
Clara (Giantess History)

One of these days you wake up and realize that your soul is inside another body, as the days go by they give you the surprising news that you have a fiancee, but it doesn't end there, you live in a world where women are bigger than you. , so you have to get ahead at all costs and prevent them from discovering your identity.

perkiasKaterina · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 3 - Questions and Answers

Ahh~ I thought that playing the little house was going to wear me out, but it turned out that it wasn't, since the game started, everything has been quiet, but there is something that surprised me a lot, it was the fact that Clara started to get into her character very well.

Everything was going normally at the beginning, they put me in the little table that was in the center of the room, they moved my house to one side of me.

And I stayed to watch how the game progressed.

"Tock" "Tock"

Clara: Come in~

Alicia: Mommy! Daddy! I'm coming!

Alicia ran to Clara and gave her a little hug.

Clara raised her arms to receive her and hug her warmly, once she hugged her, she gave her tender kisses on her forehead.

Clara: Welcome daughter~

Clara: How was school? did you obey your teachers?

Alicia: Yes mommy, I behaved well with them and I also got good grades in my exams. -She said happily.

Clara: Jiji~ That's my daughter, you came out just as smart as your parents,

Clara smiled with a motherly smile.

Clara: Go tell your daddy, he will be very happy to hear you.

Alicia: Yes mommy, I will tell him.

Jack for his part, he was only less than a meter away from those two.

(Jack) I don't know what to say, I'll just pretend I didn't hear them and go on with the plot of the game.

Alicia: Daddy, Daddy, you heard everything, didn't you?

Jack: Yes, daughter, I heard everything (Obviously).

Jack: Just like your mother, I'm very proud of you my sweet daughter.

Alicia: Jiji~

Alicia came closer and put her face on the table.

Alicia: Cuddles~

Jack: Of course, you deserve it daughter.

Jack gave little cuddles on Alicia's cheek.

(Jack) This doesn't feel so bad, although I would have liked to give her cuddles if she was the size of a normal person.

Alicia: Hehe~

Alicia looked up and looked at Jack again.

Jack: How cute you look daughter.

Jack, upon seeing her closer, noticed something peculiar in Alicia's right eye, what he saw was that the pupil of her eye had a light blue color.

Jack: Hey daughter...

Alicia: Yes dad? -She blinked.

As she blinked, the color of her eye returned to normal.

Jack: Well... Nothing, I just thought I saw a mosquito around... Hahaha! -He laughed nervously.

Alicia: Fuchi, mosquitoes are disgusting~

Alicia looked around her surroundings.

Jack: ...

(Jack) Was it my imagination?

He kept thinking about that strange color in Alicia's eyes.

Clara: Don't worry daughter, if there are any insects, I'll squash them without hesitation.

Alicia: Yee! Mommy is great!

(Jack) For some strange reason I felt sorry for that insect.

I had a certain empathy for them.

Clara: Now, today we will celebrate your achievements at school today, as a reward I will go get some cookies for you.

Alicia: Thank you very much mommy, I'll be waiting for them! -She said with a little smile.

Then Alicia started bouncing around the room.

Clara: Jiji~ Okay, wait a minute, I won't be long.

Alicia: It's ok mommy.

Jack: Be careful.

Clara: Yes~

I saw Clara get up from her seat, and went to the exit of the room, and once she left, Alicia and I were alone.

Alicia: ...

There was silence on Alicia's part, she even stopped jumping and then turned her gaze towards me, but this time there was something different about her. It was the fact that she had a much more serious look.

Alicia: Ahh... -She let out a slight sigh.

Alicia: Where should I start.

Her tone of voice changed drastically, she no longer sounded so childish.

Alice: Look, we'll start again, what do you think?

Jack: ...?

I was confused by what she said.

Alicia: Hi, my name is Alicia, it's a pleasure to meet you.... Jack?

I couldn't make sense of what she was talking about, rather, it made me sound kind of stupid.

Jack: Yes... I know you're Alicia... ¿Y?

Alicia quickly changed her composure and spoke with a more angry tone.

Alicia: Let's cut the crap, I'll get to the point, you're not really my cousin or am I right?

Jack: ....!!!!

I didn't see that question coming, when I heard it, I automatically got very nervous, I didn't think she would ask me that kind of question, but what's more important, is the fact how did she know I wasn't the real Jack? Maybe she's just trying to guess, I must evade her or I'll be screwed.

Jack: This... I don't know what you're talking about Alicia...

