After the fight with Alduin, the Companions that accompanied the Dovahkiin was sent to the GOT world. What will the Companions do when in this strange but familiar world? Would they regress back to becoming mercenaries? Would they stay as they are? Or would they serve under an honorable house? We don't know.
Beneath the starlit skies with hues of violet, red and blue color constantly intertwining between them, a group of 100 armed men and women stand shoulder to shoulder, brothers and sisters in arms standing ready to face the world eater himself, Alduin.
Behind them lays the halls of Sovengarde itself, a place only the honorable warriors travel after they die in battle. However, these men and women are not dead, no, they are very much alive. They used various means of magic to travel to Sovengarde in hopes to combat Alduin and stave off him from attempting to eat the world once again.
Amongst these brave heroes of Skyrim, nay, of the world, stood a stalwart of a man. A head taller than most of the people he is with. His commanding presence, his will unbreakable, his gaze cold and unyielding together with his piercing blue eyes strikes fear in even the bravest of men. He is the leader of the most honorable, most elite fighting force in Skyrim, the 500 Companions. Well, what's left of them that is. Many of his brothers and sisters have already passed and are dining in the halls of Sovengarde behind him after constant fighting against the dragons that Alduin himself revived.
He isn't an ordinary man, hell even the ones left standing behind him aren't ordinary either. But he still stands above them, for he isn't a mere 'man' persay. Not only is he the leader of the Companions, otherwise known as the Harbinger, but he also has the blood and soul of a dragon. A legendary figure that only appears when the world is in peril when the gods permit the birth of a godlike being. He has many names and titles that people call him, the descendent of Ysgramor, Talos' reincarnation, hero of man... Dovahkiin. His name is Zeymahdov, the name given to him by the legendary dragon Paarthurnax at the throat of the world when he went to Paarthurnax to master the Thu'um. Zeymahdov, the brother of dragons, is here to kill his 'brother' Alduin, the eater of worlds.
Together with his last remaining Companions, they wait. With the battle-worn armors and weapons of the Companions, they wait. With the wounded and broken bodies they have, they wait. There they stand, the last bastion of mankind, nay, of all kinds.
Finally, the sound of the end is approaching, whether they fail here or succeed, it doesn't matter, it all ends after this glorious battle for survival.
It's getting closer... everybody present knows that, but none has any fear. What's there to fear? If they die, well they're already in Sovengarde anyways. But what if they lose? What if Alduin eats the world including Sovengarde?
Well, luckily no one is thinking that. Why? Because of one man. Zeymahdov. Stepping forward, Zeymahdov grabs Wuuthrad from behind his back. Donning the armor of Ysgrammor along with his two-handed axe Wuuthrad, to his brothers and sisters, it looked as if they are fighting together with Ysgrammor himself.
When Zeymahdov grabbed Wuuthrad, the Companions behind him unsheathed their weapons of choice, swords, and shields, axes, maces, bows, arrows, etc. Two notable figures then stood side by side with Zeymahdov. Aela the huntress and Kodlak Whitemane, previous Harbinger in which he made Zeymahdov the next Harbinger.
*ROAR* *swoooosh~*
Suddenly a torrent gust of wind blasted towards the Companions. But still, they stood there, unmoving with nothing but a violent flutter of their cloaks.
For a moment, there was calmness. Nothing was heard except the flapping of Alduins wings. Zeymahdov stood there watching Alduin, and he did the same. Nothing was said between the two. There wasn't a need to. Not even a second later, Alduin perhaps growing irritated of not being able to squash the 'bugs' in front of him earlier, threw the first move.
Alduin-'FUS ROH DAH'
Suddenly the voice of power was unleashed, barrelling towards the Companions with unrelenting force. Just before the Thu'um hits them, a yellow translucent barrier covered everybody, blocking the Thu'um at the cost of its shattering.
When all the dust that was picked up from the Thu'um cleared out, the three in front, Aela, Zeymahdov, and Kodlak respectively, all stepped forward. All three took a deep breath in, and as one shouted.
Aela/Kodlak/Zeymahdov-''JOOR ZAH FRUL''
Alduin, not expecting this type of Thu'um was ill-prepared and was hit directly. Suddenly, like an arrow reaching the apex of its climb, he fell. As he was falling, the remaining Companions all step forth and inhaled sharply. Everyone, together with Aela, Kodlak, and Zeymahdov shouted as one.
Everyone-''FUS ROH DAH''
The same shout that Alduin threw at them was now coming back to him with an even greater force. Seeing as Alduin had no way to avoid it as he was still falling and was unable to use his wings, he tried to use the Thu'um in an attempt to avoid it.
Alduin-''WULD NAH KE-'' *BOOM*
Just before Alduin was about to use the Thu'um he got hit by the unrelenting Thu'um of the Companions, sending him barreling towards the mountains.
Then, as if everyone is in sync, all shouted the same Thu'um.
Everyone-''WULD NAH KEST''
Again the same Thu'um that Alduin tried to use to try and escape was instead used as a means to close the distance as fast as possible with everyone attacking from all sides.
Thus started the biggest battle that not many people would even have heard about. The battle that would mark either the continuation of mankind or the end of mankind.
AN: Herro, just saying, I don't exactly know much about the GOT series therefore it's gonna be a heavy AU ff. I still somewhat know that major plotlines and stuff but keep your expectations towards GOT characters low as I might not be able to extract their 'essence' persay. And with the Companions, the characters won't act the same if that makes sense since I haven't played Skyrim in a while and forgot how they act etc.
Anyway Buh-Bye