
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · ファンタジー
79 Chs

Chapter Hell Arc Aftermath

The four returned through the Rift landing onto a bed of flowers and photo frames. "AH!" Moon and Sunny yelped. The stood up rubbing and patting their stinging backs. Zeke let out a groan still feeling the effects of his expending his Mana. Weaver stood up noticing the flowers. "That's...peculiar." He said. "What is..." Sunny trailed off. "The fuck!?" Moon shouted. "What? What is it?" Zeke asked, laying atop a shrine of flowers with portraits of him. The three shared concerned glances. "What is this? Did someone die here?" He said rolling over. "Zeke-" Weaver and Sunny stopped her. Zeke stood up and dusted himself off, feeling light headed and dizzy. "Seriously. What's wrong with you three? Did someone dieee...Is that a shrine?" "Mmhmm." They said. "Oh, and it's for me." He said calmly. They all took a step back as Zeke took a deep breath. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!?" He shouted scaring a flock of birds away. "WHY AM I DEAD!?" The three looked at his confused and enraged expression. "Are we meant to answer him?" Moon asked. "How do we answer him?" Sunny asked. "Zeke, take a deep breath and let's make a phone call to Edelgard."

Zeke nodded rapidly. "Yeah. Yeah. That's smart. That's smart...Why am I dead?" He muttered. Weaver pulled Moon and Sunny close. "Get him home, and make sure he doesn't spiral any further. I have things I need to attend." "Uhhhh..." The two turned to Zeke riffling through the several photos. "How did that even get this photo of me!?" Weaver held his hand out creating a green Rift. "Zeke, turn around." He felt a tap on his shoulder. "WhAAAA!...." Zeke screams faded as his eyes glazed over. He fell with a thud onto the bed of flowers." Weaver's familiar tapped his front legs together looking down and guilty. "It's not your fault. He's just scared of spiders." Weaver said patting him on the head. "It is kinda creepy to look at." Sunny said. Weaver's familiar bowed his its head sulking back through the Rift. Weaver and Moon drew their lips to a line at Sunny. "I didn't mean to hurt his feelings! I was just saying-" "Save it Judge Judy. See what I did there because she's really judgey." Weaver rolled his eyes.

"Take him home." Weaver held his hand into the air suddenly flying through the air. "How the fuck did he do that?" Moon asked. "No idea..." A wolf whistle caught their attention. "NICE ASS!" A man called out. "SHOW US YOUR TITS!" Another blurted out. The two glanced over to nearby road workers, before realizing how they were dressed, and both let out a mortified squeal. Moon gasped and quickly summoned Iziel. Sunny tried to find Zeke's coat. She summoned her wings and wrapped them around herself. "AWWW! DON'T BE SHY!" Moon summoned Athena scaring them away. She looked at Sunny with her sharp piercing snake eyes now with talons growing at the midpoint of her wings "Zeke told me you had an owl for a familiar. That's not an owl." "Bonding with Iziel had some side effects on me. Now get on. She can't stay for long." The three took off into the skies.

Zeke woke up feeling a towel on his head. "BIG FUCKING SPIDER!" He shouted sitting up. Looking around he noticed the surroundings of the nearby park. Sunny and Moon reassured him. "Where are we?" "The park near OUR house." Moon said. "Really? Now of all times?" "What's going on?" Moon took Zeke's right hand. "Zeke, I need you to promise that you won't spiral." Sunny took his left hand. "Take a deep breath, we'll get through this together." Zeke furrowed his brow. The two took him by the hand leading him to the house. He cocked his head to the side seeing the house swarming with reporters, cars and onlookers. "What am I looking at?" "We don't know. We flew over before and figured it be easier to show you than letting you wake up in it." Sunny said. He gulped. "Thanks...Also why are you in your armour?" Moon banished Iziel showing her micro bikini for a second. "Ah...and your wings are out because..." Sunny flashed him for a second. He summoned his suit giving Sunny his coat. "I guess we find out what's going on."

