
Chapter 2 - Treats and visits.

It's been a couple of weeks since I arrived to this world ruled by giant women (or so I think), but I think I'm slowly getting used to their customs and slowly accepting their culture.

What I do find complicated is that mysterious method of mating that men have with their giant women.

That is one of the few questions that I ask myself and which do not let me sleep at night.

But anyway, leaving that topic aside, Clara is still a little bit angry for not having made me "One" with her.

A part of me says "Accept it" but on the other side, my instincts tell me "Danger", I have a crossroad inside my head because of that moment.

How I wish my dad was here with me, giving me advice on how to survive in a relationship with a giant woman, but now that I remember, my mom had told me that he was on a business trip, because of that, he is hardly home much.

Maybe I can ask my mom, about that sex thing, but.... It would be super uncomfortable for her to give me details of how she did it with my dad, just thinking about it, gives me some chills and a great deep respect to my old man, for having put up with such a woman.

While I was thinking, I saw Clara bringing the food.

Clara: Young master, here is your breakfast.

Mmm... Would it be a good idea to ask Clara how to have sex here?

Clara: A nice jelly~

-... -She looked at her jelly.

Screw it, Clara is a very spiteful girl, if I make a mistake, I might end up being subdued by her, because of the size differences, she can easily subdue me.

Mother: Clara, put aside the punishments for now and give my son a decent meal.

Clara: .....!!!!

Clara: But my lady!

Clara didn't want to stop punishing the young master, it seems too little punishment just giving him light meals.

Mother: It is an order Clara.

Clara: Yes...

Clara had no choice but to give him a good meal.

Clara: Here you go, a nice meat and some juice... -She said it with a tone of disinterest.

-Clara: Come on, Clara, don't say it with a boring tone.

Clara: Hump! -She pouted tenderly.

Mother: Stop fighting, you two.

Mother: Because I have an important announcement to make.

Both: ...?

What kind of announcement are you going to make? One that my father is finally coming back from his trip?

The young man listened attentively to what his mother was about to say.

Mother: Today in the afternoon, your aunt Marta will be arriving.

Marta? What a horrible name!

Mother: So I want you to behave and be polite in front of her, especially your son.

Mother: You must be nice to her daughter, I don't want you to teach her negative things or you will see what awaits you.

-Mother: Strong and clear mom.

Mother: I'm glad to hear that, now eat well son, I wouldn't want you to run out of energy, in case your cousin, wants to play with you.


I began to calmly eat the small pieces of meat they gave me, while I was eating, I tried to see if I could remember anything about my cousin.

To my bad luck, I have nothing inside my head, not even a hint of what she looks like, I hope Clara is with me in case my cousin gets out of control with me.

Mother: Son.

-Yes mom.

Mother: Before I forget, I need you to get in the bath, once you finish eating.

-Mother: That's not a problem.

Mother: I know, but we don't know at what exact time your aunt will arrive, so this time, Clara will help you in the bathroom.

Clara: ....!!!! -She was surprised by the proposal.

Clara: -What!

Mother: As you heard, she will help you.

-But... But mom.

Mother: No buts, you saw her naked that night, the only fair thing would be for her to see you naked too.

No shit!!!

I turned to where Clara was, to see if she opposed to my mother's decision, but to my surprise, she had a completely red face and also had a look that was looking into the void, it seems that my mother's words, were a complete bomb for Clara's mind.

(10 minutes later)


I finally finished eating, it took me longer than it should, maybe because I am nervous that Clara will see me naked.

Clara: ...

Clara lifted the dirty dishes from the table, and took them silently to the kitchen.

Taking advantage of the fact that Clara is not here now, I will try to change my mother's mind.

-Mother: Is it all right for Clara to do this?

Mother: About what?

-You know, her seeing me naked.

Mother: Son, you think what I'm saying is to make a joke, don't you?

-Mother: No, no, you know what you're doing.... I'm only seeing it from Clara's point of view, she must still be uncomfortable seeing me naked, right?

Mother: Ahh... -He let out a slight sigh.

Mother: Oh son, I can tell you have your head in the clouds... You still don't realize Clara's feelings, do you?


