Thank you." Zeke whimpered. A loud roar, followed by a giant splash from behind the yacht caught their attention. They watched as giant waves rippled out from behind. Alistair emerged from behind the yacht drenched, and dragging a shipping container on a chain. Everyone except Zeke covered their ears, as the metal scrapped along the ground. Alistair let out a proud huff, grabbing the model by her waist, and tossing Zeke the chain. "There you go. Shadow is inside." "Alistair, what the fuck is that?" Adrianna barked. "What? You asked for Shadow, it's inside." "I think she's referring to the fact, that Shadow didn't need to be carried in a shipping container." Eliza said. "Uh well, about that..." Alistair said rubbing the back of his head. "Last time, we saw the thing, it was a big great sword. Then I tossed it in the vault and never looked back. When I went to go retrieve it...well, it's better I just show you."

With a quick knock. Raven, Moon, Zeke and Red's jaw hit the ground, as the shipping container exploded into a fine mist of shrapnel. Inside was a giant swirling black mass. Adrianna and Eliza cocked their head to the side. "What happened to it?" They asked. Alistair shrugged. "Iunno. All I know is that it took me forever to wrestle that thing inside." "You had to wrestle it?" Zeke asked. "Yeah, damn thing did not like me touching it. Whelp! All yours now." "Oh no you don't!" Adrianna snapped. "You did not tell me that was what happened to it. We're doing a swap." Alistair sighed. "I didn't know either, but what exactly would be of equal value." She snatched the tablet out of Moon's hand before she could even react. She furiously swiped through the catalogue. "Christ, how many relics do you own?" Moon said shocked, seeing the extensive list.

"Lost count. After you save the hundredth village, and they give you their 'famed weapon or armour'. It all kind of blends into one blob." "Hang on. I'll find something acceptable for you Mr Chen." Eliza stood over Adrianna's shoulder. "God, you're terrible with technology. Filter out of the armour, and go to weapons." "That was still the armour list!?" Moon exclaimed. The four of them congregated around Adrianna and the tablet, flicking through the weapons. "Here, let's go with Wolfsbane. It's a great sword, great for cleaving and let's him control any wolves in the area." "Zeke, would never carry something taller than him." Moon said. "Go, with Shatterstar. The spiked mace head, explodes on impact. With his durability, he won't have to worry about trading blows." Eliza said. "Yeah, but look at the weight of it. It says, it weighs over five tons. No way Zeke could swing that thing." Moon said. "With his Demon's Blood he could." Raven said. "A weapon relying on that, isn't very practical is it?" Adrianna said. The four of them cupped their chin, continuing to scroll through.

Too focused on their task, only Alistair and the model noticed Zeke approaching Shadow. The mass pulsed and undulated warping the light around it. "Oooh, what about the Skianova?" Raven asked. "Hmmm...Lance model, can create fireballs...would help with the idiot, who is afraid of the dark." Eliza said. "Nobody likes the dark!" Moon pouted. "Ahh, no good. Look at the size of the thing. Ten metres long." Adrianna said. "Can this thing be resized?" Eliza asked Alistair. He shook his head still staring at Zeke approach Shadow. The four groaned. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Look!" Moon said excited. "Stinger would work for him." Eliza folded her arms, looking at the specs. "Dagger model, secretes deadly neurotoxin. Would be useful, since he can't be affected by it. One exchange of blows, would let him finish a fight." "Ummm, what does Sca-Mis mean?" Raven asked. "It means he lost the scabbard." Adrianna said glaring at Alistair. "Yeah...my bad..." He trailed off. The four shook their head, continuing to scroll through.

Red tugged on Moon's pants, trying to get her attention. Zeke held his head, wincing and felt light headed. He was suddenly over taken by an intense hunger. A ravenous hunger, he had never felt before. His hair shot up into the air and became a pristine snow white. The four of them and the model shuddered at the bracing winds. "Oh, what the shit. Why'd it get so co....." Moon trailed off, with the others staring at Zeke. His Demon's Blood activated, the Spectre hovered over him. Its ethereal arms clawed through the mass, ripping it apart. Floating in the middle, were fragments of a once giant and great blade. The Spectre kept the shadows away as Zeke approached it, gently holding his hand out. They watched as the shadows swirled around Zeke hearing the metal fragments collide reforming itself. "What are we watching?" Moon asked stunned. "Not sure..." Adrianna said. The vortex of shadows exploded, revealing Zeke with his arm outstretched, holding a newly reformed Shadow.

A nearly two metre long katana, inside a shiny obsidian scabbard, with a striking blood crimson handle wrap, and flowing tassel. The tsuba guard designed in an ornate azure pentagon. "Holy shit..." Raven said. Zeke drew the weapon, revealing its glistening cold steel, and threw away the scabbard. It disappeared as a shadow, and reformed into a giant great sword, shaped liked frozen flames, wielded by the Spectre. "....Zeke?" Moon asked terrified. Zeke's eyes glazed over, falling unconscious, the Spectre disappeared as he hit the ground. Shadow dissipated from his hand, leaping into his own shadow. The others stared on stunned and speechless. "Did...Did...Did he just reshape and bond with that thing?" Adrianna asked puzzled. "I think so..." Eliza said cocking her head to the side. "Alright! It's settled, he's keeping Shadow. Once you figure out what armour you want, just hit that order button. I'll have someone deliver it. Ciao!" Alistair said, leaping off with the model.