Adrianna, Brianna, Edelgard, Eliza, Han, Raven, Red and Skye sat in the kitchen sipping on their drinks in a dower mood. In the living room Alexander, Constantine and Sakura were slumped into the sofa. At the end of the table sat Kenji and Jacaranda. The house was filled with reporters taking photos every two seconds. "Get this over with Kenji." Eliza said with through her teeth. He stood up and cleared his throat. "Please accept my deepest and humblest apology. If there is anything I can do, to make this up for you please do not hesitate to ask." Han threw her mug at him. Dodging it with ease the boiling fluids smashed against the wall. "GO FUCK YOURSELF! FUCK YOU AND FUCK THESE DAMN REPORTERS! GET OUT OF HIS HOUSE!" She snapped with tears welling in her eyes. "YOU'RE THE DAMN SECOND WORLD RANKER! ZEKE WAS NO THREAT TO YOU!" She screamed her voice breaking with sorrow. "YOU WANT TO FIX THIS! EXPLAIN TO MOON WHY YOU KILLED THE LOVE OF HER LIFE!" "AND MY SISTERS!" Skye shouted as well slamming her fist into the table.

"Please understand Mr Serizawa had no choice in the matter. It was fight him or die himself. He had to think of his wife and daughter." "FUCK YOU ESPECIALLY!" Han screamed, with Red leaping up to hiss at him. "HE KILLED MY FRIEND! I'LL NEVER FIND ANOTHER PERSON LIKE HIM! HE WAS THE SWEETEST, KINDEST AND MOST CARING AND-" "What the fuck is this!?" Zeke yelled splitting the reporters apart. Everyone froze at the sight of Zeke. Kenji's eyes lit up with a mixture of shock and joy. Han wiped her gushing eyes unsure if her eyes were playing a trick. "Twig...is that you?" Eliza asked. "Why wouldn't it be me and YOU!" Zeke shouted locking eyes with Kenji. Before Zeke could summon Shadow, Han leapt onto him. "Han, what-" The others rushed over to do the same piling on top of him. He felt Sakura leap onto his back. The reporters went wild taking a hundred photos per second. "Moon, get them out of the house." "Everyone out!" She shouted shoving them.

"Can you guys let me go now? I need to talk with that asshole." He snarled. "BUT! YOU'RE ALIVE!" Han shouted absolutely elated. "Yes, I am. Now can you all please let me go for a few seconds?" The group awkwardly broke away. "Moon, Sunny go get changed. I might need my coat again." The two rushed up stairs. "How are you alive?" Han asked. "Yes. How are you alive?" Kenji asked. "Fuck you that's how." Zeke snapped stomping over to him. Kenji smirked and stood up. Jacaranda leapt up standing in between them. "Now, now. There's no need to fight. Let's just celebrate the fact you're ali-" Zeke snatched Jacaranda's throat, summoning his Spectre and filling the room with a cold frost, bringing him down to his level. "You say another fucking word in my house, and I'll rip your throat out."

Zeke threw him aside glaring down Kenji. "Get out of my house, I want nothing to do with you, or this piece of shit telling people I died." Jacaranda rubbed his throat. "I saw them crying over your dying body." "Dying. Not dead." "I did run you through." "After I won, and you cheated. The time was up and I spared you first." "Forgive me, I did get lost in the moment of things. It has been a while since anyone has been a fun fight." Eliza and Adrianna shared a glance. "Glad you had fun asshole. Now get out of my house. Take your stupid minstrel with you, and those reporters." Kenji smirked. "You are fascinating. I look forward to fighting with you again." "Not gonna happen." Jacaranda stood up walking to the door first, before Zeke caught him by the arm. He turned back to Zeke's terrifying rage filled Demonic eyes. "You're going to fix the bullshit you spread. Got it." He echoed. Zeke returned to normal shoving him aside.

