
Trip to China

Everyone were excited to go to China it was most of the girls first time going out of the country. Though they had idols as husbands and fiancé's they personally had to be on top of their grade in school. So they were planning to go to the near by beaches in China like Sanya and Shanghai. But it was suppose to be a ladies trip. But Kim, Namjoon, J-Hope, and Cynthia's fiancé Min Yoon-gi were worried that they would be "taken advantage of."

So they decided to tag along with them getting a rental house by the beach in Shanghai.

*After arriving*

"Guys please don't be mad with all of us because we invaded your ladies trip", Namjoon said. "We love you guys that's why we decide to come along", Kim chipped in. "We love you guys with all of our hearts okay", Min Yoon-gi decided to help out. "Please talk to us stop giving us the silent treatment", J-Hope begged.

" You guys know that's not true at all you liars", Cynthia replied. "I know for a fact that you guys are just a bunch of jealous husbands and husband to be", Jocelyn pitched in. " Guys let's not waste this beautiful view of the ocean on some petty stuff", Marcy argued.

*After agreeing with Marcy they settled in their rental house which was huge*

By the time they had settled in their own rooms on the first and second floors. It was dark out but all the girls wanted to walk on the beach still. But they weren't allowed so they waited until it was super late. All of them had fallen asleep. Then they snuck out for night swimming. Though Cynthia didn't know how to swim she still went with them just Incase something happens while there out swimming.
