
Coke - A Love Story

Can a writer fall in love with an Idol? Well...it all started with a Coke. Ari, an eighteen-year novelist heads toShanghai for her debut book signing. Not long after does she find out that Vanilla, the famous C-pop boy group was staying in the same hotel as her! And as circumstances intertwine, each of the members gets to know a little about Ari. Slowly and then all at once.

Aaliyah_Salia · 若者
26 Chs

Chapter 22

I switched off my alarm and sat up. I couldn't sleep at all last night. Just thinking about the nuisance that took place boggled my mind. It's also super frustrating that I can't talk to Kai because he doesn't have Wi-fi or data. Can't he just get one already?

I got ready and went downstairs. However, before I could step into the kitchen, I heard a familiar voice that froze me in place.

"My mom is a little busy now Aunty, but you can talk to her in an hour or so."

No way…He is here?

"Okay, till then let's count how many wedding cards we would be needing." Mom said.

I quickly hid behind the wall and peeked in the kitchen. Bai He and Mom were sitting at the table.

Why the heck is he here again?!

Bai He, you are dead--

"Oh, Ari, you're awake," Mom called out and I wish I could just stab myself with a knife because I didn't hide very well.

Bai He looked back at me and waved gleefully. "Morning, Ari."

I stood upright and walked directly to the fridge.

"Should I make pancakes for you and Kai?" Mom asked. "Kai, you haven't eaten your breakfast yet, have you?"

"No Mom--"

"Aunty, can I take Ari out to breakfast?"

I shot a look back at him but he ignored me.

"Oh, sure honey. Ari, go and get ready."

"Mom, I'm not hungry…" I mumbled.

"What?" She asked and I knew she heard me but if I tried to argue with her, she would definitely get annoyed and I'm already tired of fighting her.

"Nothing…" I closed the fridge and walked past Bai He. "I'll be down in a sec."


I changed into my sweatshirt and jeans and went down. Bai He was sitting in the living room, and mom was nowhere to be seen which was a good thing because I wanted to talk to him.

I kept a stern expression and crossed my arms tightly. "Bai He, why are you doing this to me?" I asked softly.

He frowned, "Didn't I tell you yesterday? Because I love you."

"Why…" I sighed and tried to suppress my irritation. "Why do you suddenly love me? You know that I and Kai are together then why--?"

"Ari, can we go and get breakfast first? I'm hungry." He said, cutting me off. The tone in his voice told me that he didn't want to prolong our talk about this matter.

Like hell I would let it slide off that easily.


"Oh, you guys still haven't left?" Mom suddenly appeared in the living room with a book and a pen.

"We were just leaving, Aunty." Bai He smiled at her and then turned to me. "Let's go?"

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We walked silently to the nearest restaurant for breakfast. iHop. We sat in a booth and I grabbed a menu and went through the list of items for breakfast. I didn't really have an appetite but because Bai He must be hungry, I decided to order a thing or two.

Guys, I'm not heartless, okay? As a human being, I can't see another of my species starving.

"Did you see what you want to order?" I asked.

"Yeah." He nodded.

I called the waitress and she hurried our way.

"Morning darlings, what can I get you both?"

"I would like to have some scrambled eggs with toast and--" I looked at Bai He.

"Pancakes." He said to the waitress with a gentle smile.

"And anything to drink?"

"Two hot chocolates," I answered.

"Awesome. I'll be right back with your orders." She said and left us both.

I looked at Bai He and he looked at me back. I wanted to ask him so many questions.

Why? When? How?

But I was also afraid because I had no one to support me. I wanted Kai to be there for me. To be here beside me right now.

Why am I with Bai He now?

This is so wrong…This is so not right…

"Are you mad at me?" Bai He asked, evidently breaking the awkward silence.

"Do I look happy?"

He shrugged.

"Why Bai He? Please tell me. Why did you not tell mom the truth? Why are you being like this?"

