
Classroom of the Elite: A tale of Nanaya

I had a dream. I dreamt of a chilly winter night. I dreamt of a pure round moon. I dreamt of pitch-black deep mountains. I dreamt of a feast of fresh blood. A young man stood there. ////This book and story is not mine. The original author name is 如倾如诉. Support the original author. I'm just a translator. Update will be uncertain cuz I got other two book I'm translating. Could be daily, I dunno. I don't own the cover either, just found it on Google. /////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · アニメ·コミックス
295 Chs

-67- Come to the office?

When the whole Class D was cheering for this, only Nanaya Hori, Horikita Suzune, and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka sat in the last row, looking at the class points posted on the blackboard, falling into silence.

The reason is simple.

If this month's class points are indeed like this, then the current situation is somewhat abnormal.

The students in the class are caught up in excitement due to the increase in class points and have not yet realized.

But this anomaly will sooner or later be discovered.

Chabashira Sae didn't remind them of this, just said, as if pouring cold water, "Don't get too excited too soon. The other classes have also increased their class points, so the gap between you hasn't narrowed."


Although Class D has increased its class points by 87, Classes A, B, and C have also more or less increased their class points, with none of the classes decreasing.

"As I said before, this is purely because of the rewards for the midterm exams. There won't be such a good thing next month."

Chabashira Sae said this and looked at Horikita Suzune.

"Are you disappointed, Horikita?" Chabashira Sae asked Horikita Suzune this question tentatively.

But Horikita Suzune showed no disappointment.

"While it's frustrating that the gap hasn't narrowed, it's not to the point of disappointment yet," Horikita Suzune said with her usual cool demeanor. "After all, I also gained something from this announcement."

Horikita Suzune's words drew the attention of the whole class, including Chabashira Sae.

"Gain?" Kushida Kikyou asked eagerly, "What kind of gain, Horikita-san?"

Representing the whole class, Kushida Kikyou asked this question.

To this, Horikita Suzune didn't hide anything and answered directly.

"Since there are rewards for the midterm exams, there will surely be opportunities for bonus points in various exams in the future," Horikita Suzune said frankly. "It's unlikely to increase class points based solely on daily behavior. Only by excelling in important exams can we significantly narrow the gap with other classes."


Didn't Nanaya Hori mention this before?

"In the S system, there must be rules related to the performance of each class in various exams, right?"

"If being late, absent, and various classroom behaviors are 'deductions,' then various exam scores must be related to 'additions.'"

"Next, the school will surely provide opportunities to narrow the gap."

Given this, exams are the best opportunity for competition among the four classes.

The 100 class points rewarded for the midterm exams prove this point perfectly.

This is Horikita Suzune's gain.

"So, can I ask a question?" Horikita Suzune raised her hand and asked, "When will the next important exam be?"

This is currently the most important thing Horikita Suzune wants to confirm.


"Didn't I say?" Chabashira Sae remained unmoved and said calmly, "Don't worry, what's yours will come to you."

This means that Chabashira Sae cannot answer this question.

"...Is that so?"

Horikita Suzune realized this and stopped asking, falling into silence again.

Nanaya Hori and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, sitting on either side, exchanged a glance, both expressing the same meaning in their eyes.

"It's time for someone to notice the 'anomaly,' right?"

That's what it meant.

And this time, the students of Class D did not disappoint Nanaya Hori and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's expectations.

"Can I ask a question too, Chabashira-sensei?"

Hirata Yousuke, as if trying to replace Horikita Suzune, also raised his hand.

Then, he made a very important question.

"Since our class points haven't been depleted this month, why haven't personal points been credited?"


That's the anomaly.

The students in the class also reacted one after another.


"If the class points haven't been depleted, why haven't personal points been credited?"

"This doesn't make sense!"

The students burst into noise one after another.

If Class D's class points haven't been depleted this month and there are still 87 points, then there should be 8,700 personal points credited to each student's student terminal in Class D.

But today, no one in Class D has increased their personal points.

If this isn't considered abnormal, then what is?

Addressing this point, Chabashira Sae explained, "Due to a slight dispute, the personal points for the entire first year will be distributed later this month. You'll have to wait a little longer."

Chabashira Sae's explanation left the whole class stunned.

Immediately, everyone began to complain.

"Later distribution?"

"Is this true?"

"Isn't this a mistake on the school's part?"

"This is causing us losses, isn't it?"

The students voiced their discontent one after another, filling the classroom with resentment.

Once they realized that the personal points, which they thought were gone, were actually delayed due to an unexpected situation, the Class D students naturally couldn't help but feel dissatisfied.

Even though each person only has fewer than ten thousand personal points this month, it's the same.

Especially Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken were extremely dissatisfied.

"Isn't this just playing with us?"

"Is there no compensation?"

"This time it's not our fault, right?"

Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken expressed their dissatisfaction one after another.

Chabashira Sae's response remained unchanged, regardless of what they said.

"This is the school's decision. I'm just a teacher and can't do anything. If you're unhappy, you can complain to the school. It's not within my responsibility."

Chabashira Sae shifted all the responsibility away.

"Once the dispute is resolved, the school will immediately distribute the personal points. Just be patient."

At this point, the students in the class couldn't continue to complain to Chabashira Sae, and could only reluctantly calm down.

And at this moment, Chabashira Sae changed the subject.

"Oh, by the way."

Chabashira Sae said abruptly.

"Nanaya, come to the office after school."

The sudden notice caught Nanaya Hori off guard.

The students in the class were also surprised and turned their attention to Nanaya Hori.

Under the gaze of the entire class, Nanaya Hori looked at Chabashira Sae with a puzzled expression.

Chabashira Sae didn't make any further expressions and kept his gaze on Nanaya Hori, seemingly waiting for his response.

Seeing this, Nanaya Hori could only nod.

"I understand."

After receiving such a response, Chabashira Sae ended the announcement and began to prepare for class.

Nanaya Hori picked up his textbook, but his mind was spinning.

What on earth happened?

Oh well, I'll confirm it after school.