
Chrysanthemum of Love

Jaynee Jill was a girl that really loves chrysanthemums flower. Her dreams were to have her own shop flower. Besides that, she has the ability to make perfume. She uses her favorite flower to make her own perfume. Jaynee Jill was a lovely girl that always have joy and a simple person. She only has a mother and her two siblings name Jerald and Joyce. They always support her whatever she wants to do in her life. They believe someday Jaynee will achieve her own dream. One day, she going to a big city to find a job. She actually applies to some companies that produce perfume. At there, she lived with her best friend's name Louisa for a while. She really feels grateful to have her friend help her from start. From the beginning, her life was liked as whats she planned. Until that day, she meets with Louisa's brother that she long time didn't meet. Louisa's brother's name was Lewis Simon. He works as a doctor. Jaynee's life gonna change after she knows Lewis was has a crushed to her for a long time. She didn't know that Lewis will fall in love with her. She at first didn't have feelings for Lewis until someday she knows what her heart wants and what really her feelings to Lewis. But, there was something that happened when she wants to accept Lewis into her life. One day, she knows that she suffering from kidney disease. She really feels sad and heartbroken. She didn't want to make troublesome to anyone. From the beginning, she didn't know what to do about her life. She feels lonely and feels sad inside her heart, even though she has her friends, family, and Lewis who always with her to through it all. Will Jaynee survive with her disease?? Will Jaynee still accepts Lewis's love? Will her love and Lewis gonna be together forever or just go in their own way?? Will their love gonna be like the chrysanthemum of a flower that means for the devotion of their lives?

refinnej_iaru93 · 都市
8 Chs

The twist!

That morning, Jaynee going to work as usual. She already prepared her letter of resignation.

"Hi, Mike! Good morning... "

"Hi, Jaynee, Good morning too" Mike say to her with a gloomy face. He knows that Jaynee wants to resign from there as he knows what's happens to Jaynee's condition.

"Mike, can you show me your smile. Don't give me your gloomy face. It's doesn't show your handsome face. " Jaynee tried to tease him.

"How can I give you my smile if you want to leave me alone here."

"You still have many people here to assist you and help with your job. "

"Yes, that true! But not as good as you. You were so brilliant at your job. I know you really like to produce your own fragrance here." Mike still trying to persuade her to stay there.

Jaynee just smiles to hear the words while arranging her stuff into the box on her table.

"Jen... can you think about it again? Why don't you bring your mum and your siblings here? So that you can manage them and your job here too. I can help you to find a better hospital for your mom. "

Jaynee stop for awhile arranging her stuff and she look into Mike.

"Mike... I really appreciate your help. I wish I can manage my own life as per your told. But... my mum really needs me with her there, she actually just waiting for her time..." Jaynee said to Mike with her teary eyes.

"I'm really sorry Jen. I didn't mean it, I just want to give you the best solutions for you and your family."

"It's okay, not your fault. " She smiles at him.

"If you don't mind, may I know what's disease your mum's suffering? "

"Actually... she has kidney failure and her heart also not too good. She starts suffering it when I was in high school. My dad already passed away as he got an accident at his work. But now, I just only have my mum and my two siblings. They still in their elementary school."

"I'm really sympathetic to hear about your family Jen. I'm sorry that I didn't help you when we were in high school before. I really didn't think about that."

"No... no... you don't have to say that. It's nothing to do with you. It was just my life stories. I will fight it on my own."

"You really an amazing girl that I know. I like your spirit. You really have a strong heart, Jen. " Mike give a praise to her.

"I need to be stronger for my family."

Mike come closer to her and hug her. Jaynee was surprised.

"I accept your resignation Jen, but whenever you want my help, I will come to you.''

Jaynee just giving her smiles and nodding to Mike.

"Okay, we meet later after I finished my work."

"But... "

"No excuses! I want to treat you for dinner as your farewell okay?"

"Emm... okay, but can I bring Louisa to join us?"

"Okay, sure! I also want to meet her too."

"Okay! See you later tonight. " Jaynee going out from her office as she has done for her resignation.

On that night, Jaynee having her dinner with Mike and she also bring Louisa along with them.

"Jen... are you serious that Mike invites me too??" Louisa asks Jaynee as she actually feeling nervous to see Mike later.

"Yeah! I told him that I will bring you too."

"You ask him? Not him the one who invites me??"

"No! He also wants to meet with you too. He wants to see you also. Didn't you remember that I told you that he wants to meet you?

"Of course I remember, but... "

"Why I feel that you trying to avoid Mike? Did any happens to both of you?"

"Nope! What's your nonsense, Jen!" Louisa trying to calm her feelings.

Jaynee just laughed at Louisa as she teasing her.

After fifteen minutes, Mike arrived at the place called The Daffodi Flower Bar Cafes.

"Hey, girls, sorry I'm a little late. I got a lot of works before well as Jaynee didn't be my assistant anymore. So I need to settle it on my own." He gives a glare to Jaynee and pinching her cheeks.

"I'm sorry!'' Jaynee raised her hand as a sign of sorry to him and gives him a smile.

"It's okay, I'm just kidding!"

Louisa just keeps quietly beside Jaynee as she sees both of them teasing each other. She admits that she feels a little jealous of them. But she tried to keep her face to smiles to them.

"Comes, we sit down here"

They sat down at the table and Mike casually take a seat beside Louisa. She feels surprised that Mike sits beside her. Jaynee just smiling to see them.

''So, you two just order what you are like. Today my treats!'' Mike said to them.

''Wow! That's really good. Thanks, Mr.Mike!'' Jaynee said to Mike and Louisa just to give her smiles.

''Li, what you like to eat?'' Jaynee asks her.

