
Conqueror's Haven

In a world where Champions, people with abilities, rule what remains of humanity. People took advantage of each other to survive. Canis is no different. He will do anything to become powerful, to have authority and power so he can live the way he wants, without any hindrance. However, how can he achieve his dream when he has a level cap limit of 7 and a single ability upon awakening? In an accident involving a Conqueror's Pillar, he awakens his ability. All that hardship for 12 years now bears fruit. Using his ability to capture and mate with 'Queens' and create his army of monsters. He begins his journey to this new chapter in life to become the most powerful Champion.

Gunshot_Zon · ファンタジー
23 Chs

Chapter 011



Canis was comfortable in this kind of darkness for some reason he felt safe, he hid on the corner far from the battle area.

He had a 'plant' on hand and he was ready to take it if something happened.

But soon, the pollen began to disappear and he followed the movement of wind, the movement of pollens.

All the pollen began being sucked to a single place.

Maple stood in the middle of the room.

The debris of the fight can be seen everywhere.

Broken ceiling, damaged wall, and uneven flooring.

People might even think that this place was hit by an earthquake.

In the large room that seems to be the receiving area, 5 people are lying down.

The body was sucked dry like a mummy.

"The ability to drain blood… and…"

Canis looks at the top part of Maple's tree.

Five red circular fruits are hanging in it.

"To create Blood Fruit."

(This is the last of the three abilities he learned in his journey toward the 'wall', and also the greatest reason why I took the risk to attack the facility. Without this ability, we will just hide until the Time Limit expires.)

Canis feels glad that the Blood Fruit started to grow.

Then he looks at the Champion lying down on the ground and look at the Champion license on one of them.

"Green Rank"

In the identification card, a green line took up a quarter of the area.

(Most of them will surely be at Green Rank… If I consider Maple as part of my ability then… did I truly defeat these people?)

His face contorted.

He felt really bad about what he had done to these people, the crime he committed but he needed to do everything in his power to reach the peak.

To have absolute authority and power.

(Those sacrifices that I made for the past years were accumulated for this day.)

He glances at Champions who died in this fight.

"I am sorry you experienced that… but I cannot waste this chance…"

Using this moment, he put mana on his eyes.

This is an action every Champion could do at the moment they awaken.

Controlling mana became a very basic ability that the 'knowledge' provided.

By using mana, you could know the 'ability' possessed by items or artifacts that you are holding.

By injecting more mana, you could 'trigger' that ability from the items or artifacts.

In addition to that, mana could also be used in the eyes.

This is a very basic 'search ability' that Champions could use.

Using this method they could see if the person is a Champion from the golden aura around him, though they cannot tell the rank of the person, they would still know if a person is a civilian or Champion.

In addition to this, the gold aura also appears in useable 'items', like Retreat Stone, Heal Stone, and other reward items from the pillar.

But for the artifacts, it is a different matter, a gold aura can be seen in artifacts that the user is compatible with, and on the other hand, a black hazy aura can be seen in artifacts that are not compatible with the user.

Also, artifacts that were worn by another Champion will not manifest in the 'search ability'. 

In a sense, the golden aura of a Champion will cover the aura of the artifact.

Canis proceeded to search the dead bodies as he did from the very first time they entered here.

He looks at the most obvious target first.

The mage wand.

There is a black hazy aura around it.

Then he looks at the equipment and the bodies of the other dead Champions.


He picked up the wand, treated it as a loot, and looked at the owner of the wand.

"You can still use your ability even without this so… I will take this with me…"

The Champions are wearing expensive armor and weapons, that seem like they were crafted from monster materials.

Canis looked at it, he felt that it was a waste not to grab it.


He sighed, then looked at Maple and then towards the Vault.

"Let's open it!"

Maple grabs several Honey Caps.

Those yellow mushrooms look like candies, their cap even glisten and their aroma is very sweet.

The roots cannot get in immediately but using the small vines, and the resin of the Honey Caps, slowly they crawl between the gaps of the door and hinges. 

