
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · 映画
158 Chs

Chapter 136

[The dark universe turned red?]

[No, that's another world coming!]

[The moment Loki's voice fell, the authority of the Vulcan was lit up, and the super dimension that merged with tens of thousands of fragments instantly turned into the Kingdom of Fire and engulfed Alitham!]

[This is the difference between promoting diversity with dimensions, rather than relying on dimensions to promote diversity!!]

[If the latter leaves its own dimension, its strength will decrease.]

[And the former….That is equivalent to two sides of one body. When it expands its own dimension, it will become more powerful!!]

[Sithorn looked at this scene with eyes almost split open!]

[This was the power he longed for, but now it appeared in his mortal enemy, which made him almost crazy with jealousy, so angry and evil that he almost lost his mind!]

[within dark dimension]

[Dormammu's huge body suddenly collapsed, revealing the flame wizard's body!]

[The flames all over his body swayed, and he was obviously in a great shock!]

["impossible! How many years have passed, only a few years have passed!"]

["How could he possibly reach the multi-dimensional level!"]

[He roared loudly, with a kind of fear in his voice, causing the entire dimension to shake violently!]

[In the hell dimension, Mephisto has a gloomy face]

[At this moment, he finally knew where the previous uneasiness came from.]

[But immediately he showed a sinister expression, and his eyes spurted out blazing flames:]

["it's useless…Alitham is definitely not comparable to you, a newly promoted multi-faceted person!"]

["Die, Loki!"]

["As the lord of hell, I curse you to be killed by Alithem!"]

[As His voice fell, the ground roared in an instant, and a giant skeleton array with unknown boundaries appeared!]

[Countless wailing souls and flesh and blood demons turned into nourishment!]

[Suddenly bursts of twisted purple power appeared, and then seeped into the void! ]

02[Obviously, this curse has real power]

[But in the next second!]

[Mephisto saw that the purple curse power was suddenly ignited, and then spread back to the skeleton circle created by his own original power, burning violently!]

[A sea of fire appeared!]

[Then a huge flaming skull flew out from inside, biting him with a ferocious laugh!]


[Mephisto scatters the skeleton with a slap]

[But there was no joy on his face, instead he felt cold!]

[Loki, who was fighting Alitham, not only easily solved the invisible curse, but also followed the attack!]

[At this moment, he suddenly had a bad premonition!]


[The world of flames seems endless!]

[Even Alitium, which is bigger than tens of millions of galaxies, can't see the boundaries!]

[It seems to have exceeded the size of the real universe!]

[And the flame is just an appearance!]

[The heat in it is even more terrifying to the extreme. It has surpassed the singularity temperature of the universe explosion, and there seems to be a hint of the concept of extreme heat! ]

Outside the light curtain, countless people could not help but squint their eyes and turn their heads away, not daring to look directly.

It seems that if you continue to watch, your body and soul will melt!

The end of time.

The people left behind finally realize how ridiculous they are.

None of the countless Zhongkang could survive for a second in this flame.

Any super technology will become a ridiculous toy

[At this moment, Alitham's originally red body became even redder.]

[He looked at his body that was already melting, but there was still no emotion in his eyes.]

[With a thought in the next second, a large number of golden symbols were born and instantly covered the surface of the body, isolating the terrifying heat!]

["it makes no sense"]

[Alitham made a roaring sound, and his six eyes burst out with intense light, breaking through countless flames and seeing the true body higher up!]

["This may not be the case"]

[As the calm voice responded, the flame world suddenly appeared to be in a boiling state.]

[The next second, a sharp cry sounded]

[Golden-red energy state phoenixes were born from the flames]

[They brought a trail of flames and crashed into Alitham from all directions!]

["Phoenix power! ?"]

[Alitham's voice sounded surprised for the first time, as if he had not expected such a level of power to appear!]

[It was at this moment that a terrifying explosion occurred!]

[In an instant, he had the new power of the fusion of the power of Vulcan and the power of the Phoenix that could shatter the cosmic barrier, directly smashing a large number of golden symbols!]

[Alitham's huge body also had pits as huge as galaxies, shattering countless red fragments and then melting into magma!]

[And the attack didn't stop]

[A large number of energy state phoenixes are born continuously, rushing forward one after another, seemingly never stopping!]

[And the ultimate hot temperature began to invade again along the gap!]

[Alitham did not mount a new defense]

[All the golden symbols on his body disappeared together, and his super body shrank in the blink of an eye.]

[This time it is even tens of thousands of times smaller than when it first appeared!]

[Only 600 meters!]

[But as He said before, in the realm of plurality, the size of the body cannot represent strength!]

[Right now is the most suitable amount of power to use!]

[Although his position has changed astronomically due to his reduced size, Alitham's eyes have always been locked on the target.]

[The next second, his body suddenly turned into a black hole, and the surrounding space collapsed together with the flames.]

[At the same moment, the space behind Loki also collapsed, and a huge hand stretched out from inside to grasp him!]


[The light is distorted!]

[Loki, who had returned to his true size, wanted to escape, but the black hole behind him showed an exaggerated gravitational pull!]

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[In an instant, chains of flames shot out and wrapped around Loki's waist, trying to resist the gravity behind him!]

