
Prologue : Mortal

**The Moirai

On Mount Olympus a few years back....


Okay now that is pretty weird I've never heard dad call me by my full name and more so from his court on Mount Olympus. I know I've been pretty reckless lately with my hunting and feeding. But what's the biggie. I'm a goddess so it's nothing. I quickly made my way to his court. Besides he sounded pretty angry.

'Yes Father, you called me.' I said calmly

'You have been summoned to Mount Olympus to be placed before the Moirai to judge your fate.You have been accused of breaking a common rule concerning you.' he answered a little bit annoyed.

'Father I know nothing of what you speak about.'

'DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME ARTEMIS. So explain to me your relationship with that useless peasant, Orion.'

'Orion is nothing to me he is just a friend of my dear brother, Apollo.'

'LIES, LIES, LIEESS' shouted the people of the court.


At that moment no one was letting me speak so I just followed the guards to The Moirai for my fate and I know you are also thinking I'm guilty as hell but Orion and I just kissed nothing more nothing less.

'Artemis daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, virgins and midwifery you are being sentenced to a life of mortality on earth from birth until atonement of your sin. This is the judgement of we sisters three.'

'MORTALIY!! How can you sentence me to mortality for just kissing a guy. Father do something, I do not know of which sins they speak of—

Mother? Aunt? anyone?!!' I shouted and begged.

'I shall go with my sister to earth because I believe that she has committed no sin.' said Apollo from where he stood by my father in all his glory. I turned and looked at my brother.

So Apollo descended his seat and stood by my side as The Moirai made us mortal and as they did so I decided when I returned all those that conspired against me shall pay.

As I looked at my other half I had never felt such love for him but due to his sacrifice it blossomed much more.