The roots keep slamming the vault door in hopes of loosening it up.

'Report! Report! Does anyone know the location of the trespasser…'

A radio has been blaring since he came here and it didn't stop.

Canis picks up the radio and covers his mouth.

"Going… up…"

He made a hoarse sound voice.

'Who is this!? Going up!? Please repeat?'

'Who is going up!? Tresspasers?'

'Please answer?'

"I don't know how much time it will give us before reinforcement comes… but oh well."

Canis throws the radio behind.


It took at least 5 minutes.

Pang! Pang! Pang!

In the gap of the door, we can now see that it was slowly being melted away.

Canis grabs all the water bottles that he has gathered so far and continues to pour them over Maple, in the hope of recovering his strength.

Of course, this didn't do anything, however Maple didn't say that.

Deep in Maple's mind, he doesn't mind that his Father is doing this to him.

Pang! Pang!

The vault started to lose.

The slam of the roots banging on the door started to take effect.

Bam! Bam!

The thick vault slowly opened and the loot inside was enormous.

The whole vault is very thick and made out of metal, Canis was not familiar if there are other elements mixed in this metal but it's a good thing that the Honey Cap works.

(Phew… if the Honey Cap didn't work we will just retreat immediately and proceed to the next target.)

The size of a two-story building, that is how big the inside of the vault was.

So much loot that the eye can see and even he who is already familiar with this environment is still overwhelmed.

"Maple let's go!"

They began to harvest their loot.


'My Home'

An ability that can be used for a maximum of 24 hours and the cooldown time will be half of the time the user uses the skill.

Anyone could go inside the 'territory' even a trespasser.

The door knob cannot be replaced and a double lock cannot be installed on the door.

Overall, tinkering of the door is prohibited.

Any living being or thing can stay inside the 'territory' even if the user leaves the 'territory'.

Whenever the user leaves the 'territory' the door will disappear.


The white door closes.

Canis looks at Maple who is currently in his 'Child Humanoid' form.

Maple transformed so he could easily move in and out of the 'house' without any problem.

"I think we should go…"

Canis began to walk and lead Maple.

But Canis felt something was amiss so he looked back, looked at Maple.

Canis felt that Maple wanted to tell him something but wasn't able to.


Maple's golden eyes shine as he looks up to his father.

"Father, I believe there is another important place here?"

"Huh? Where is it?"

"Well, when you told me that 'we should follow where a large amount of enemy is going' I pointed in this direction."

"Well, it works right? We didn't want to look all over the place so we followed everyone here… they created a wall one after the other, like they were telling us where to go."

"Well, Father they created a similar pattern on the top floor."

"Top floor…"

Canis reflexively looks up.

"I see… I see… I thought that we were lucky because we didn't meet someone important… like the Captain or the Commander of this place."

Canis stop for a bit and think.

(We accumulated a lot of crystal, materials, equipment, and even items… we are already rich… no more than that, we are filth rich, but… is this enough… is being rich enough… first of all, I cannot use those things immediately even if I have them, I know that the Association is looking at my spending, and the people in the orphanage and shelter even told me that someone is investigating me.)

(To use all of this, I have to make a 'fog'… a 'fog' big enough to cover all the treasures that I have. It should be something that would suggest that I have the power to get this rich. If I became a strong and notable Champion, even spending a lot of money would not be questionable anymore… to do that, I need more… equipment… artifacts… abilities…)

Canis closes his hands tightly.

(Then… will I lose this chance to get those things, things that could make a Champion with Power and Authority.)

Canis looks at Maple once again.

"Maple we are going to check that place."

In his peripheral vision, he notices the person wearing knight armor.


"I should change my equipment…"

Canis right now is still wearing his leather armor and a sword he didn't even use.

"Let's prepare thoroughly… now that I have equipment."


Commander Girthwell is currently sitting in front of the vault looking over the door.

Ring! Ring!


A man took the phone.

"Raj, speaking."

