
#2 Meeting Ash The Demon Hunter (Aurora Village Arc)

Narrator: Wealth, fame, power. The world had it all won by one man: the Pirate King, Gold Roger. At his death, the words he spoke drove countless men out to sea.

Gold Roger: My treasure? It's yours if you want it. Find it! I left all the world has to offer!

Narrator: And so men set sights on the Grand Line, in pursuit of their dreams. The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era!

Narrator: This takes place in an AU. (Alternate universe) Where Luffy had three brothers instead of two, Ace, Sabo, and Monkey D Gabe. The only difference is that Gabe is Luffy's real brother, same father, and an unknown mother, and Gabe is the main character of this story. (Btw new island's and people will exist)

Gabe: I've never been to this island before, come to think of it I've never been to any island maybe 3 or 4….

"Who cares if it costs money every time pirates come here I work my ass off to protect everyone so just give me it for free!!." … "I'm sorry but that's not how it works, everyone has to pay… or else I'll be out of money" … "Fine then I guess I'll go get Ajax, and if you didn't know me and him are very good friends…" … "Okay Okay here have the food free of charge"

The marine took the box of food and drinks worth lots of berries, Gabe watched the whole thing go down, there was a guy he had 2 swords and was looking at a board full of pirates with bounty's, the names were "LEVI" 23 MILLION BERRIES "DEAD OR ALIVE" "Arlong" 20 MILLION BERRIES "DEAD OR ALIVE" "DON KRIEG" 20 MILLION BERRIES "DEAD OR ALIVE" and some more, the guy with the two swords was about to pull them out but then the marine that walked out with all the food flew right back in and flew through the wall landing onto the ground knocked out.

Gabe: That guy was annoying had to put him in his place (Walks up to pub owner) here's all your food and drinks.

"Do you have any idea of what you just did?!"

Gabe: No and I don't really care, but I'm pretty hungry so could you cook me up something?

"... well I guess sure but when Ajax is here don't involve me, I want to live my life even though I'm getting old…"

Gabe: Sure like I said I only punched that Marine because he was making me mad-

5 marines came running in with guns and they pointed at Gabe, "You're under arrest for touching a marine officer!" as they aimed their guns a guy walked in front of them. "Does he have a bounty on his head?" … "Oh it's you Asher! Aka Ash the demon hunter, they say that he was like a brother to pirate hunter Zoro!... But no I've never heard of him so I don't think he has a bounty" ….

Ash: Then I'm not going to fight him, I'm a bounty hunter I only fight people with bounties.

"That doesn't matter if you do not capture this pirate, then you will become a pirate, that means you won't be a bounty hunter anymore!"

Ash: So that's how you wanna play, I don't trust marines anyway so I guess I'm a pirate now!

"So you're a pirate now?!... Guess we'll end you now you could become a problem in the future, one of you guys go alert Ajax!... now everyone aim at Asher then after he's dead aim at Gabe!" they did what he said and aimed at him, the marine then raised his hand and they all pulled the trigger.

Ash: Bullets can't stop me nothing can!... Two sword style multiple slashes!!

Ash started to slash his swords going faster and faster every swing, his body multiplied and with that game more swords, he then sliced through the bullets like it was nothing and the pub was destroyed, it was cut in half like it was nothing, the marines then fell on the ground there bodys sliced in half.

"Run everyone run Ash the demon has gone rouge!... Run before he kills us!" Everyone then ran out of the pub.

Gabe: Woah you're pretty strong, but do you think that was the right thing to do?

Ash: Who are you to tell me?... I do whatever I want, I hate marines, everyone thinks they're heroes but behind all of that they are the real villains.

Gabe: You're pretty strong so I want you to join my crew!

Ash: … Since I'm seen as a pirate now… I guess I have no other choice.

Gabe: Welcome aboard Asher… Now let's get out of here before that Ajax guy gets here.''

Gabe ran out of the pub and Ash was about to walk out but Gabe flew right back in and landed on the ground with a bloody nose, a man then walked in with 20+ more marines.

???: You guys are just weaklings!... Your not pirates your just fakes