Alicia: There's no need to pretend to be fake anymore Jack, I can see that your soul is occupying my cousin's body.

Jack: ....!!!!

This is the end of me!!! She found out my secret!!! Once I tell the others, I'm completely done for!

Jack looked from one side to the other in order to escape, but to his bad luck there was only his dollhouse where he lived, if he hid there, it was very obvious that Alicia would find him easily.

But a second idea came to him, and that was to throw himself from the table to the floor, maybe he would survive or die, but he would be lucky if he died at the first impact, he thought, since, if by a miracle he survived, a great variety of horrible tortures would await him from the women of the house.

Jack: ... -(Jack) Look hesitantly at the edges of the table.

(Jack) It's all or nothing.

I'd rather die, than live my whole life being humiliated.

Jack ran at full speed towards the edge of the table, a fall of that distance could kill him, but, an unexpected event arose, Alicia realizing what he was going to do, quickly caught him.

Now she had Jack trapped inside her hands.

Alicia: What the fuck did you think you were going to do, you crazy bastard!

She said with a great fury.

Jack: Please let go of me, I beg you!

I moved from side to side to get free, but every time I did, she squeezed me tighter and tighter with her hand.

Alicia: I told you to calm down! I want to talk to you!

Alicia's scream was so loud that it could even be heard down there.

Mirabel: It's all right up there!

My mother shouted from downstairs.

(Jack) It's over, once I tell, my life is over.

Jack closed his eyes and waited for his sentence to give him away.

Alicia: It's all right, Aunt, don't worry. -She spoke with a childish tone.

Maribel: Okay! I don't want them to fight or I'll punish them!

Alicia: I understand, Aunt!

When Maribel heard them, she went quietly to where Marta was.

Alicia: Uff...

She looked at Jack again.

Alicia: Let's go back to where we were, I just want to talk to you.

Jack: ... -She slowly opened her eyes again.

Jack: Are you serious?

Alicia: Of course I'm serious, look...

Alicia: Ahh... -She let out a slight sigh of exhaustion.

She put Jack back in the center of the table, she didn't want to risk him wanting to commit suicide again.

Alicia: Look, I won't say anything to the others about this little incident, nor the fact that you are someone else.

Alicia: But more importantly, you wanted to take your own life at a crucial moment, that's not right at all.

Jack: What can I tell you, put yourself in my position and you will see the enormous pressure I have to go through if I get caught.

Alicia: God... I understand your point, but at this point you don't have the luxury of committing suicide.

Jack: Why?

Alicia: Think of Clara, you damn fool.

Alicia: She will suffer too much if she loses you, besides, you would end up getting me into a huge problem, since I'm the one responsible for taking care of you.

What I was saying made sense, I was ingenious in taking my own life, but my nerves and the fear of being tortured prevented me from thinking clearly.

Alicia: Anyway, let's not deviate from the subject, the main thing is how did you end up inside my cousin's body?

Jack: Well... To be honest, I really don't know...

Alicia: Ahh... I thought so...

Alicia sat next to me, she thought about several things while she watched me.

Alicia: Let's see, you know what an airplane is, don't you?

Jack: Yes... -She thought for a few seconds, until she realized that question.

Jack: Wait!

Alicia: ...?

Jack: You said airplane, didn't you?

Alicia: Of course...

Alicia realized that she ended up giving herself away.

Jack: You're not from this world either, are you?

Alicia: You found me out, I'm not part of this world either.

She ended up accepting it quickly.

Jack: Wow... This... I didn't expect this...

I thought I was the only person to transmigrate to this world, but for some reason I'm relieved to have someone else from my own world with me.

Alicia: You look much calmer now, I like it. -She smiled slightly.

Jack: That's good to know... Hey, can I ask you some questions?

Alicia: Sure, but there are some that I can answer some and some that I can't answer.

Jack: Why can't you?

Alicia: Isn't it obvious? I'm not a know-it-all either, I'll just answer the questions I obviously know.

Jack: Right, I apologize.

Jack: Cof... First question: How did you know it wasn't the real Jack?

Alicia: Mmm...

She hesitated whether or not to tell him about her ability, but seeing as he can't do anything against her, so she'll make an exception.

Alicia: Well, I'll take a chance on answering your first question.

Alicia: The reason I knew you weren't the real one was simple, it was all thanks to my right eye. -I point to his little eye.

Jack: How?

Alicia: You see, when I activate my ability, the color of my eye changes to a light blue color.

