
'Gold' attracts more than just wealth

The crew moved further down the cave towards the spring. It was Greg who gasped first, and the rest followed as the middle of the spring became visible to them.

A beautiful white waterlily was growing there. A white orb in its middle emitting a dazzling white light. Hundred of little firefly like insects swarmed around it. The spectacle was simply breathtaking.

"It's a Nymph Lily." Greg softly whispered, as if trying not to disturb the scene.

After several tens of seconds of the group just staring at the scene, Theodore decided it was quite enough.

"What's a Nymph Lily, Greg?"

Greg frowned "It's a a lily m'lord. It's very precious. Every season it replaces its petals. The petals are worth fortunes because they are said to have extreme healing properties."

"There are also various legends about these lilies. I remember one of them quite well. It was said that a divine goddess descended upon us. Legend say she was bored of the divine realm and wished to learn about us humans. After spending various lives among us. She fell in love with a blond man called Gaia. Gaia loved her deeply and devoted his life to her. After a decade or so, he learnt about her true nature. She told him about her background."

"In the end, Gaia turns old. Afraid of dying and leaving his beloved he pleads with her to take him to the divine realm. She told him this was impossible. Mankind could not sore the skies and join the divine realm. "

"Gaia despaired and lost his mind in the final years of his life. In the end, he became insane and in madness, he hatched a plan to rob her of a part of her divinity and forcefully elevating him to a deity."

"He took a dagger and dipped it in a mix of poison. He then stabbed her in the back. She never expected to be stabbed by the man she loved so dearly. As she was struck, she fell to the ground bleeding. Gaia then promised to cure for the poison, of she departed with a part of her divinity. She had no choice but to accept this wicked deal! If she were to die, it would have too great of implications!"

"As she rips a part of divinity from herself, she gets the cure from Gaia. Gaia was overjoyed that he could now become a deity, he would no longer die! He would join the divine realm and become immortal!"

"However, the poison was quickly treated under the effect of the antidote and her divinity speeding up the healing process. Before Gaia could fuse with the divinity, she kills him in one fell sweep."

"Apparently, she cried for 7 days and 7 night because of the turns of events. In the end, a pond of water had surrounded her. She decided to leave the world, but not without leaving a parting gift as a remembrance of the pure love she and Gaia once shared. She inserted the severed divinity in the seed of a waterlily and left it in the pond she created with her tears."

"Well, it's just a legend. But it stuck with me. Anyways, the Lily is like a gold mine. Its value is incredibly high. It's like the chicken that keeps laying golden eggs." Greg smiled.

"What about the other herbs along the cave walls?" Theodore asked

"They're also pretty uncommon and should rake in a hefty fortune. Just that they can't compare to the Nymph Lily. Some of those are also in hot demand and should be easily to sell to merchants for good profits. You really struck it rich m' lord."

"That's all well and good, but, I think that I now know why there were people active around here before..." Theodore sighed.

This remark put everyone in a contemplating mood.

A gold mine was a huge boon to any territory, but they all knew that was only so if they could protect it!

"Don't let any word out about our discovery. I will have to start planning for ... various scenarios." Theodore spoke heavily.

Did father's vassals know? His father most certainly didn't. Or did he?

He wouldn't be sent here by his father if he knew. He was practically exiled. But what if his father did know and used this as a ploy to replace his vassals... But why would he not have said anything to Theodore then?

The vassals had to know. They all had to be in agreement to share no info as well. They had their own people installed here, so the locals were unaware. They even claimed there was nothing to be found after their 'survey'.

Four vessels were appointed to reign the territory, changing representative every four years. It suddenly makes sense these four didn't argue with father to have more vassals send a representative to the barren territory. They probably all made good profits on this cave.


Regardless of who's into it. They're going to come for this 'herb-mine' regardless. The income simply can't be ignored.

I'm going to need to defend this. I need this income to grow my territory... I want working plumbing! A toilet that flushes! Damnit!

I guess... I have two choices.
