
The future

Back in country S, things were going great between the couple that seemed to be on a honeymoon. They cooked together, cleaned together, took walks together and bathed together and had a lot of love making. It wasn't like they had work or school to go to so they spent a lot of time getting to know each other and trying new things as a couple.

Chris would go and train with one of the bodyguards to avoid slacking off and Lily joined as well to learn self defense and practice shooting different guns, the training was for In case she got caught all by herself then she could fend off the culprits.

They were not bring too much attention to themselves and so they made no friends, the bodyguards couldn't emphasize their safety enough even Uncle Dan would call to lecture them about safety. They had gone out for an afternoon movie and got back home at night around 9pm, they drove back in the disguises that they had picked earlier for the day, as always lily was her usual bubbly self and Chris followed her around like a love sick puppy that had fallen blindly in love.

They got home and took a nice long shower together then helped each blow their hair dry, off to bed they went, with the excitement still present they started to talk and reminisce about their childhood. "My father went to war in country Z when I was pretty young but he never returned, his body was never found" Chris said with a little chuckle. His father was reported missing in action for many years and every time he went to enquire about him he was told that he might've been dead already but there was no proof so they couldn't have a burial or get government grants from his father's estate. Truth was that his father was alive in country Z, he had gotten injured and captured by the enemy and then forced to spill information about his country C, his father was stubborn an old ox and never revealed any secrets of his government.

The only reason why they kept him alive was because he had amazing marital arts and gun skills, the general that captured him admired his talents and made him train the younger generation of soldiers.

He loved teaching the youth and they reminded of his son every day, a son that he might never see again, he thought that his family must think he was dead and broken hearted so he started plotted a way out of the enemy base and out of the country and back to his wife and kids. He did manage to get out of the army base but couldn't leave the country because the army kept looking for him and sent assassins that always failed . All that was of course was unknown to Chris, to him his father probably died a hero and was buried in an unmarked grave like many soldiers in enemy land did. "Do you think your father would've liked me?" Lily asked while lying on his broad chest. "Of he course would, my father was a rebellious soul, you guys would've clicked right away!" Chris assured his girlfriend. Chris remembered the story of how his parents met, his mom was actually from a somewhat rich family and his father's family was just average or poor in the eyes of the rich. They were in no ways a match for each other and Chris's grandfather from his mother's side forbade his mother from seeinghis father.

Just like most forbidden love stories they kept seeing each other in secret until Chris's mother fell pregnant with Chris. When old man found out Chris's grandfather gave his mother an ultimatum, to either abort the child and move to another country and marry another rich business man or to keep it and be exiled from her family forever, she obviously chose to keep Chris and marry the man that she loved. Chris has actually never met his mother's family he did not know what they even looked like or where they lived. His mother was so strong headed that even during the times when they were down she never thought to go back to her family and ask for help, they'd only judge and remind her of the life she chose, so she shielded her kids from her family and basically kept them a secret.

"If your father appeared, what would you say to him" Lily asked again with curiosity.

"Well ...I'd say, I looked after mom and my two sisters like I promised I would but I didn't do a good job at it" he said. As the only son and the oldest the responsibility of being man a provider and protector fell on him, he worked since he was young helping his mother to pay some bills and buy food. It's only when they moved to his grandmother's house that things got better and easier for him, he still sent money home when he moved away and put himself through school. His mother always told him that he should live his own life and find love and be happy, that's all she wanted for all her kids so when the time came to live for his love his chose to run away with his girlfriend instead staying behind like a coward. His parents inspired him and he wouldn't want to be a coward, that's why he asked lily out even when he knew that she was way out of his league, today he was lying in bed with her telling her stories of his parents and his childhood, indeed his dreams had come true. Lily listened to all of Chris's stories, she was happy to hear the happy stories but at the same time her heart was in pain, she never knew what a happy family was like or what it meant to be loved by parents, those things were foreign to her. She wondered about the future, she wondered if she would be a good mother to her kids like Chris's mother was. She wanted to be strong