Jacaranda opened the door to the ravenous reporters trying to sneak in. "It appears my recounting was incorrect." "What happened!?" "Ezekiel Chen truly is an Immortal!" "That piece of-" Kenji snatched Zeke's wrist. "Let him talk. He has a way with words." "He has come back with a burning vegeneace to have a rematch with the Berserker. Save it in your minds! The Immor-" Moon leapt out fly kicking Jacaranda in the spine. "That's the Echo Demon to you! He's not an Immortal." "Moon!" Zeke snapped. Sunny came out as well dressed in jeans and a shirt. "That's right. He's the Echo Demon and I don't know what this asshole told you all, but Ezekiel won not him!" "Who are you?" "I'm his girlfriend." "No I am!"

The reporters went wild with their pictures, and questions rushing out. Zeke face palmed letting out a groan. "This is not helping..." Kenji released Zeke walking to the door. "Berserker! Berserker! Are you going to fight him again? The Echo Demon!?" Kenji smirked to Zeke. "That depends on my opponent. While he is graded lowly, he is far from being weak." He revealed a long scar running down his forearm. "And I look forward to fighting him again, when becomes stronger, that or I'll have to fight someone else." His eyes darted to Moon and Sunny outside. Zeke snarled his hair pulsing white. He marched over with clenched fists. "They're going to fight again!" He stopped in front of Kenji returning to normal and then bowed. "I'm sorry for how I acted, and I know you want to save my reputation, but I can't live with this guilt." "What-" Zeke bowed his head. "We did not fight to the death. He was scarred saving our lives, and I too scared to even move. Face to face with a Demon Monarch, he valiantly saved us and took a scar to show for it."

"He says that you-" Zeke brought out into a loud cackle. "That what? I hurt him? With what? I barely register on his level. Use your head people. A D grade Hunter giving him a real fight, or a Demon Monarch? Which one sounds more believable?" The reports groaned and shuffled out. Kenji bared his teeth at Zeke. "You should not have-" Zeke summoned his Spectre covering the room in frost with red lightning crackling around him. Adrianna, Eliza and Red perked up at the sight of it. "You don't ever threaten the people I love, or come near my house again. You want a fight from me? Then you wait till I'm listed as a contender. Until then. Get the fuck off my property." Kenji walked off with Zeke returning to normal. He took a deep breath. "Someone catch us up." He sighed slumping into his seat. Everyone rushed around him taking their seats. "Can you please tell us how-" Zeke raised his hand cutting off Han. "They're gonna answer your questions after. Just answer mine first."

Edelgard cleared her throat. "Well...Three days ago Kenji and Jacaranda returned. They called me to say they wanted to do a informal press meeting and apology, for umm..." "Killing me?" "Yeah that, and I was devastated we all were." "Yeah, Han cried the most about you." Raven said. "I did not!" She blushed. "What did they say happened?" "That you two fought in a five minute duel to the death, orchestrated by two Demon Monarchs. Two of them unnamed." "There were technically four Monarchs there. The Bone Monarch we met first. His name is actually Calcifer. The second one we met was Lilith." "The Succubus queen?" Eliza asked. "Yes, the same one." "Damien isn't gonna be happy he missed out on that." "And the others?" Adrianna asked. "Invahazen. The cunt who made Alistair, Kenji and Ivy." "Wait our dads are also Children of the Nine?" Sakura asked. "Yeah, and that guy's a dick!" Moon snapped. "Who was the last?" Eliza asked. "Samael the Destroyer." "Wait, you actually met him?" Adrianna asked. "Yes. We met him. Just ask these questions later, and answer mine. What else did that asshole say?"

