
Chapter One : new frontier

I stand here alone in a vast wasteland, nothing as far as the eye can see with only the stars dancing freely upon the sky taunting me from above. Is this my fate to forever be chained looking up?

???:Young Master!

I suddenly jolt from out of bed still dazed I turn left and see my attendant

???: young master Jin you're finally up, the family head called you for a meeting

Jin: Father wants to meet with me personally? Something seems way off Akio I don't even remember when the last time we talked

Akio: nonetheless Young Master you have to meet him

I get out of bed at noon and prepare for the meeting but all the while getting ready I can't shake off this bad feeling in my gut.

I head towards the main building where father's 2nd in command Feng is waiting to escort me in. As we're walking towards my father's room Feng starts talking

Feng: your late… again I would suggest breaking that habit

Jin: get off my back Feng beside what does father want to say to me that you can't say yourself like all those time he's barked orders

Feng: I suggest you watch your tongue your only 6th in line for succession and not to many allies I'd try not barking like a mad dog

Jin: You!

Kaifuku ryoku: Jin!

My father's voice pierced through the door, holding in my anger I had inside

Kaifuku: your late

Jin: whatever

Kaifuku : pack up your heading to Hiroka island for a meeting

Jin: wasn't Liu suppose to go

My father without taking his eyes off of his paperwork he dismissed me with Feng quickly escorting me out the building

Jin: hey hands off me

With a shove I was out of the main building without that asshole even looking at me. With no choice I head back to my room and pack up…

*thud* *thud** thud*

I open the door to see Akio waiting there

Akio: How was the meeting young master?

Jin: that asshole didn't even glance at me and sent me to Hiroka fucking island

Akio: isn't that far out from the mainland? going with you

Jin: Hiroka is a lawless island it's to dangerous

Akio: I insist!

Jin: Thank you Akio

Me and Akio set off towards Tandem island but during all the travelling my mind began to wander, isn't this meeting supposed to be for the direct successors and senior disciples then why send me? Is this another way to say that my time doesn't matter!? I start getting angry from the disrespect I keep having to put up with but my thought process was interrupted with the sudden arrival at Hiroka island at midnight

As I enter the meeting room I see Khan Vindi the 1st son of the Vindi household he wears a black gi with and a purple silk robe Sitting down impatiently tapping his feet in a hurry and across from khan is Shiha wearing a black robe with a symbol of a pink plum blossom on his gi an outfit for senior Mount hua sect disciple. Khan angry erupts after spotting me at the door, getting up from his seat and walking towards me

Khan: Liu! Where the hell have you…

With khan taking a second glance

Khan: who the hell are you

Jin: Jin ryoku, I'm the sixth son of the ryoku household

Khan: What! Where the hell is Liu

Jin: I don't know I was just told to come here

Khan slams his fist on the table

Shiha: how barbarically typical of the Vindi house

Khan: Wanna run that by me again?

Khan placing his hand on the handle of his sword glaring at shiha

Shiha: gladly

Shiha gets up, eyeing his opponent ready to draw his sword anytime but the standoff is interrupted by an earthquake on the island shaking the furniture and bringing down some chandeliers AKIO! He's waiting outside!

I bolt out the building but the tremors stop and see the bright sky each of them blinking in and out of the sky's easel dancing carelessly in space I was lost in a trance looking at them until they got brighter and brighter dancing more and more ferociously I reach my arms out towards the dazzling night sky hoping hoping that I could-

???: Hey, wake up!


Water dumped on me jolted my awake

Shiha: you're a hard guy to wake up, you know that?

Jin: What happened?

Shiha: why don't you look for yourself

Shiha pointed behind me and as I turn around what I expected to see was the mainland but I instead see a large grass land with all sorts animals I never knew existed and a lack of human life

Still dazed, I look around my surroundings. The previous stone floors are now covered in moss, the trees grew thicker and the air itself feels different. Is this my chance to free myself? To break away from my destiny and dance among the stars unrestrained?

Akio: young master, you're safe!

Jin: Akio

Akio: Yes?

Jin: Whatever the situation is there is one thing I know for sure.

Akio: What's that?

Jin: A chance to break away from our destined path, a chance to Create a new path and start anew. Are you ready?

Akio yes Young master

Jin: no more formalities we are no longer master and attendant we are now brothers

As I extend my hand Akio waste no time to take it with unyielding trust in me

Akio: yes Jin I'm ready

Shiha: well if your done with your speech khan already went with the last ship with his goons and left us small boat

Jin: I guess we better hurry up then and head towards the main island

I get on the boat with Akio and Shiha ready to head out to the new frontier
