
Clock Tower of El Corazon

DON'T READ THIS!!!! 不是真正的书

0Mashroom · ファンタジー
50 Chs

Mother's love

Someone walks into a room with a bowl in their hand and sees a little girl sitting in bed reading her favourite book. The child closes the book and turns to see the person, and her eyes begin to brighten with a gentle smile.

"Mother, what's wrong?" Before she could finish her sentence, the child coughed a lot. She asked the child at a gentle pace for a glass of water, and the child thanked her.

She began to drink it from her mother's hand, and the mother now started to feed the child with her homemade soup. As the child takes each sip of the soup, her face starts to show joy.

"Deloousis as ever, mother, what a great cook you are,"

"That's good to know. You better finish it because I took the time to make it as sweet as possible."

When the child finished the meal her mother had given her, she made a burb sound when she finished. His mother giggles as the two talks and bond together as mother and child.

"Oh, right, I forgot," her mother said as she turned around, held on to the small box, and presented it to her child.

"What is this, mother?"

"It's a box; try to open it."

The kid opened it with curious tiny hands, unwrapped itself, and found inside a small cake that smelled of baked cheesecake with a candle on top of it.

"I know this may not be enough, but it is still a cake for you. Happy birthday, dear."


"Heh, this meal sure does bring back some old times."

After finishing her meal, she sees the other residents have woken up from sleep. They have dark bags under their eyes, and some are even dozing off. after that whole plan was cancelled. And they were able to sleep for only a few hours.

As the other students finished their meals, they began to leave their empty used plates in the sink and went their separate ways with sleepy eyes. Dragging themselves, the boys appear to have slept well.

"Well, it's time for us to go," Lena said as she rose from her seat with the plate in her hands. As Alicia watched through the cafeteria as each student left for class, Theresia peeked in and saw Alicia alone at a table. She then headed over to the lone lady.

"Oh, it's Miss Theresa. What brings you here?"

"We have something else to do today. How's the meal that I made?"

"It was fantastic. It did make me reminisce about an old memory." Alicia said as she glanced over s out of the window and saw two birds on a tree branch.

"That's good to know. At least you're starting to remember the past and your identity."

"Is that a good thing?" She said that as Theresa was pushing the wheelchair out of the dorm, they began to walk. They finally stopped at a place that looked like a hospital. They continued to step inside, passing each patient's room for the time being until they reached a room. The walls have face glass on them from one side. It's a big room.

When they both entered the room, Alicia saw it and was silent for the whole 20-minute walk to this small hospital. Theresa let go of the wheelchair and walked toward the desk. She grabbed the lab coat from the desk chair and proceeded to wear it.

"Alright, you know why we're here, Alicia?"

"Ugh, to check me up?" Alicia tilted her head in confusion about what they were doing here.

"You are correct, and we will make those legs of your work walk again,"

The woman pointed downward at her two unworkable legs. She then opened her cabinet, brought out a cane, and handed it to Alicia.

"I'm not going to use that. Is that for old people!"

"You fool! With my guidance and with a bit of exercise, you could be able to walk with two feet soon enough, "

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, believed me, I'm licensed, doctor,"

"Hmmm... fine, I'll trust with your words," Alicia said, finally accepting her guidance.

"Good, come over here, and I'll check you up for now."

Alicia then pushes her wheelchair to move toward her for a checkup. There, Theresa begins to pull out pieces of equipment from her drawer and use them to check on Alicia's health.

"Hold on, what's that?"

"Oh, this is a stereoscope. I'll use this to check your heartbeat. Alright, then breath in... and breath out."

Theresa placed the drum between her breasts. As Theresa instructed, she listened carefully as the room became silent every time Alicia breathed.


After a long day of listening to lectures, the students are now free to leave the lecture hall. But they are a standard pair, holding a stockpile of papers containing essential documents.

"So, Ugh, how's your day?" Hugo asked the person who was beside him and who was also helping out.

"It's fine, same as yesterday, going to class, eating lunch, and going straight to bed."

"I never thought the famous Snow White had a normal daily routine."

"Does everyone call me that?"

Fiona asks Hugo, who calls her by the nickname of everyone who has approached her. This is an odd nickname for someone who isn't sleeping. The nickname "Snow White" comes from a famous folktale written by the Grim Brother in Germany.

"I guess so..."

"Humph, don't call me that; it is weird."

"Okay, my lady, heh."

"Whatever you say..." Fiona sighs in exasperation.

Her cheeks turn slightly red as she turns around to face the room with the word "faculty" written on top. When they entered the faculty, a professor tasked them with bringing these materials to her desk. When they finally finish the task, they are free to go. When they step outside the faculty,

New shedule i'll be uploading on tue,wen,th

If ya some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know. and also add this story to your library.

0Mashroomcreators' thoughts