Mother: I leave it to you as a task, you must remember everything you did with her in the past, before I beat it out of you.

-Mother: Come on, don't be so hard on me, I do my best to make Clara feel good by my side.

Mother: And so it must go on, don't forget that Clara is your fiancée, I chose her precisely for you, so you can have a good family in the future.

Mother: Your father and I, we are still anxious for you to give us our future grandchildren, that is one of your most important tasks you have, you heard right.

-Yes... Mom...

I have to have a serious talk with Clara about the children, if she is happy being by my side or if she is being forced by my mother... No, I need reliable outside help.

I don't want to end up being punished (again) for not remembering anything from my past...

Mother: I wish you a lot of luck son, I don't want you to tell me that you don't want Clara anymore, or I swear you will get the worst possible punishment.

-Now, now, if I understood, mom, there is no need of so many threats, I like Clara and that is not going to change it.

Speak with a firm and clear tone, I will not be intimidated by my mother, even if she is a giant.

Mother: I see that you are maturing, that pleases me -He made a slight smile.

Mother: Now that you have everything clear, you have a great responsibility on your shoulders son, if you excuse me, I'll leave.

Mother: It shouldn't be long now before your aunt arrives, so I must be ready to receive her.

-Okay mom.

My mother rose gracefully from her chair and left. Leaving me alone inside the living room, I was still waiting for Clara to arrive, so she could help me get out of here.

-Uff... It was an intense talk with her.... I even thought she would yell at me....

I stared at the ceiling for a long time, until I saw Clara arrive.

Clara: Young master... Are you ready?

-Yes, let's go.

Clara: Yes...

I felt really nervous, even erotic things happened inside my mind, because of all this about Clara undressing me.

Once in the bathroom, Clara put me next to the sink and went to prepare my water to take a bath.

While she was busy, I decided to ask her what she thought about all this.

Clara: -Hey Clara.

Clara: Hmm?

-Are you really sure you want to do this?

Clara kept quiet for a few seconds, apparently she was thinking deeply, until she spoke again.

Clara: Yes... It's an order from her mother, so I have to obey her.


Once everything was finished, Clara approached me, with a slight gesture of her hands she took me and held me gently. We both stared into each other's eyes, while she slowly took off my clothes.

We were silent for a long time, until she got to the part, where she had to take off my underwear.

Clara: ...

You can see that she was undecided to take off my panties or not, she was very nervous in that last part. Even I felt the same as her, whether to take them off or not.

-Clara: Hey Clara, wait a few seconds.

Clara: ...?

-I've been thinking about it and what do you think if you stop now?

Clara: But your mother...

-I know what she said, but there's no need to go that far.

I started to cuddle one of her little fingers on her hand to calm her down.

-I'd like to be naked when we're both really ready, I don't like this whole thing being forced out.

-I don't like it to be a command to see me naked.

-Look, if you really want us to have a serious relationship, let's take it slow.

-Let's let our feelings flow as they should and not in the fast and disorderly way.

Clara looked me seriously in the eyes, I could tell she had doubts, even so, I need to give all my effort to convince her not to do something she will regret later.

-How about this, when we get married, we will do everything you want.

Clara: ....!!!!

Clara opened her eyes wide when she heard his proposal.

Clara: Really? Will you do everything I ask you to do?

-Of course, I give you my word as a man.

Clara couldn't hold back anymore and smiled.

Clara: Jiji~ I'll take your word for it, young master.

I think... I think I ended up taking a shit here, maybe I should have added more things in this deal.

Clara: But...


Clara: If you lie to me, I swear that you will become a red stain under my feet, once that happens, I will commit suicide so that we will be together forever in the afterlife.

What the fuck?!?

-Hehehe... You're joking, right?

Clara: Do I look like I'm kidding? -She had a serious look on her face.

-Hee... No...

I'm screwed... I have several threats from my mother and now Clara, with a demon, my life is at stake now.

Clara: Jiji~ Don't feel uncomfortable young master.

I place myself back in the sink.

Clara: Oh right, I almost forgot.

Clara: I'll go get your towel young master, I'll be right back.

-It's ok, take as much as you want.

Clara put my clothes aside and then came out of the bathroom,

-Well, it's time for the bath.

