
Cold And In Love

Christmas breaks is almost here and so is a new student from Maine. There is something weird, but breathtaking about this new girl. You and your friends decide to invite her to a camping trip into the haunted forest near Wood Heights. Upon entering the forest weird things start happening and 1 by 1, your friends start to die. Can you stay alive? Can you protect your friends? Can the girl you start developing feelings for feel the same way?

iceonfireyt · ホラー
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Welcome to Wood Heights

The year is 2001 in the small town of Wood Heights with a population of no more than 3,000. It was a cold and snowy morning, with temperatures as low as 15°F. You could see the soft white snow covering houses, trees, cars, and anything else in sight. Even small ice sickles could be seen hanging off the gutters of houses gleaming from the bright rays of the sun. Among several of the streets within the city you could hear the laughing and joyful sounds of children and even some adults who are enjoying the chance to be a kid while playing in the snow. "Kids it's time to go home, you have school tomorrow," can be heard from someones mother. "Come on sis, Mom says it's time to go," a teenager says to his little sister. "But Wade, can't we stay longer?" says Wade's sister. "Come on Ruby, you know we have school tomorrow. We need to get some sleep, but don't worry sis, tomorrow is the last day of school before Christmas break is here." Ruby sighs in defeat and follows her brother back to their mother. "There you kids are, lets go sweeties. You can come back and play tomorrow after school." Wade and Ruby get into their mother's car and sit in silence for the twenty minute car ride back home. Upon arriving at home, their father can be seen hanging Christmas lights along the gutters of the house. The bright red and green lights can noticably be seen amongst all the white snow on the roof and gutters like fresh paint on a blank canvas. "Hey kids, did you have fun at the park today?" asks their father while he strings up more lights. "Yeah, it was cool I guess," says Wade while Ruby jumps up and down with pure delight and joy on her face. "Me and Jane made a cute snowman and made snow angles Dad!" Ruby says with excitement in her voice. "Thats sweet Pumpkin," Dad says. "Wade, you know you could show a little excitement every know and then," his father says with some sterness to his voice. "Whatever Dad," Wade scoffs "I'm just ready for basketball season to start after Chirstmas break." Ruby and Wade walk towards the front of the house, ready to get out of the cold with their mother following right behind. "Be careful Hun, we don't need you going to the hospital this year because you think we need the lights hung up outside again." Mom says before entering the house. Four hours later Mom calls out that dinner is ready, "Dinner is ready guys." Footsteps can be heard on the old and squeaky wooden oak floors. "Ruby, no running in the house!" can be heard from Dad's gruff and booming voice. Before heading for dinner, Wade stops at the bathroom and peers into the mirror. His short dark brown hair compliments his dark brown eyes. His eyes being such a dark brown its almost impossible to see his pupils. He also has a partial grown goatee, that looks as though he keeps it groomed and well maintained. Upon looking further down, you can see the lean muscular figure he has due to years of basketball and weightlifting at school hidden underneath a Boston Celtics jersey and black shorts he wears for pajamas. "Wade, hurry up, your dinner is getting cold," can be heard from his mother calling. Wade shakes his head and leaves the bathroom to eat dinner with his family. "So son, have you decided what you will be going to college for?" asked his father. "Well I'm not too sure yet Dad, but maybe something in the medical field." His mother and father smiled at him, both knowing he always wanted to go into the medical profession. After eating dinner, Wade went to his room and closed his door to isolate himself from his family. Wade always enjoyed moments were he could be by himself even though he loves his family, they can be a bit overwhelming and tiredsome. His parents constantly question him and persist that he tell them what is going on in his life. Wade lays down on his full sized bed and pulls out his phone to text his closest friend and teammate Tyler. After texting back and forth about how their days went, Tyler sent a message that spiked an interest from Wade. "Hey did you hear, a girl from Maine is transferring here!" Wade was curious about what Tyler was saying. He asked if Tyler knew what the new girls' name was and Tyler replied with "Zoey." After another hour of texting Wade decided to get some sleep for school tomorrow, throwing his phone on the near by nightstand and plugging the charger into his phone then quickly falling into a deep sleep.