'Sir! The patrol is still looking at the trespassers on the ground to the upper floor but no one has reported it yet.'

"I see… 30 minutes…"

'Sir… it's been 45 minutes since we lost contact with the Elite Squad… and received the 'tip' that the enemy is going up so we send security to look for them… but we are also investigating the lower floor, we are taking a lot of time, unknown pollens are scattered around the area, which makes the investigation and reinforcement slower.'

"I see… now-"

'Sir! We have an update! They are now moving up, the ground unit already meets them.'

"I see… call back… update…"


Raj looks at the commander with his tired-looking eyes.

Raj pointed up.

"Enemy moving up…"

Commander Girthwell nodded.

"Hmmm… Then there is only one conclusion that makes sense… The enemy is a Violet Rank monster… I made a wrong assumption. Let's prepare thoroughly this time."

Girthwell glances at Raj.

"Tell everyone to kill on site… especially the tamer."

"I see…"

Raj picked up the phone and began to call.

"Sometimes too much greed is bad for you, I , Girthwell, will teach you that."

Girthwell stared in front of the door, but truth be told he was staring at a shadow that immediately disappeared behind the door.

Girthwell smiled.


Erwin leaves the room of the VIP Vault and walks straight towards the nearby room with a radio.

"Any news of the Elite Squad…"

Winston, who practices sparring every day with him in the gym, and makes jokes about Trinity comes to his mind.

'Sir… we still haven't had any…'

"Is there a chance that…?"

He remembers how Ethan talks about his civilian sister whom he takes care of.

'Every group we encounter while surveying the area… pass away…'

Glen is someone he shares his personal problems with.

'It's already 45 minutes since their last radio check.'

Trinity is like a little sister to him and he always makes fun of her.

'We assume that they were 'Killed In Action'.'

Seth is a friend that he shares his parkour experience with.

The grip on the radio is tightening.


A crack appeared on the radio and it became distorted.

"What! a freaking day?"

Erwin grinned his teeth in anger.


Maple is currently on Grandiflorian Medium Size Mode.

They are going up towards the top floor while dodging several enemies.

Of course, that would not be possible unless they used Detect and took out the eyes of the building.

The security camera room was completely destroyed.

They found this place in Basement 1, using Maple's Detect ability, in short, they hunted down every enemy from the lower floor to the upper floor.

After the taking down of the eyes of the building.

They avoid unnecessary fights and begin to climb up.

Canis followed Maple from behind and watched from afar.

He looks at the dead body in the corridor.

(He sucks up the blood of another security.)

They go up the stairs and move to the corridor.

Maple's strength is quite unbelievable, he overpowers every enemy he encounters.

Step! Step! Step!

They run upwards and kill everyone they encounter.

(The floor design change!)

On this floor, the floor area looks more executive, this feels like a VIP area.

(This must be the last floor.)

Canis suddenly feels worried.

The corner turns and Canis stop at the corner.

He watched Maple open the luxurious double door.

Then he heard a shout.



A large explosion happened.

The whole roof of the top floor vanishes.


Bam! Bam! Bam!

The ceiling collapsed and debris continued to fall.

Bam! Bam!

Dum! Dum! Dum!

Canis heart beat so fast.

Canis couldn't do anything.

Dum! Dum! Dum!

He is looking at Maple's body.

Or what remains on it.

Half of the body is gone, and the upper part of his body disappears without a trace.

His crimson leaves can't be seen anywhere.

The other half is falling down from the sky.


Canis whispered.

Dum! Dum! Dum!


"This… this can't happening…"

Bam! Bam!

Debris continues to fall.

Step! Step!

From walking he began to run.

(I have to catch him…)


Canis shouted, his voice sounding gargles. 


(Did I become too greedy? I shouldn't have done this. I shouldn't have raided this place. I should just stay and hide.) 

Just about he was to build momentum to run.



Someone tripped him.

His reflex kicked in and positioned himself so he would not fall.

But then.

Like a chameleon, who removes his camouflage, a man appears beside him.