I bathed as fast as I could before Clara came again, and I wanted her to see me naked.

(5 minutes later)

-Finally, all clean.

Clara: Now it smells like shampoo~

-Yes, I needed to relax a little....

Clara: The shampoo I got you will help moisturize your skin, as well as help you get a warm sleep at bedtime.

-Clara: Hey, I like the sound of that.

Clara: Yes~ Jiji~ Wait here for a moment young master, I'll take out the clothes I was ordered for you today.

Clara: -Of course.

Clara put me on the bed and then went straight to her closet, there I noticed that she took out two little boxes that were wrapped with a thin transparent handkerchief,

Clara: The lady gave me two boxes for you, the first one is for visitors and the second one is a suit that you will wear on our wedding day. -She said this last thing with a romantic tone.

-I see...

These women really have everything ready....

-Let's try it on, let's see how it looks on me.

Clara: Yes~

Clara put the second outfit back in the closet.

(3 minutes later)

Clara: -Not bad, but...

It's not my style to wear Victorian clothes, it feels weird for me to have a very elegant suit, I also have to take into account that these pants tighten my buttocks.

Clara: Don't you like me young master?

-It's not that, it's just that, I feel it's a little tight.

Clara: Do you want me to stretch it to fit you better?

-Clara: No, leave it like this.

-I'll only use it for today, but if you stretch it too much using your strength, it's very likely to break.

-But thank you for considering it Clara.

Clara: Jiji~ You're welcome~

They both smiled at each other.

Clara: -Changing the subject~ What time do you think my aunt will arrive?

Clara: Mmm... Let's see, according to what her mom told me, the letter arrived around 8 in the morning.

Clara: The village where your aunt lives takes about 2 hours at the most to get here, so it shouldn't take long, I guess.

-Clara: God... Is it that far to where she lives?

Clara: A little bit. Don't you remember when we went to visit her?

-To be honest, I don't really remember that part, I've noticed that I've been forgetting one thing or another...

That's the only excuse I can say now, it would be a headache if I told you that I'm from another world and I have no memory of this body. Then I would be signing my death warrant if they found out.

Clara, upon hearing about the young master's memory loss, quickly approached him and looked him in the face.

Clara: Young master, is it true what you are telling me? -She said with a great tone of concern.

-Yes, well, it is a little bit, but there is nothing to worry about....

When I was about to finish my sentence, Clara suddenly interrupted me in an abrupt way.

Clara: This is not a game, young master!!!

Clara's loud scream, almost destroyed my eardrums, she is really worried about me.

Clara: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you.... -She was apologizing.

-Clara: Calm down, I have faith that I will not lose my memories, especially....

I approached and gave Clara a tender cuddle on her nose.

-As long as you are by my side, I will get them back.

Clara: Young master~

We both stared at each other, until she was slowly bringing her lips closer to me.


She is going to kiss me, it's my first time to receive a kiss from such a sweet girl, I still don't feel ready, my heart is beating too fast.

We were about to kiss each other, when we heard someone knocking on the door.

"Tock" "Tock"

Quickly we moved away, Clara still had her face very red as well as me.


As the door opened, I saw my mother come in.

Mother: Am I interrupting something?

She looked at us, and quickly noticed how nervous we were.

Mother: Ara~ It seems that your relationship became closer, I have a sneaking suspicion that I will have grandchildren in the near future~ -She said with a joking tone.

Clara: I... I will give my best... -She turned twice as red.

-There was no need to answer! -I reproached her.

Mother: You too, son, do your best to get Clara pregnant.


Mother: I won't take up any more of your time, bye~ -I closed the door again.

There was an awkward silence in the room, I didn't know what to say now with all this, I'd better decide to change the subject.

-This... Come on hurry us down.

-We don't want you to catch us by surprise again...

Clara: Yes...

We were about to go downstairs, until we heard another knock on the door, but this time it was the one down there.

Marta: Hello Mirabel! It's been a long time~

Mirabel: Same here, look what a nice dress you got.

Marta: Thanks, my husband bought it for me when we went to the plaza.

At that moment Alicia, Marta's daughter, came in.

Alicia: Good afternoon aunt~ -She curtsied.