"He said that you were incredible. You were fighting toe to toe with him." "Bullshit I was! Asshole didn't even use his Demon Blood for 99% of the fight!" Zeke shouted. He grunted and shook his head. "Go on. What else did he say?" "You were fighting to save these two." "Hmm, they didn't mention Weaver being there." "I've been meaning to ask, where was Petey during all of this?" Eliza asked. "He was tied up with us." Sunny said. "I meant why wasn't he fighting in Zeke's place." "He was missing an arm." Everyone turned to Moon. "What? That's what happened." "They want to know why he lost an arm." Zeke said. They nodded. "Oh! We got jumped by some trio of assholes. There was this big guy with grey scales, and some crazy bitch with a stick, lead by some crazy stretching woman." Moon said. The others looked to Zeke for confirmation. "I wasn't there for that." "That's pretty much what happened . Weaver took them both out, but he got injured saving Moon, because she sucks at fighting." "You want to go!?" "Angry at the truth?"

"Twig, what did you see?" "I saw some big scorched corpse, and the other one I couldn't see anywhere." "Weaver turned her into mince meat." "What were their names?" Edelgard asked taking out her phone. "Umm...Liz was one of them." Moon said. "She was the crazy stick lady that beat the shit out of Sunny." "She did not beat the shit out of me. She just beat me." "That's not any better." Skye said. "Shut up." "What happened next?" Adrianna asked. "I saw them on the ground with Weaver missing an arm, and stretchy woman attacked me. So I had to put her down." "You make it sound easy Twig." "Zeke, didn't even break a sweat on her." Moon boasted. "Do you have her name?" Edelgard asked. "Weaver said her name was Madelyn." Sunny said. Adrianna and Eliza furrowed their brows. "Could I borrow your phone for a second President Edelgard?" Adrianna asked. "Is this the same Madelyn you fought?" She asked showing a picture of her, with a deranged smile holding a prison number, bound in thick heavy chains." "Yeah that's her. Who is she?"

"That's Madelyn Scott. She's a contender for a World ranking position." Adrianna said. "Are you sure?" Zeke said unsure. Han scooted away. "Damn Zeke. How much have you been holding back on us?" "I got lucky. She was probably weakened from fighting them three." He said scratching his head awkwardly. Sakura gasped with delight. "Wait! Does that mean Zeke's now a contender? He's fought with several World Rankers now." "Hmm, it wouldn't be unreasonable to put him in that category." Adrianna said. "I have not fought several World Rankers." "Yes you have." Sakura said. "Name them then." "Alistair, Kenji, Adrianna, Weaver, and I know those two are no longer World Rankers, but Damien and Eliza also count." Zeke, Moon and Raven snapped to Eliza. "You were a World Ranker!?" They exclaimed. "Eh, once upon a time I was number 8." She shrugged. "What happened?" Zeke asked. "I got tired, and let someone take my place." "Zeke I could very much endorse you for a promot-" Zeke threw his hands up in the air stopping Edelgard.

"Nope! I've had enough shit in my life time during this entire week." Han raised her hand. "If you have any questions about what happened to me in Hell. They will answer them." They watched as Zeke went into the kitchen grabbing several bags of chips, lollies, and bottles of soda. "If you need me. I don't care. I'm taking a break from everything." He said marching past the . Watching silently they heard his door slam shut. "What the fuck happened over there!?" Han yelled. The door swung open with Weaver standing in a new suit holding two folders. "Good, you're all here." "You better have a good reason to show your face around here Petey." "I wrote my report of what happened. They'll answer any questions you probably all have." "What's the other folder for?" Adrianna asked. "Recommendation letters for the three of them." He handed Moon and Sunny a sheet each. "A promotion back to C grade." "HA! Mine's to be promoted to B grade." Eliza walked over. "Hey! You have your feet back!" Moon exclaimed. "Yes, I do."

She took Zeke's recommendation letter. Skimming through it she eyed Weaver. "What's it say?" Han asked. "Zeke Chen is recommended to take a grading test for an S grade Hunter." Everyone else gasped in delight except for Adrianna. "Peter, that is a high claim." "She's right Petey." "Did you tell them about Madelyn?" Moon and Sunny nodded. "Zeke's bonded weaponry and powers make him a natural counter to any Demon Hunter." "Maybe those weaker ones." Constantine muttered. Weaver snapped his glare at him. Sakura slapped him in the groin. "Ah why!" Constantine whimpered. She gave Weaver a scared smile. "Those alone don't make him an S grade, or give him a reason to make him a target." "Elizabeth!" Weaver said firmly shaking the room. "If you saw what I saw. He didn't just fight Kenji, he won. He took advantage of Kenji's hubris and nearly ended his life. You're right. Zeke doesn't deserve an S grade, because he should be even higher."

