

Reyna was asleep, well...half asleep because they wouldn't shut the hell up. She could hear faint footsteps, which were acknowledged in the back of her head but not given much attention to, after all she did live with 4 other people. But it was a voice that she didn't recognize that made her stir in her sleep. The first sentence her mind could make out was "....who wears make-up to sleep?" Her mind tried to put a face to the voice because there was no way they had a new addition....right?There was just no way.

"She isn't wearing any," a voice said back monotonously. Olekzander, her mind identified this time. "She's..." The new voice trailed off, the incomplete thought better left unsaid.


"Shut up."

From the corner of the room a scoff emerged."Jesus, Olekzander ,is this how we welcome friends? Where oh where are your manners?" Azura spoke up. Before anyone could go further, Reyna opened her eyes, simultaneously sprinting to the stranger and putting a knife to his throat."See, Olekzander?You could learn a thing or two from Reyna."