
Butchers castle pt. 1

"Jack?! Your guests have arrived."

I shouted to the earl. He was a kindhearted man of middle age. His round face was giving people a trusting impression. Although it was solem most of the time one could see a happieness in his eyes. When he came into the hall one could see his enormous body, he was... He was to put it bluntly realy fat.

"Evelyn, Dear let them in, I cant wait to see them."

I opened the door to the thronehall. The man comming through the doors was the old mayor of a village nearby. Wearing a old worn out suite and coupled with his skinny figure he looked quite pitiful. His face was dark with wrinkels all over. He walked limpingly with a cane in his left hand.

"Earl, please... please... please.."

"Speak ur demand" The earl answered without showing any emotions.

"This lowly subject of you is asking for a little social support. The taxes are high and the harvest was bad this year so we barly have enough to eat. We ar-"

"Hmm.. Maybe i really could offer a little help. Afterall if the people are happy, i am happy" said the earl deep in thougths.

"Evelyn?!? What do you think about the idea of celebrating my birthday as a public holiday? We could organize a banquet with free food, wine and mabye some dancers. And musicians of course. Evelyn do you hear?"

"Yes master it would be possible."

Of course it was possible. With the resources the earl provided for free it was done relatively easy. It didnt take long to organize a festival for the earl that can help the poor. A week later it was done and the party was starting.

We realy did go all out. There were musicians playing beautiful music on a small stage. Dancers were giving performances as stunning, as the ones u would see in national theaters. Nearly the whole village was present. The elderly were sitting laughing and drinking the wine we offered. The children were running around chaoticly. They were making the people they met at their wild games smile in adoration. The grown ups and some teenagers where joining the dancers to dance in a crude amateurish but happy way. Some were blushing while asking their crushes for a dance. At one corner of the castles yard was a magican, making everybody gasp in astonishment the moment he let the cards disappear and reappear.

All in all it was a great festival with everybody drinking and laughing.

When the party was at a high late at nigth I, dutifully like i was, went out of the masses of people and made my way to the lords bedroom. I wanted to prepare it for his lordly sleep. Today i was especially careful to not make any mistakes. The master was in a realy great mood all day.

After i was done with all the work I happiely mademy way back. I was fullof anticipation. Now I could finally enjoy the party without being held back by my work. I was humming a happy tune and smiling while I stepped into the bailey.

Looking around my smile froze instantly.