"Peter. Is what in here all true?" "Yes, it is." "President Edelgard could you please revoke Moon Kim's suspension." "Huh? Why?" "I believe, we have bigger problems at hand than a few disgruntled Hunters." Everyone quickly skimmed through the report. Their eyes bulged larger and larger, with each line read. "You guys had a threesome that lasted three days!?" Han shouted. The two went bright red. "No! Don't be ridiculous!" "What a crock of shit!" The two scoffed. Skye took both of their wrists. She let out a gasp. "LIARS!" "Why would you even put that in!?" Sunny shrieked. "How did you even have the time to be so damn thorough!?"

"You three were having sex for three days straight." Everyone did an impressed nod. "I had plenty of time to write my report." "How was it?" Han asked. "It was..." "Before you try and lie to us. Remember what I can do." Sunny grit her teeth. "It was the most amazing thing in the world! The journey to heaven was inside that bedroom with Zeke and her in Hell!" "Was it really that good?" Sakura asked. "Raise your hand, if you've ever had sex so good that it made you forget three days passed?" "But Zeke? I mean he could not have been that good. It's Zeke." Han said. "Well because of the sensory link we had. Whatever he was doing to her at the time, I could feel and vice versa." Sunny said. "You mean-" "Yes it was like having double of him." Moon said. "Constantine, I know what I want for my birthday." "A sensory link?" "No, Zeke." Moon and Sunny shot a vicious and violent glare at her. "I'm kidding...sorta." She mumbled taking a few steps back.

"Um, I'm sorry Mr Weaver. I can't process Zeke's promotion. I could do Moon's and get a pass on Sunny's one, since she use to be an S grade, but Zeke's one is out of the question." "Why?" Weaver asked with a cold expression. Edelgard shrunk at his expression. "Because of the parameters set by the World Rankers." Brianna said standing in front of Edelgard. "Two weapons, two sets of armour and two magic spells, with the requisite Mana. That was what we agreed upon before you joined." Adrianna said. "What rank can you promote him to?" "Judging by your report. A C grade at most. Although you aren't very clear. What kind of magic did Zeke get his hands on?" "I have no idea, but it made Samael himself ecstatic, to see him bond with it." "Okay, you're getting me one of those Mana visiting charms. Every time you guys go through a Rift crazy shit happens."

"What did Twig bond with?" "They called her an Ancient God of Lightning. Themesitis." Red's eyes shifted side to side, and she discretely retreated into the background. "An Ancient God? What the fuck is that?" "I do not know. I will be looking into it, while I find another lead." "Yes, did you find any leads on what you were after?" "Sorta. Samael was all cryptic and vague." "Very cryptic. Especially that thing at the end." Sunny said. "What did he say?" "Something in a language I have never even heard of." Moon recited Samael perfectly, making Red's eyes pop. "What the fuck does that even mean?" Han asked. "That's Enochian. Without a proper translation key, we won't know what he was saying." Eliza said. She quickly scurried up the stairs scratching at Zeke's door. "Hey, Red. Sorry I probably took some of your favourite snacks." Red leapt onto his bed curling around the laptop pretending to sleep. "I missed you too." He said taking a seat.