Jack: ....!!!!

(Jack) Apparently it wasn't my imagination, I actually saw that she had a different color in her pupil, and to think I was going crazy.

Alicia: Once activated, I can see the stats of everyone I see, so I activated it out of curiosity to see what skills you had.

Jack: ....!!!!

Jack: Do I have any skills!!!? -He said excitedly.

Alice: Hee, no -She spoke without hesitation.

Jack: Shit...

Jack got depressed quickly.

Alicia: Well, back to the subject, it's like video games, I could see in one part of your statuses it said the word "Reincarnated".

Alicia: That's when I obviously knew you weren't the real thing.

Jack: Wow, that power is very useful.

Alicia: Not so much, it's only useful for that, it's not like it increased my strength or anything like that.

Jack: At least you have an ability... Let's go to the second question.

Jack: Does magic exist in this world?

Alice: Nel.

Alicia: So far, I haven't seen wizards or that there is magic present, so I can't tell you for sure.

Jack: Ohh... Oh right! I almost forgot.

Alice: What now?

Jack: Are all the men in this world small or just me?

Alice: For your bad luck...

Alicia: Well, all the men here are small, my father and uncle are the same size as you.

Jack: What?!

Alicia: Just like you heard, the men are dwarfs.

(Jack) My God, goodbye all my hopes of being a normal size.

Jack was discouraged (Again).

Alice: If it's any consolation, you were reborn into a family that loves you very much, you have good parents and a beautiful fiancée who cares about you.

Jack: I guess you're right... As long as they don't find out who I am, I think everything will be fine.... -He relaxed a little.

Jack: And as a last question is... How the hell do the women of this world end up getting pregnant?

Alicia was surprised to hear that, but at the same time she had a slight suspicion that Jack would end up asking that question.

Alicia: Well... Before I answer you, tell me, how long have you been here?

Jack: A few weeks.

Alicia: Are you kidding me?! -I look at Jack angrily.

Alicia: All those days off! Didn't you take the liberty of researching how pregnancies are done?!

Jack: I did but... It's too embarrassing, I didn't dare ask my mother, or even Clara.

Alicia: God... You're right about that, it's super embarrassing, but just for today I'll answer that question, because I'll need your help in the future too.

Jack: ...? -He looked confused.

(Jack) What do you mean by that?

Alicia: Going back to your question, well.... How to explain it...

Alicia was all red with embarrassment, she was having a hard time telling how sex works in this world.

Jack, on the other hand, was staring at Alicia.

(Alicia) Don't stare at me you fucking pervert!

He embarrassed the stuntman.

Jack: I beg you Alicia, please tell me, my life depends on this.

Alicia: God... If you put it to me like this...

(Alicia) It will be a very difficult task to explain to Jack, I don't feel ready to tell him in detail about the mating, but I will do my best to explain it to him.

Alicia: First... The woman must be in a comfortable position, preferably lying down...

Jack: Aha...

Alicia: Once this position has been adopted, the man must...

Jack was staring at her, Alicia was short of breath because of so much pressure.

Alicia: To get inside his partner...

Jack: Inside? Where inside?

Alicia: You know... Jack: Down there... In the genitals...

Jack: Is it possible?

Alicia: Of course you can, you asshole, no way you're going in the asshole.

Jack: ...

Jack: Hahaha, good one!

Jack couldn't take it anymore and burst out laughing.

Alice: Don't laugh, this is so embarrassing!

Jack: Sorry, we are very funny, but you're right, only an insane person would dare to enter that dangerous area.

Alicia: Ahh... -She brought her hand to her forehead, her head was hurting a little.

Alicia: Anyway, the little my father told me was... That once in there... He... Haaa! Fuck this! I give up!

Alicia ended up getting fed up with telling Jack.

Alicia: That's it! I'm throwing in the towel! If you want to know more, you'd better go to the library or ask your old man! These are subjects a lady like me can't say!

(Jack) Wow, I was right not to ask my mother and Clara, it would be a super awkward talk.

Jack: Come on, don't be like that.

Alicia: I said! Enough!

Those were Alicia's last words on the subject, so she walked away from me and went to lie down on the rug that was on the floor. She stared at the ceiling of the room waiting for Clara.

Jack: ...

(Jack) At least, now I have a slight idea of how the hell I have to do it with Clara, I just hope it won't be difficult.

I decided to relax anyway, I went to lie down on my bed inside my little house and wait until Clara arrived.