Mirabel: Alicia daughter~ How pretty you look.

Alicia: Thank you aunt, by the way, where is my cousin? I would like to play with him for a little while.

Mirabel: He is up there with Clara, if you like you can go up to see him.

Alicia: Yes, I'll go see him right away! -She ran away at full speed.

Marta: What have I told you about running in the corridors! You could end up stepping on your uncle's feet!

Alicia: I'll be careful mom!

Marta: This daughter of mine...

Mirabel: There's nothing to worry about.

Marta: Are you sure?

Mirabel: Yes, right now my husband is on a trip, so there's nothing wrong with him running around the house a little bit.

Mirabel: Speaking of husbands, where is yours?

Marta: Unfortunately he couldn't come either, he was called to an urgent meeting, he needs to review some papers or something like that, I'm not very interested in politics.

Mirabel: It's a shame, he would have loved to spend time with his nephew.

Mirabel: Since my brother has always wanted a boy.

Marta: That's about to change~.

Marta lightly brought her hand to her belly.

Mirabel: Don't tell me.... -She looked surprised.

Marta: Of course, I'm pregnant~

Mirabel: Kyaa, congratulations! -I hug Hiromi.

Mirabel: Are you really sure it's a boy? You know how hard they are to detect.

Marta: I am really sure, I went to the doctor and he gave me the news that it will be a boy.

Mirabel: That's great news, let's celebrate it by eating some small desserts.

Marta: Thank you Mirabel, you are very kind.

Mirabel: What can I say, you are my brother's wife, I am also excited that another child is coming to the family.

Mirabel: Go, have a seat, I'll go prepare something delicious too.

Marta: Thank you~

Mirabel was very happy for the good news, she prepared everything since Clara was busy, but on the other hand, she still wanted her son to have a healthy and happy relationship with Clara.

(In the meantime)

Alicia: Hi Jack! -She ran to see him.

Seeing that little smile, makes me feel a little happy, I don't know why, maybe this boy's body would bring him nice memories from the past.

While Alicia was getting closer, Clara suddenly pulled him away from her cousin.

Jack: ...?

Alicia: ...? Jack: -Confused.

Clara: Please, Miss Alicia, behave properly.

Clara's tone of voice suddenly became strict.

Alicia: Oh?

Alicia: What's wrong with your cousin wanting to hug you? We are family after all.

Clara: I'm just keeping him from hurting the young master, that's all.

Clara still refused to give it to Alicia.

Alicia: It's just a little hug, I won't hurt him. -She stretched out her little hands.

Clara: I can't leave it in the hands of a child.

Alicia: Tch! -Clara: I can't leave it in the hand of a child.

Alicia: What can you tell me, you are already a lady compared to him.

Clara: ....!

Clara: When she heard the word "Lady", a vein sprouted in her forehead.

Clara: I'm still young, miss.

Alicia: Yes, of course, 26 years old is a desirable age to be single and young.

Alicia: If you don't hurry, it's very likely that my aunt will find a much younger and more beautiful partner for my cousin.

Clara: NO!!!

Without thinking twice, she opposed the idea.

Clara: The young master told me that he loved me and promised me that we would be together!

She was clinging too much on Jack's words, she would avoid at all costs to find another woman for Jack.

(Jack) I don't like the way this conversation is going, it's better to change the subject quickly or these two will end up fighting.

Jack: Hey Alicia, what do you say we play something you like.

Alicia: Mmm~ Sounds good, how about we play mommy and daddy.

Clara: Denied. Clara: -Happy without thinking about it.

Alicia: Now what...

Alicia looked annoyed.

Clara: It's a childish game, there's no way we can play it.

Clara protected Jack inside her hands.

Alicia: But I'm 10 years old...

(Jack) The way you talk, it doesn't look like it.

Clara: No, and it's still no.

Clara: End of story.

Clara was slowly leaving.

Alicia: Even if you are the mother and my cousin is the father?

Hearing that proposal, Clara stopped halfway.

Clara: If you put it like that, I don't think there's anything dangerous if I keep an eye on both of them while they play.

She turned around and went back to Alicia.

(Jack) Oh god, I thought I got him off.... I hope the game doesn't get intense.