Bai He sighed heavily. "Didn't I tell you that yesterday already, Ari? Why do you keep asking me the same question?"

I recalled Bai He's unexpected words. "Isn't it obvious? I love Ari."

My cheeks turned warm and I quickly looked down at the table.

"Since when?" I asked softly.

"Hm?" He hummed.

I looked at him irately. "Since when did you start…" I swallowed my anger and tried to spit the word out at him. "To like me…?"

He frowned thoughtfully. "Since your mom misunderstood everything."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you're funny, you're beautiful."

"That's it? You can find a dozen girls in LA who are funny and beautiful--"

"I don't want those dozen girls. I want you."

I pushed back my hair and exhaled heavily. My heart was now thumping against my chest. I wanted to run away but something was stopping me.

I didn't know what.

"Don't you care about Kai's feelings?"

"I do."

"Then leave me for Kai."

"I can't do that."

"Bai He, I don't love you, okay? Are you okay with me marrying you while I love someone else? Someone that's close to you?"

Bai He didn't speak anything. He just stared at me as if he was registering my words in his mind. Pondering over them word by word.

Just then, our order had arrived. The waitress placed the food on our table and left. We didn't touch our food yet.

"Ari, will you do me a favor?"

"What?" I asked anxiously.

"Will you go out with me?"


"Just for today. Spend the day with me and I'll settle this matter once and for all."

I froze for a minute.

So, If I spend my day with Bai He today he will tell mom the truth…If that's all he's asking for to untie the knot then…

"How do I trust you?" I asked. "What if you're just playing me?"

"I promise," He said sternly. "Just give me your time."

I was hesitant because this was an unusual favor. Nonetheless, I nodded because I wanted the pieces to be in their perfect places.

"Perfect." He smiled and began eating. "Oh, but there's one condition?"

"What condition? You should have said there would be conditions before I nodded like a solar toy!"

"You can't speak or think about Kai while you're with me." He winked and took a big bite of his delicious looking pancake.

I rolled my eyes and sipped my hot chocolate. Like that would happen. I won't even tell him if I'm thinking about Kai or not. I scoffed. How would he know?


"There's more?" I whined.

"Think of today as a date. Let me think of you as my girlfriend and let me hold your hands," He took another bite. "These pancakes are really good!"

I placed down my cup of hot chocolate angrily. "Anything else, Bai He? Do you want me to massage your feet or press your shoulders?"

"That would be awesome, but no thank you, I don't want to tire those pretty hands of yours." He chuckled.

"You're killing me…" I mumbled. "But you can't break your promise Bai He. You have to be a man of your word."

He once more stayed mute for a while. And it made me wonder if he was just joking with me or what.

"Of course." He finally said, his tone soft and…sad.

Okay, why do I feel bad now? Why am I suddenly the villain now? I didn't even do anything! All I want is for the misunderstanding to be cleared.

I sighed softly. "So, where do you want to go next?"

He looked up at me brightly and I felt my heart calm down a little. Maybe I was over-thinking stuff. Maybe Bai He really isn't a bad guy and maybe his feelings for me are true…No! Ari, what the heck are you thinking?!

Kai is waiting for you. Solve this problem and marry him already!

I tried to avert his gaze.

"Can we go bowling?"

"Sure," I said, biting into my toast.

"Awesome! I'm excited."

So am I…

I guess.

"One more thing…How come your mom agreed for this marriage?"

Bai He chuckled. "It was actually my mischievous cousin who picked up the call. She is older than me and always looks for ways to get me in trouble."

I rolled my eyes. "Makes sense…" Because if Bai He's mom had picked up the call, she would surely have dropped by to L.A to sort it all out.

I mean, wouldn't any mother.

"But," He continued with a smile. "I'm sure once my mom meets you, she wouldn't mind me marrying you."

I was speechless. I had no idea how to respond to his cheesy or corky lines.

All I could do was gulp my hot chocolate and choke on my own frustration.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Aaliyah_Saliacreators' thoughts