
Mortal Scythe Wielder

Akainu turned around and gazed at her for a brief moment before speaking. "Akira, we need to have a talk." Akainu's voice was soft and gentle while a small smile appeared on his face.

Akira's face softened slightly as she stepped forward and sat down on the chair in front of Akainu. She didn't say anything, wanting to let Akainu say what he wanted to speak about first.

"As much as I have planned for the upcoming Throne War, there will be no safety net beneath us this time…" Akainu sighed slightly before he narrowed his eyes. "The Emperors of the Seas, the Revolutionary Army, us the Navy and the World Government, it will be a huge war that no sides will gain benefits in the end."

At this saying Akira lowered her head, Akainu didn't mind her and continued speaking. "Do not worry, Akira, because during this war, us the marines will execute and kill all the pirates…!" Akainu's voice turned cold and his eyes turned sharp, he would never forgive any pirates that roamed around the world.

"father…" Akira raised her head and stared into Akainu's eyes. "I have been guided by you and by uncle Aokiji and uncle Kizaru since I was young, I have grown stronger for so many years for this day to come…" Both Akira and Akainu loathed pirates.

The reason for that was because Akainu's wife, Akira's mother, was murdered by a pirate crew not long after she had birthed Akira… In grief and anger, Akainu set out for many years with his daughter, Akira, roaming around and killing pirates till he settled down in the Navy Headquarters and stayed as an Admiral with his fellow students, Kizaru and Aokiji.

Akainu shook his head slightly. "This is what I wanted to speak of, Akira. I am starting to grow old, just like your uncles Aokiji and Kizaru, we will lead the marines against the Emperors… What the three of us decided on was that if anything happens, you will lead the marines in the future, you must live no matter what, Akira, you are the light of our future…" Akainu gazed at his daughter with a caring expression.

Akainu would do anything to kill pirates, even if his methods were underhanded, Akainu's grief still has not ended, the only way it will end for Akainu is that either he will die, or he will have killed all the pirates… But, never would Akainu sacrifice his own daughter, the one thing he had left in this world.

Akira couldn't help but to freeze, it was almost like that everything she had worked for in the past with her 'family' would be archived during the Throne War. She, her Father and her Uncles will finally avenge her mother who had lost her life long ago…

Tears started streaming down Akira's pale face, she nodded softly as she gazed at Akainu. She would listen to whatever her Father says…

While the marines were getting prepared, the Revolutionary Army was doing the same.

Dragon was in the lead with his son, Luffy, his Chief of Staff, Sabo and his Commanders; Karasu, Belo Betty, Morley and Lindbergh.

On the other side of the world, the Emperors were also preparing themselves for the upcoming Throne War.

Red-Haired Shanks and Dracule Mihawk were in their own base, planning to overrule the World Government. Their goal was never the other Emperors or the so-called 'Throne'.

Shanks himself sought after the revenge of his previous captain – Gol D. Roger, Shanks had even in the past went under Mihawk to gain strength and power.

Whereas Mihawk has planned to use the Throne War as a pretence to destroy and kill the ones that caused havoc in his homeland in the past.

Charlotte LinLin wasn't happy about the current situation either, she had lost a precious member of her crew and family. Even if she had made an alliance with the Germa 66, it wasn't enough to cover for the loss of Katakuri. Charlotte would use the opportunity to settle for the Throne when all of the others would be fighting each other.

Portogas D. Ace had become a newly made Emperor after the War on Marineford where Whitebeard had died in the hands of Akainu. Ace had with his own hand and Devil Fruit Powers retaken the lost areas which Whitebeard had under his protection with Marco as his right-hand and his large crew.

Ace's strength had grown over the passage of time, as he would at this time even be able to fight against an Admiral without much trouble.

Kaido was still drinking lots of sake while waiting for the upcoming War, he would finally meet someone strong enough to fight for a long period of time. Kaido didn't even care about the Throne, yet he would never allow a 'weak' person to take over the Throne if Kaido had a say in it, he would kill anyone and everyone that was weak!

While everyone was preparing themselves, the time passed by swiftly.

Hours passed by, the days passed by and even weeks passed by…

On the Defying, Izan was still laying on his bed, he has been inside of his mindscape where he and Black'Rose had been fighting for an extended amount of time. In Izan's mindscape, the time passes by differently than in the real life. One second in real life amounts to almost one minute in Izan's mindscape, over the passage of 28 days, Izan has been fighting for over 2 419 200 minutes, which accumulates to 1680 days, almost five whole years…

Izan was lost in his mindscape as he continued fighting against Black'Rose endlessly and tirelessly. Over the time Izan fought against Black'Rose, Izan learned how to move elegantly while wielding his scythe, Izan learned how to hold his scythe and how to accurately attack in different positions.

Now Izan had long ago stepped into the rank of Mortal Scythe wielder and he was working himself up to become even stronger. The more Izan learned, the tougher and harder Black'Rose fought against Izan, therefore Izan would always grow stronger with each clash.

Outside of Izan's mindscape, everyone was training hard with Jiutian. But, there would always be one to sit by Izan's side at any given time, wanting to be there for when Izan would wake up.

Currently the one that was sitting on a chair near Izan's bed was Hancock, she had her eyes closed as she was training her Observation Haki while staying with Izan. Hancock was using her Haki to monitor Izan current body, she could sense his heart beating and his calm breathing.

Over the last 28 days, Hancock has been sitting here watching Izan for over 150 hours, not once has Izan's body twitched, his breathing was calm as ever and his heartbeat was steady as ever. Yet at this moment Hancock opened her eyes and stared at Izan which his body started reacting differently, Hancock could sense his heart was beating faster, his breathing turned ragged and his fingers started twitching.

"Husband… You're finally awake…!" Hancock said in an excited tone as she gazed at Izan who suddenly opened his eyes open…



Second chapter for today.

Now I will talk a little about my situation, I am still in the hospital and my health isn't getting any better for now. But, as there's nothing to do, I tend to try to write a little bit here and there when my mind is calm.

I can't say for sure how many chapters I will release per week, and I don't want to promise any amount either as I can barely try to write even a single word some certain days.

Therefore I hope that everyone will be patient with a 'slow' release for now until I get better.


