
Code Geass FF

This is just a guy who reincarnated to Code Geass. the mc knows he reincarnated because the reincarnated identity had not died. Updates are 7 chapters a week. Please support me on P a t r e o n. You will get 20 chapters more in advance if you do. p a t r e o n.com/SoldKlad001 without the spaces and make sure to follow the big and small letters. This Fan fic is already planned out although crudely and I plan to finish this one before trying to make an original. I need support and motivation though, that's why.. P A T R E O N Edit: I only have one tier in my Pat reon now.

soldklad · アニメ·コミックス
359 Chs

Code Geass FF chapter 37

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You are asking why Marianne won already?

It's because it was ruled out already that doing a direct hit in the chest part of the knightmare frame counts as a win.

Specially since we are just doing a mock battle.

Even if the knightmare frames are sturdy. It will still have dents and other damages in it's electronics or mechanism as such we didn't make the winning condition to hard.

It will really be a shame if the knightmare frames are damaged too much specially since it's only two days aways from the planned schedule.

The other units didn't even get to do mock battles with each other because they weren't allowed.

In fact, we were only allowed to have a mock battle because we pestered Charles and CC enough.

We moved our knightmare frames to the maintenance area before getting down and talking to each other.

"That was a nice fight Alister!" Marianne said still with excitement and adrenaline.

She still calls me Alister, she decided to continue doing so after knowing that my first Identity was named Alister too.

"Yeah! Although the movements of the knightmares are too stiff and inflexible. It seems I need to make a better control system." I said with excitement too because of adrenaline.

"Can you do that?! It would be better if you can make it possible to do kicks and acrobatic stunts! And also I think it will be good if we had swords!" She said quickly and excitedly.

I replied "Yes. Hmmm... I will do it later after Charles becomes king.

I think it's not too much to take on the position of the head of the scientific research department of our country after helping him right?" I said with confidence and smile.

"I think so too! And with that position, you should be able to make my exclusive knightmare frame, right?!" She said with more excitement than before.

"Yeah, I think I do, although it will still need some approval from Charles at that time. Anyway, just support and help me to get the position." I said with my excitement.

Just thinking about making better knightmare frame and maybe even moving to making mobile suits later is making me so excited!

My blood is pumping!

I am feeling so giddy right now, just thinking about it.


"Of course! You can take my word for it! I promise! Just don't forget to personally make my exclusive knightmare frame cause if you do, hehehe..." She said solemnly and becoming a bit ominous at the end.

"Hey, don't worry. I promise to do it. Besides, I really do want to make a better knightmare frame after all." I said while doing a thumbs up.

"Hmph, you better." she replied while faking a fierce expression.

"By the way, What's your position in the operation two days later?" I asked because I really don't know much about the plan because any results is fine to me.

As long as the result makes war then it's good.

Whether Charles becomes a king or not, it will always result in a war against other countries.

It may be because of instability if Charles failed and It will be because Charles announced war when he succeeds.

That's why I just followed the task assigned to me and didn't bother to join them in the planning.

I know the general over view of the operation though.

I just don't know the specific details.

"I was supposed to just block the front gate of the palace with my Ganymede, it is so that the enemies can't bring any big guns inside or gain a huge amount of people for reinforcements." She said thoughtfully.

That's quite good because the enemy doesn't have a knightmare of their own right now so they really wouldn't be able to pass through Marianne when the time comes.

They also can't use specifically large weapons like tanks or rpg's because it might hit the palace when Marianne dodges those.

"What about you then?" She asked curiously.

"Huh? You don't know? I thought you three planned everything out together?" I asked with puzzlement.

I really thought that Charles, CC and Marianne did all the plans together.

Specially since Marianne is our military specialist right now.

So she had to know all the positions of our own forces when the operation time comes.

She will be the field commander at that time after all.

"Yeah, I didn't know. We can't decide where to put you when we made the plans because your joining of us is quite abrupt.

We also don't know what you can do to help in our current situation and plan.

We can't just make you take a position suddenly, you know~." She said in 'a matter of fact' way.

"Oh right! I forgot that you guys don't have much information about me. We also don't have much time to be together for you guys to know more about me huh." I said thoughtfully with a hand on my chin in a thinking position.

"That's right! That's also why VV was so furious before. Because he was the one who was so excited about the plans.

Now we had to change some things and he wouldn't be able to remember most of it.

Not being able to remember is the main reason for him to be mad though." She said while dissing on VV like it was the most normal thing to do.

VV really seem like the type of guy with high testosterone level.

He seems to be someone who likes to be the one doing the fighting.

Right, I remember that he really did fight in code geass anime canon himself.

His knightmare frame at that time isn't even a humanoid and doesn't even look like a knightmare frame at all.

It was like a huge mobile armor from a gundam anime.

It was spheroid in shape and had spikes all over it. It can even fly.

The things operation system was quite advance though.

Only needing the consciousness of the pilot to command the mech to move.

It seems it is possible to do a man to machine mind connection here in code geass.

I should research that.

Fortunately, I did invest on Biology part of science in my research institute in America.

- word count 1053 -

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