Zeke sat down fidgeting with his lips as he scrolled through the web. "Black Hammer...search...huh...fifty thousand results. Alright let's try. Black Hammer plus Hunter....100,000 results found...EUGH!" Zeke slumped into his bed letting out a groan and stuffing his face. "You couldn't narrow it down any further? Is it a weapon I'm looking for? A place? Person? Thing? Eughhhh...just as helpful as my other dad." Zeke pushed the laptop away shoving another handful of chips into his mouth. Red carefully narrowed the search without Zeke noticing pressing each key as he took a mouthful. She leapt across his chest shoving her face into the bag of chips. She flailed back with it 'stuck' on her head shaking wildly. "Ah, Red! What are you doing?" She shrunk licking up the crumbs. "I could have just opened you a new...bag...huh. What did you click on?" Red ignored him greedily eating the chips on the bed and ground.

Zeke delved deeper into the search. "The Black Hammer, is found in a Haven of Heaven. A mysterious giant sized hammer made of black steel that is impossible to move. Attached by several golden chains the hammer is seemingly swung at random, by the mysterious force attached to them...That's ominous." Zeke scrolled further. "Reports show that no one has been able to move the hammer or break the chains around it." Zeke opened an image attached showing a depiction of Alistair blustering to try and break the chains.

"Samael...if this is what you want me to go after give me a sign...Samael, I heard your voice last time. Is this what I'm meant to go after?..." Zeke looked around the room waiting for any kind of sign. He pinched between his brow. "What am I doing? Asking him for help now? I just need more power to keep them safe..." A small jolt of violet lightning crawled across his mark frying the laptop. "Son of a-A simple yes would have worked!" Zeke frowned at the smoking laptop. "Damn it really? Eugh...I cannot catch a break." Red walked out. "You just came in to make a mess and eat my snacks." Red skulked out, quickly sprinting into Han's room and leaping through a black Rift.

Lilith entered into Samael's throne room from the hallway seeing Red sitting there. "Oh, who's this little cu-" Red spun around with a glare. Lilith's eyes nearly flew out her skull. She fell back gasping. Red waved her and the black Rift she crossed through enveloped Lilith. Samael cocked an eyebrow at her. "I presume this visit about Zeke and Themesitis?" Red threw both her paws into the air in complete disbelief nodding angrily at him. "In my defence, he needed access to magic and who better to give that to him, than an Ancient God?" Red stomped around angrily flailing her arms about, hissing and huffing. Samael looked up to the fire in the sky growing dimmer and weaker by the second. "Are you done with your tirade?" Samael asked wearily. Red stomped her foot. The entire sky erupted into a brilliant inferno. She sat down pouting, folding her arms, and nodded. "The journey ahead of them is filled with treacherous and perilous dangers. Would you have them be ill prepared for those scenarios?"

Red begrudgingly shook her head. She let out an irritated squeak and sigh afterwards. Samael chuckled. "I do suppose, sending him to find Rexgan was, a little ambitious." Red shook her head face palming. "I don't suppose you know where he is?" Red frowned at him yanking on her scruff. "Still? Hmm, perhaps the birds finally found something strong enough to hold him." A black Rift emerged in between them. Samael stood up. "Excuse me old friend. It appears I am being summoned by lesser beings."

Sauntering through the Rift, he appeared in a pitch black area, a spotlight shone done on him. "A spotlight in the dark? Isn't this a little dramatic even for your kind?" "SILENCE!" A deep voice boomed with thunder rumbling around him. "Samael Darkstar!" "Oh dear. You used my full name. I must be in trouble." Samael said snickering. "THIS IS NOT LAUGHING MATTER SAMAEL! YOU HAVE FLAGRANTLY DISOBEYED THE LAWS OF CONVERGENCE. FOR THAT YOU WILL BE-" "How?" The voice gasped, stunned by the question. "YOU KNOW-" Samael winced. "A lesson from one king to another. The more you bluster and shout. The smaller you become." "YOU ARE-" Samael raised his eyebrows into the darkness. He cleared his throat. "You know the laws that you have been broken." "I do not. Name them." "I grow tired of your games! You are forbidden from raising an army for Convergence."