[But it doesn't help at all]

[In an instant, the chain shattered, and Loki was wrapped up in the strong gravity and disappeared into the closed giant palms!!]

[However, after one hit, Alitham walked out of the black hole without any joy!]

[He opened his palm, and the hundreds of broken runes and magic symbols inside turned into little green starlight and dissipated.]

["The illusion that even I can deceive is really amazing!"]

["Young man, I take back my previous evaluation

of you."]

[After Alitham finished speaking, he turned around and looked up, and saw the giant python blooming with green light opening its huge mouth and swallowing him!]


[With the sound of roaring and closing, the world suddenly turned into darkness]

[Then the howling north wind appeared!]

[Luo Ji never thought that he could directly devour this god.]

[That's not looking down on the other person, it's turning yourself into a fool]

[His real purpose is to bring the other party into the ice realm]

[In an instant, the power of the concept of winter appeared with the north wind, and an extreme force opposite to the flame descended.]

[There was a sound of crackling ice in the space. ](To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Alitham's six huge holes bloomed with bright light and suddenly began to gradually dim, and a large number of white frost flowers appeared on the body.]

[This is when the mind and body are frozen at the same time!]

[This deity group seems to be about to become an ice sculpture that will be frozen forever!]

[However, at this moment, a large amount of cosmic energy burst out from his body and began to boil. The world around him suddenly began to become extremely unstable, as if it was returning to reality!]

[However, at this time, a series of dark green time formations appeared, completely surrounding Alitham!]

[In fact, the strongest in the multi-level will not be disturbed by any time, even attacks from the past.]

[But obviously Alitham in this universe is not included in this]

[Although He can resist time, it cannot completely cancel it out]

[Time stops on the opponent and becomes time slowing down]

[but that's enough]

[The energy of the universe is no longer boiling, but the power of ice is accelerating!]

[So in just a few seconds, a huge ice sculpture appeared! ]

There is dead silence outside the light curtain!

It seems that I didn't expect the victory or defeat to come so quickly!

Dormammu was even more horrified in his heart, unable to believe that such a powerful god could be killed like this! [ ]

If Loki could really do this, he felt that he would be killed by the opponent even if he was hiding in the dark dimension!

[But just then!]

[The golden light suddenly appeared and dispelled the darkness!]

[The sun seemed to appear in the six huge holes above Alitham's head, and the howling north wind suddenly stopped!]

[Then His voice echoed throughout the dark world:]

["You don't understand what I am…it's useless"]

[At this time, he chuckled and replied:]

["I'm not surprised, and I didn't expect to kill you with this."]

["Come on God, try the power of the laws of reality"]

[As Loki's voice fell, the dark environment suddenly shattered!]

[An extremely huge energy-state phoenix swallowed Alitham into its belly, and then suddenly collapsed to form scarlet flames that were millions of times hotter than those in the Kingdom of Fire God!]

[In an instant, the extremely cold red body encountered the extremely high temperature!]

[The golden thread symbol that suddenly appeared on Alitham's body was instantly dissolved, but his body did not melt this time.]

[Under the action of the extremely exaggerated opposite force, the body like a red rock structure was torn apart with cracks, which continued to spread crazily!]

[Alitham half-knelt on the ground for a moment, seemingly unable to support his entire body]

[But He didn't show any fear or anger, and the six sun-like eyes were still looking at Loki!]

[Then he said the same sentence again:]

["You have no idea what I am…."]

[This red body is actually just armor!]

[As he spoke, he suddenly turned his head, and rays higher than the energy of the universe burst out from his eyes, annihilating space, flames, and even time.]

[The moment it appeared, it fell on Loki's true body!]

["I see through you!"]

[The same illusion cannot deceive Him a second time!]

[Loki's body suddenly surged with golden energy, the clothes on his upper body were shattered, the surrounding flame world collapsed, and then the barrier of the real universe also shattered!]

[Outside the world, observers saw this scene, and this time there was no intention of being a narrator!]

[Although their entire race hates the Celestials who are accustomed to interfering in the universe, he does not want to participate in a battle of this level, and as an observer, he should not participate.]

[So he jumped hundreds of cosmic barriers in a row, and then secretly peeked through the gaps between the universes!]

[Then he saw that Loki, who had just been promoted to multi-dimensionality, not only did not howl in pain during the terrifying energy rays, but instead laughed out loud.]

[The next second, the flame world suddenly disappeared and returned to its original huge dimension!]

[Unimaginable space movement appears!]

[Loki didn't move, but the dimensional world was moved!]

[He returned to his own dimension in an instant, and the aura on his body began to rise continuously!]

[The ontology already possesses multiple intelligences, and coupled with the dimensional power it holds, it is not simply 1+1, but increases exponentially!]

[In an instant, countless stars twinkled in the dimension!]

[Loki suddenly disappeared and then appeared above Alitham's head!]

[Holding the rune sword in his hand, he spoke the final judgment:]

["I never despised you from the beginning. Everything I did before was just a disguise, just for this moment!!"]

["You should have left my world from the beginning!"]

[In an instant Loki's power exploded,���The rune sword that surrounds the magical power of all things penetrated the red shell and turned into countless green shocks and sank into Alitham's head! ]