Zeke woke up in his dormitory bed, shrouded in darkness, his head heavy and body exhausted. "What...the fuck?" He groaned, rubbing his head. He let out a heavy sigh. "Eugh...What is happening to me?" His door swung open, revealing a blinding light. He winced and hissed. "Mother!-" "Woah..." Moon said, starting to chuckle. "What is it?" "You look like shit, as if you're hung over." She said taking a seat beside him. "If this is what a hangover feels like. Why do you drink so much?" "Because it tastes good." "My durability stops me from tasting it. That means it's bad." "That's because you're a little bitch." He smiled gently nudging her. "How are you feeling?" "Depends. What day is it?" "Still the same day. It's second dinner time. Raven and I were gonna order something, did you want in?" "Yeah..." He salivated, feeling his stomach claw at him. "Yeah, I need something to eat. You two can fill me in, on what the hell happened with Shadow." "Oh, you're definitely gonna enjoy that story."

The three of them and Red ventured into the city, finding a fried chicken buffet. "I can't believe a place like this is open past 9pm. On a school day." Zeke said. Moon looked around the bustling restaurant. "I can't believe how many other people do second dinner." Moon said, eyeing every other girl smiling at Zeke. "Girl, we all Hunters here. We get hungry. Now let's get a basket, I can pay." The waiter was a petite young brunette, with a pony tail. "Can we get two all you can eat baskets, and a medium-" "I'll take the all you can eat basket as well." Zeke said interrupting Moon. She cocked an eyebrow at him. "You know the first basket comes with sixty wings right?" "What can I say? I'm hungry." "Right away, Demon Hunter." She winked at Zeke with a smile. He looked at Moon and Raven confused. "Did she just wink at me? Or am I seeing things." "Dude, how can you do Sherlock Holmes things, and not notice every woman is currently trying to get a piece of you right now? I mean can you not even sense the anger and jealously of every guy around you?" Raven asked.

Zeke slowly panned around the restaurant and neighbouring shops. The girls were all smiling at him, and the men were all glaring at him. "Is this because of what happened in the Hunter Games? Shouldn't they be afraid of me? I mean I brutalized two people." He whispered. "You made two dipshits suffer." Moon said giving him a proud smile. "She's right, enjoy your victory." "But she called me a Demon Hunter." "You are a Demon Hunter." Raven said. "That implies, I have killed a creature from a red Rift, and can use my Demon's Blood." "You've killed a Night Creature, and turned on your Demon's Blood. Which makes you a Demon Hunter."

"Well, I don't know how I did it." "Doesn't matter. Still counts." Raven said. He scratched his head. "I guess...doesn't help I can't remember anything, when I turn it on. Which reminds me. Can one of you explain to me, what happened? Last thing I remember is touching that shadow and then...waking up." Raven and Moon shared a look. The waiter wheeled out three large buckets of fried chicken, with various tubs of dipping sauce. "You tell him. I'm eating." Raven said, taking her handful of wings. "You tell him, he'll understand your references." Moon said, grabbing her basket. He took both their baskets away. "You get your buckets back, when you tell me." Both frowned and pouted at him. "Well you transformed...summoned...you had that Spectre thing around you." Raven said. "It ripped apart the shadow, and inside was like floating pieces of metal." "Ah huh....go on." "Then you touched it." "Wait, my Spectre did, or I did?" "You did." Raven said. "Then you got sent to like the shadow realm for a few seconds, and came out with this super cool looking black katana. There, now can I eat?" Raven asked, reaching for her bucket.

Zeke gave them back their buckets. "Then what happened?" Raven had her face stuffed, with crumbs and sauce smeared across her face. "Well...it bonded with you, and went into your shadow." Moon said, taking a fist full of chips. "It bonded with me?" He asked going into thought. "At least that's what they thought." "Huh...if that's the case, it might be like the Grimoire..." Zeke stood up holding his hand out. 'Just think of the katana and-' A black cloud gathered in front of his hand, then formed into Shadow. "HOLY SHIT!" He screamed, startling everyone in the restaurant. "Zeke! Inside voice man!" Moon hissed. "BUT!" She pulled him down into his seat. "Look, I know you want to go full weeb, but not in here." "You're right." He said smiling from ear to ear.

She had never seen him look so happy before. When was the last time she had seen Zeke, have such a genuine excited smile. "I wonder if I can banish..." He dropped Shadow to the ground letting disappear into his shadow. "This is the greatest day of my life." "Top it off with some wings." Raven said with a full mouth. Zeke nodded digging in, and surprising Moon. She watched him devour the bucket faster than her and Raven. The two stopped to marvel at Zeke's voracity. "Are you okay? I've never seen you eat so much." Moon said troubled. "I'm just so hungry! Can I get another bucket please!" He called at the waiter. "Certainly, anything else I could get you?" She asked placing a hand onto his shoulder. "Yeah, could I get some legs." She winked at him. "Zeke!" Moon snapped. "What? I'm sick of eating around these bones." Raven spat her food, breaking into a chortle. "Your face!" She cackled at Moon. "Shut up." She grumbled. The waiter left disappointed. Moon held her glass in the air. "What are we toasting?" He asked. "We never got to celebrate our win properly." The three clinked their glasses. "Demon Hunter Zeke. I'm gonna have to get use to that." "We could always call you Immortal." Raven said. "Please don't."