"And do tell, how have I raised an army?" A growl echoed throughout the void. "You have recruited a Hellhound, three vampires and the four Nephilim into your ranks." "I have done no such thing." "We know of the castle you wish to house them in." "A gift to my son." The darkness erupted into a uproarious laughter. Samael waited patiently for the laughter to stop. "You!? You have a child!?" The voice wheezed. "I do. I have only learned of his existence quite recently. The castle and land will be one of many gifts I give him. The Hellhound named Gemini and the vampires; Clara, Eleanor and Ordelia are under his care, not mine. As for the other three Nephilim. Two of them are currently vying for his love and affection. The other is simply a curious little spider that required my son's help." The room went completely silent. "Nevertheless! You are to not have any armies." "The laws that bind me, do not state I am unable to have allies. It is the whole reason you allow the Deceiver to run around with his little friend of seven?" Not a sound echoed out. Samael smirked. "So if my son should choose to join forces with me? How have I broken the laws?" Samael waited in the darkness for a few minutes. "I will take my leave now." He bowed before leaving.

Everyone else except Adrianna and Eliza was frozen in complete shock. Moon and Sunny sucked in their lips standing away from Weaver. "I understand that this is a lot to take in." "You're saying you all met the Dracula!?" Raven asked. "Forget that, what do you mean he owns three vampire brides!? Explain that part to me." Han asked. "That's what you three are on about? He owns a Hellhound, one that breathes fire and ice! Like what!?" Skye shouted. "Let's not forget about him owning a castle now." Sakura added. "What about him bonding with some ancient lightning magic? What's that about?" Brianna asked. "Big deal, I have lightning powers and have enough money to own a castle." Constantine moped. "You're all forgetting something important here. Convergence is real and what we know if it. Is frighteningly little." Adrianna said. "Well what do we do?" Alexander asked. "What Samael told us to do. Get strong and ready ourselves for anything. Weaver will continue to look into researching what this is. Eliza and I will continue to work on training new Hunters." "What about the rest of us?" Han asked.

"Continue as normal. Until we have concrete information. What we have spoken about today, cannot leave this room. Under any circumstances. If I find out any of you leaked this information, I will not hesitate to cut you down. Am I clear?" Everyone nodded. "What about, making an army? What do we do with that information?" Edelgard asked. "Leave that to them. I assume they already have allies they can potentially recruit." "I'm sure Selena, Violetta and the other Drows would help us. They kinda think I'm their queen to lead them to salvation." 'I'm the one.' Iziel said. 'Shhh, don't cause a panic amongst them.' "See? They're already one step ahead of us. Now excuse us. We have things to attend. Alexander I do not want to see you late for school next week." "Yes mum." Adrianna, Eliza and Weaver disappeared in a blink. "Christ, how does she do that?" Moon asked.

The three appeared outside in a secluded area. Eliza shoved Weaver. "What the fuck are you thinking? Putting that kind of pressure on him?" "Aren't you always the one telling people to reach their full potential? I'm giving him the push he needs." "That kid is barely 18 and a giant emotional mess. He just went through literal Hell for you." "And he's better off for it now than if he didn't." "Let's not fight. We need to talk strategy." "I already know he's damn strategy. It's the same plan that got him killed. You're planning on using Zeke as front man." "And what if I am? Didn't you tell me that a great man doesn't seek to lead. He's called to it, and he answers?" "This isn't being called to it. It's being shoved in his face. He's a scared boy and that's fine." "Elizabeth! We don't know the scale of Convergence. If what Samael said is true, we need to think bigger than one boy's moral dilemma." Weaver snapped. "Then you do that. Leave him out of it. If he wants to die a quiet life. Let him."

Weaver sucked on his teeth making a fist. "This is not the time to project onto him. He is and never will be your son. Zack is-" Adrianna struck Weaver across the face grabbing him by the collar. "Enough of that! You want to use Zeke for your plans. You better get us concrete proof of Convergence. For now don't make the only allies you have into enemies Peter." Weaver spat pushing her off. "Tsk, I'll be in touch, but you know I'm right. Don't get more people killed because your attachments." He walked off rubbing his jaw.