

Neptune gazed at them all before he sighed. "When will you guys be leaving?" Neptune could guess that they were going to leave today. He would be missing his daughter, but he knew that it would be for the best if she left with Izan. Neptune wasn't stupid enough to not know what would be happening in the future. Chaos… Neptune would steel himself in the future, he would stand in the front with his army behind him, facing the wrath of the enemies.

"Soon." Izan replied Neptune with a smile, he could see through Neptune's facial expression. Neptune was one of the few straight forwarded guys that would stand with his subjects. People could and would call Neptune, stupid, ignorant and wouldn't be fit to be a king. Yet, Izan would rather having people as Neptune and Cobra as his allies rather than someone that would cower behind his army when facing a threat.

"Haha, let us enjoy a meal then!" Neptune laughed out loudly before he stood up and showed the path forward to Izan and his wives. Neptune gazed at Shirahoshi who was standing near Izan, he felt slightly saddened, but nothing much that would hurt him.

They all followed behind Neptune till they entered a room with a long table. There were maids piling up plates on the table. The maids gazed at the ones behind Neptune, the six females and the sole male. All of them were beauties that couldn't be matched unless they had to search around the entire world.

The maids knew who they were, members of the Heavenly Pirates, all of them had great strength that could match the strength of Vice-Admirals and maybe even Admirals if they teamed up. Lastly they gazed at Izan, his blood red hair and his jet-black eyes were mesmerising, but they didn't dare to stare at him for too long as they lowered their heads.

They had all read the newspaper of who he was, Heavenly Emperor Izan, being stronger than Admirals and his prowess is nearing the strength of the other old Emperors as Immortal Kaido, Red-Haired Shanks and Big Mom.

The eight of them sat down around the table. As Izan, Jiutian, Shirahoshi and Perona had already eaten onboard of Defying, they only drank water and chatted joyfully.

Neptune ate quietly as he watched how Izan and Shirahoshi acted and spoke together. Neptune couldn't help but to sigh before speaking. "I am very happy that you, Shirahoshi has finally found your partner in life. I bet that your mother would be very proud."

Shirahoshi couldn't help but to tear up as she heard her father speaking about her mother. But when Shirahoshi's tears were about to run down her cheeks, a finger swept away her tears gently. Shirahoshi gazed at Izan who were staring at her with a kind expression.

"Whenever you feel like it, you can speak with either me or your sisters. We would gladly listen to you and your past…" Izan caressed Shirahoshi's cheeks gently.

Shirahoshi couldn't help but feel happy as she hugged Izan while nodding in his embrace.

It took Shirahoshi ten minutes before she calmed herself down. At that time, Nojiko, Robin and Hancock had already finished eating. Nojiko, Robin, Perona, Hancock and Jiutian sat near each other and spoke to each other in a low voice.

Izan stood up from his chair while holding Shirahoshi. He glanced at his wives for a brief second before he nodded. Izan turned his gaze towards Neptune, a smile appeared on Izan's face as he started speaking in a calming voice. "Neptune, we will be leaving now. When I have finished handling some matters, I will come back and move Fishman Island up…" As Izan finished speaking, he let out a mysterious smile.

Before Neptune could even ask what Izan meant, he saw all of them vanishing from their spot without leaving anything behind. Neptune sighed as he leaned back at his chair. "I will trust you this time, Heavenly Izan…"

On Defying.

They all appeared on the deck at the same time.

"Defying, we are leaving to the New World right now!" Izan's words spread around the whole ship as Izan slowly walked to the corner of the deck.

It didn't even take a millisecond after Izan started speaking that Defying moved in a swift speed. It turned around towards one point and it sailed upwards.

"Izan, are we in a rush…?" Robin walked towards Izan and asked in a curious tone. She was able to guess that another war will start, but not why or when.

Izan didn't turn around as he kept gazing towards the horizon. "Yes, we are in a rush…" Izan waited for a few seconds before he continued speaking. "If I'm not mistaken, the upcoming war will only be the start. The Revolutionary Army, the other Emperors, the Navy and the World Government. The war for the 'Throne' of the Seas…"

At this time, Nojiko, Hancock, Shirahoshi, Perona and Jiutian stood by Izan's side too like Robin.

"You don't think that the upcoming war will be the last?" Nojiko asked this time, she felt that a war which all the strongest would appear, would perhaps lead to the finale. But, she trusted Izan way more, if Izan said that this would only be the start, then there must be a reason for that.

Izan nodded as he explained. "The Throne War will of course let the winner take the Throne and become the King of the Seas. But, who said that everyone are going to fight the Throne fairly? What if someone was hiding in the dark, waiting for everyone to become weakened before they act?" Izan asked without turning around, if anyone could see his face, they would be surprised to see his grin.

"The one you spoke about… The one who leads the World Government?" Robin asked as she lowered her head slightly, she was shocked to hear what Izan said. If Izan's thoughts were true, then the Throne War will only be something the person had planned and he or she would be able to conquer everything when everyone was weakened…!

"Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. The Throne War might show who has the greatest strength for those who appear. Yet, none of them knows of the hidden danger that lurks in the dark. That person is strong, strong enough that even Gol D. Roger and Joy Boy couldn't fight against. I can guess that Gol D. Roger was a very strong person based on that even Whitebeard in his prime couldn't do anything. And, Joy Boy had managed to create such a large ship and promised to move everyone in Fishman Island, he can't be too shabby either…" Izan wasn't someone that liked to underestimate his enemies, he knew that it would be very hard fight.

But, his struggled wouldn't start there. The start would begin with the Throne War, only after that would the lurking enemy appear. Izan snorted as he gazed towards the horizon. "We will show everyone that underestimating us is something they shouldn't do."

This time Izan turned around and gazed at his wives one by one. "I want all of us to strengthen ourselves till the Throne War. I will try my best in protecting all of you, but I would like more that all of you have sufficient strength to protect yourselves and beat your enemies."

Hancock smiled brightly, she would do anything to make Izan happy. If she only had to become stronger and crush her enemies to make Izan happy, then Hancock would do so without thinking about it further. She would become stronger and face Admirals. 'If I beat an Admiral, I wonder if Husband would reward me…!' Hancock's cheeks turned slightly pink as she thought of Izan rewarding her with lots of love.

Heyo, last chapter of the week (5/5).

When I was writing this chapter, I couldn't help but to rush the last part of them being in Fishman Island. I just checked, and if I'm not mistaken, this would be a 17 chapter long arc, dang...!

I can't wait to start the Thone War, will be so much fun!


iMiHcreators' thoughts