
Code Geass: Azure Prince

Claudius El Britannia, The 4th prince of Britannia, A person who wasn't supposed to exist was in fact a transmigrator. Armed with future knowledge he would control it for his benefit while not entirely changing the timeline.

9yearsoldkid · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs


Shinjuku Ghetto

Lord Michael Smith prided himself as a member of the Britannian military, as a pilot, and as a member of the pureblood faction.

He loved and believed in his country to be the greatest in the world.

Born to a minor noble family, he chose the honorable profession of being a knight and a knightmare pilot to fight the empire's enemies and raise his status in the world.

His goal was to be a loyal soldier to a pure Britannia while stopping the corruption of the military by the numbers.

Honorary Britannians what a disgrace they were animals that didn't deserve the privilege of serving the empire as equals to pure blooded Britannians.

But now he must punish the elevens who thought they could run and hide from their divine punishment.

So he and his forces set off to destroy and close this hole in their encirclement.

After a few minutes, later Smith and his men found what looked to be a well put together relief center that was packed to the brim with terrified eleven's.

While the perimeter had a dozen Sutherlands looking like they were guarding the place protecting the elevens.

"Disgraceful they ignore their duty and let those filthy elevens live despite his highness's order." Smith spat out as he saw the situation he would deal with shortly.

"Attention fellow Britannians by order of Prince Clovis Viceroy of area eleven I order you to assist in the eradication of vermin behind you," Smith announced over his knightmare's loudspeaker.

The terrified families of elevens huddled together terrified but the Knightmares didn't turn instead they each raised their guns at Kewell and his squad.

"Sir, unfortunately, are orders are to protect all the personal who happen to be Britannians giving aid and medical attention to the local population if you perform any more hostile actions toward the people behind me I along with my men will be forced to intervene."

Dumbfounded at the opposing knightmares response Smith's face twisted into an angry scowl.

"And whose orders take precedent over the viceroy, a prince of the empire, I'll see you and your commander court-martialed you, filthy eleven sympathizers. "

"Will you now?" A disembodied voice asked.

Looking for the source of the voice Kewell spotted a Knightmare anyone in Britannian army especially a pilot should know. Merlin the personal Knightmare of the 4th Prince Claudius.

The prince was already considered one of the best pilots in the Empire but combine his skill with a sixth generation Knightmare like the Merlin and he became an unstoppable one-man army.

Coming through the parting crowd of the camp was the prince himself accompanied by what appeared to be a purple Gloucester and six more Sutherlands further outnumbering his squad 5 to 1

Smith had conflicting feelings about the 4th prince like many in the pureblood faction.

He respected and admired for the skill and prowess of the prince as a commander and pilot, but disagreed with many of his policies and decisions, as they seemed to go against everything the purebloods stood for.

It made no sense as to why the prince took such pity in the numbers and allowed them to join the military.

"So what was that about arresting me again?" the prince's voice broke Smith out of his thoughts as he was now in front of him with his forces at his back, guns still trained on his squad.

"Your Highness, I apologize, please forgive my behavior." Kewell quickly apologized trying to save face after insulting the Prince inadvertently.

The prince seemed to ponder his words for a moment while Smith was on tooth and nail waiting to see if he would be forgiven for his insolence.

"Well, Sir Smith I order for you and your men to stand down, disengage, exit your Knightmares, and allow yourselves to be taken into military custody for your actions. Refusal to follow these orders shall be met with the lethal force do you understand?"

"But my lord there is a battle going on not to mention we need every man we can spare to find the stolen poison gas." Smith pleaded sounding desperate to escape punishment.

"That's not my responsibility" The prince replied to me while looking as if he was looking at a trash. Thinking of this I couldn't help but gnash my teeth.

"Mary, take Sir Smith and his men into custody and take command here, I'm going to end this little fiasco they call a battle."

"My lord please reconsider me and my men could be of use."

Before Smith could continue he was silenced as he found his Knightmare on its back and disarmed of his rifle that was now pointed directly at his cockpit.

And towering above him holding said the weapon was Merlin and Claudius himself who disarmed and neutralized Smith before he could react in under five seconds.

All Smith could do was think what happened as he was defeated and disarmed by a pilot not even using a weapon.

"I'll be borrowing your weapon Sir Smith." The prince then sped off on his own entering the ghetto like a lion searching for his prey. Leaving Kewell with his wounded pride while he and his men were disarmed and taken into the custody of the 4th prince's forces

Claudius p.o.v

As I sped through the abandoned and ruined streets, I was relieved that I was able to stop Kewell before he tried to kill all the people there and that so many were able to get to the safe zone I set up.

But as I continued further in I saw that not all were so lucky as the streets were littered with corpses from mass executions to some only being in bits and pieces by being cut apart from knightmare fire.

Although I grew accustomed to the bloodshed through years of combat, it never got any easier to see the uncaring brutality that my country used against its foes.

Although the national policy was to attain victory at all cost in the name of the emperor and the glorious Empire of Britannia. I ignored that and even stood against other commanders and generals who suggested actions against innocents whether they be civilians or unable to fight back.

I said it was my code of honor that I would never harm the life of an innocent, and those who do should be not considered soldiers.

This policy extended to my forces in the Ouroboros Corps that were compelled to adhere to the same code of chivalry and honor that I did.

Clearing my head of meddlesome thoughts, I focused on the task at hand to disable any Knightmares I come across to stop the battle.

Turning another corner, I spot a lone Sutherland labeled as friendly. I doubted that, so I continued to charge it.

"Dam another one, this is R2 another lone Knightmare on the other end of Shinjuku I need help."Fool didn't even know he had his loudspeaker on while talking on the radio.

Sure enough, the Sutherland starting firing erratically, even without new type abilities dodging fire from this guy would be easy. I weaved back and forth dodging his bullets until I raised my Knightmare rifle and shot a few controlled bursts which landed directly on the head destroying his fact sphere causing the automatic eject to activate for the blind Knightmare.

Coming to an intersection, I saw and sensed the knightmares and their pilots in the buildings before they started firing. When they did I was ready I had already shot at the first building with the Pulse gun causing the floor to collapse under the attacking knightmare, and then I spun around to protect myself with the blaze luminous enhanced shield mounted on the left forearm as the enemy opened fire from my rear.

Then I returned fire with the rifle causing the pilot to eject after losing an arm and its weapon.

Feeling a tingling sense of impending doom from above my instincts and abilities kicked in as I dodged right as a rocket from a knightmare cannon exploded where I was moments earlier, and I leveled the Pulse gun and shot up hitting the knightmare's weapon causing the frame to become too damaged to fight.

Cutting through an open area, I was forced to dodge incoming fire from a group of Sutherlands ahead of me.

"Trying to overwhelm me with numbers huh, someone's learning, but."

I emptied my borrowed rifle taking out the first three with my gun then threw away the empty weapon reaching for my side and activated the sword.

The sword then slashed beautifully. So with one sweeping horizontal slice, the last three Knightmares were beheaded.

Causing the pilots to eject from there now headless Knightmares forced to flee from their trap.

"You don't have enough men or machines to overwhelm me, Lelouch."