''I just eat whatever you order. I'm just fine.'' Louisa actually feeling awkward and a little shy with Mike beside her.

After several minutes, the food ordered has arrived. As they begin their eating, Mike asks Louisa.

''Louisa, how's your work? I hear Jaynee said that you just started your job at the bank right?'' Mike ask Louisa casually.

''My work?? Oh yeah! It's good, just a little need to be more patience as my boss really a strict person.'' She answers Mike's question with a little trembling voice.

''Oh...I see'' Mike just ended his words until that.

Jaynee is just busy eating her own food. She feels that Louisa and Mike really need some space for them to talk with each other. Then, suddenly Jaynee got a phone call. She going somewhere to answers her phone. Louisa just giving her a glare to asks her.


''Hello, Jaynee?''

''Lewis? Why did you call me?''

''Can we meet right now?''

''Right now?? But I'm outside now, I have dinner with Louisa and Mike.''

''Mike?? Did I know him?''

''I don't think so, but why you say like that? Did you know Mike too?'' Jaynee asks him with curiosity.

''Just send me your location, I pick you up there.''

''But...'' Jaynee didn't finish her words and Lewis just off his phone.

'Argh! Whatever!'

Jaynee going towards Louisa and Mike.

''What happens?'' Louisa asks her.

''I need to sees Lewis for a while. You two can just keep eating here okay.'' Jaynee makes a sign glances at Louisa. Louisa just nodding her head. She knows that her brother gonna make her move today.

''Lewis? Louisa brother right?'' Mike asks both of them.

''Did you know Lewis too? I mean both of you kinds of asks me the same questions.'' Jaynee was really curious about Mike's reaction. There must be something going on between both of them.

''No, I'm just asking. After all, I'm your senior right, and I remember that he also coming on both of your graduation days. I see him at that time.''

''Oh yeah! I remember it! Mike really did meet with my brother at that time.'' Louisa still remembers that time.

''Oh...I see, okay.'' Jaynee just nodding her head after hearing that.

''Okay guys, I going out first, you two just keep going okay. And also Mike, if you don't mind, can you please send Louisa going back home later?''

''Of course, I will.''

''Thanks, bye Louisa. I will call you later.'' Jaynee gives her a wink smiles at her friend. Louisa just gives her a glare.

After Jaynee left there, both of them feel awkward with each other.

''So, can we talk after this?'' Mike asks Louisa.

''Talk? Didn't just now we talking?''

''Not here, at somewhere. You wait for me in front, I go pay first.''

Louisa at that time really feeling anxious. She didn't know what should do with Mike alone. She suddenly remembers before when she did make a confesses to Mike. She still feels really embarassment about that incident for a long time.

After half an hour, both of them arrived at the playground near their university.

''Why you bring me here?'' Louisa asks Mike.

''I need to explain something to you and I want to confess to you about my feeling''

''What?? Do you want to confess? About what?? I mean, at this time and at this place?''

''Yes! I want to tell you the truth.''

''What's the truth? Did you want to make fun of me confess to you for a long time? And with the same place also?''

''No! Not like that. I know you feel disappointed because of me, I know that I make your heartbroken at that time but, I really sorry to you. I just didn't know what actually my heart really wants. I know that I just rejected your confessing without thinking about that before, I'm really sorry about that.''

''So, what are you want to tell me?'' Louisa just holding her eyes to become teary.

''I admit that, when you make a confessing at me at that time, I just falling in love with Jaynee. I only look at her.''

''I know about that.''

''You know?''

''Mike, I'm a girl too. We have a sixth sense on our minds. So whatever you do, I know that you only want to take Jaynee's attention. You really didn't look at me even for a little at that time. I just take my bold confession to you at that time. I know you love my friend, but I still make myself brave to make a confession to you.''

''I'm really sorry to you. I didn't mean to just give rejection to you. I actually feel guilty for you until now.''

''It's okay, after all, it was already past. I'm okay with that.''

''Did you forgive me?''

''Yeah, I forgive you for a long time. But...!'' Louisa just stop her words and give a sharp look at Mike.

''But what??'' Mike asks her with curious.

''Tomorrow you must accompany me to attend my company dinners. Actually, they want each of us to take a partner,so...actually I have too many other guys that want me to going there with them but I just don't like it. These dinners also must compulsory especially for our new staff like me...so...''

''Okay, I will. I will be your partner tomorrow.''

''Are you really serious??''

''Yeah, I'm serious!''

''But, can you just pretend to be my boyfriend? I mean just pretending. I know we just being a friend right? I hope you help me at this time. I promise I don't have any feeling at you anymore.''

''Okay...okay. I'm just okay with that. Don't worry, I help you this time.'' Mike said to her gently.

''Mike...thanks for that.''

''No, it's my pleasure. Anyway, we are friends, right?

''Oh yeah, friends!''

Both of them just going back from that place. On the way going home, Mike and Louisa just be silent inside the car. Louisa actually feels that she finally feels at ease with Mike but her feelings towards Mike actually still growing in her heart. She really trying her best to control her feelings for Mike. She knows that Mike will never like her or even love her. She only can hide her feelings for Mike.

''Li, we already arrived.''

Louisa still didn't hear that Mike called her.

''Li? Louisa?''

''What?'' She asks shockingly.

''We already arrived at your home.''

''Oh, okay. Sorry, I'm going out now.'' As she wants to go out but she stuck because her seatbelt was still unopened.

''Are you okay?'' Mike come closer to her and open for her the seatbelt.

''I'm okay! See you tomorrow! Bye!'' Louisa going out quickly from Mike's car and run faster inside her house.

Mike just laughed to sees Louisa like that. 'She really cute!'