The one who tripped him using his left leg, quickly twisted his body with incredible speed.

He notices his open-palm hand touches his armor.

"Freaking RAT!"



He felt great pressure on his chest.

And then he flew and tumbled over and over again.


He landed sitting down, leaning on broken debris.

He could taste iron in his mouth.



He looks forward.

A man appeared in front of him, he was wearing a black coat with a single sword.

"You are freaking lucky rat!"

The man shouted as he walked towards Canis.

"Our order is to kill you on site… And I… would love to do that… however…"

The man pointed to his head.

"You wore those stolen equipment that you loot downstairs, and the most valuable artifact, the Circlet of Rexus, is compatible with you."

The man picks up a stone and throws it to Canis.


The stone didn't hit his head instead it bounced off.

A magic shield appears 3 inches from his head.

"I couldn't cut your head even if I wanted to, I need to reduce the durability of the skill for my attack to work, if I do that the artifact will break and the client will sue us. That would be a different problem altogether and the worst of it is…"

He grinned his teeth.

"I could not remove that circlet due to restriction… I need to kill a Rat! to take that equipment back."

He walks and looks at him. 

Then he points on his chest and moves it to his lower body part.

"You wore all the good armor in the vault…"

Then the man touches his sword.

"My weapon will not be able to penetrate that kind of good quality armor, but unfortunately…"

Tap! Tap!

The man taps his chest.

"You weak on the inside… T.A.M.E.R."

The man grabs Canis by the collar.

Canis looks at him behind his mask.

And Canis threw a punch.


A very weak punch hit the man in the face.

But even wearing a gauntlet the man didn't even flinch.

"PUHAHAHA! Is that it Tamer? You're telling me, a person like YOU! A trash like YOU! Killed all of my friends!"

The man put his hand on Canis's chest once more.

Canis was angry and he looked the man straight with his fierce looking eyes.




Canis flew once more.

He tumbles over and over again but this time he stops lying on the ground.


Canis spit out blood once more.

(It's not over… not over… yet… I… I am not weak compared to back then…)

A flashback occurs to him.

The day of The Great Break happened, the day when the world collapsed and people he loved died in front of him.

(… I am better than yesterday…)

Canis remembered Maple, his little amazing Grandiflorian son.

Then he looks at his hands, there is blood on them but he grips them tightly.

(I… can still move…. I just need to move…one step… one step… just one step… one step more…)

He knew that some of his bones were broken.

But he crawled and crawled.

"Shadow Impact inflict significantly less damage than my other skill… but to a rat like you this is enough."

The man threw another stone.


A magic barrier appear in Canis head.

"You are not a rat at all… You're just an insect hiding behind a monster."

The man's voice is full of anger and disgust.

Canis reaches a wall, leans his back on it, and immediately grabs something from his leg bag.

The man stopped, tilted his head, smiled, and then laughed.

"HAHAHAHA! You are not just an insect but also a coward!"

The man grinned his teeth.

Canis is holding a black mushroom with several strips going downward.

"HAHAHA! Look at you! Are you going to eat a Death Mushroom? Do you want a painless death? Are you afraid to die in the hands of Champion?"

Canis immediately put the mushroom in his mouth and bite.



"A coward!"

His tone is full of disgust.

Step! Step! Step!


Something exploded behind the man.

The man was startled, he looked back behind him and scowled but he looked back immediately at Canis.

"It seems like it was not yet over back there, I have to help out the Commander, but I have to ensure that you're dead first!" 

The man leans down.

He put his hand on the chest of Canis.

Then he moved his head towards his ears and said.

"I want you to feel the pain! Rat! I want you to feel the pain before you die…"

The man continue, his words, his movement is full of hatred.

"Oh! I have an idea… let's not make your funeral boring. Why don't we bet around? How many Shadow Impacts you can take before your heart crushes?"



Canis replied and exhaled and the man immediately fell down on the ground.

This will be a long chapter I hope everyone would enjoy this.

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